Johnny Galt
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@MarkKol I encourage you to consider the question, what is art? and with this I'd look to the asiatic and european philosophical and spiritual systems. To clarify, you can look else where to find what I speak to and yet I've found we have a lot to see in looking in those two directions. From what I'm seeing, this word art, it speaks to much more than the art of today. I'd say we have lost knowledge coupled with that we are working from a corrupted understanding and perception of what art is, of what the ways of the artist involves. Here's a fascinating series of lecture on opera; some say art was originally a part of ones initiatory process. https://chicagognosis.org/the-secret-teachings-of-opera.html
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@At awe I liked it back in the day when I read it. There are aspects I agree with and disagree with. I'd check it out. The book, the Fountainhead, it is a little more straight forward and I found it an easier read, it's also quite an epic story. In the book, the character John Galt, he high jacks the airwaves and talks to the world. I think it was around 70 pages! The publishers told Rand (the author) to shorten this, and this woman, back in the 50's told, she them to shove it and she got want she wanted. That's bold. This appears to be the speech. I'm not sure if it's all of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDOfOu2_hkI I'm attempting to persuade people to look in a certain direction and to consider new possibilities, but ya, I'd agree with what I think your suggesting; that it's not for me to think for others or to tell others what to think; maybe I'm playing on a fine line here. - am I getting you right? Feel free to call it out and keep me in check. -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Benton @At awe Yes, Benton, I got what you were doing, I dig it At Awe, good name first of all, secondly - after reading the book, what would your thoughts be? That's a great question. After reading this book, this new story of humanity, you would realize how vast you are and how vast the human being is; you would realize the synthesized unity between you and the earth, you and the sun, you are one; within this realization you come to see the refection of the cosmos you be, a reflection of god, here in form and body. Note the phrase we use to call our selves; human being, etymologically there's quite a story. With the Hu and the Ma (manas, matter, man, men) I see spirit, breath, mind all within the space of god, and yet that's all within the phrase many use to call ourselves, human; we speak a profound word and yet we have no idea. We speak books, not "words". Bringing this conversation back to this new story, this new book, a never ending journey. In this book we use the internet more consciously and in turn we play a game, it's called player many. There's the movie, player one, but then there's, player many. With that in mind, consider the game, Plato Simcity And Our World, it's a blast. I'm hinting towards something? what is that something? It involves an orientation, a collaboration, and in turn we write a grand story; in turn we put down the tv and it's movies and gaze in awe at all that we are; we are the story of all stories. The End Then again, it's the never ending story, so that can't be... -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Carl-Richard do better then mocking and laughing at people; really what's point of even posting? shouldn't people be allowed to view what they view? or is that only when it's acceptable to you? With that said, people are free to mock and laugh at me, that's your freedom and yet I think it's time we all step up our game. -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Huh, did she just say that? did she just say, we are fighting for a NWO? Yup. Think that through... With that said, have you seen the film, Fog of War? -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Benton @At awe Who is John Galt? Well some would say Henry Ford, but also note, I am Johnny Galt. The character in Atlas Shrugged well, he was the artistocrats/elites (parasitic kind) vision of a hero. Note, they all hung out at gults clutch waiting for the world to fall, while being the ones who created the conditions that brought it forth; that's left out of the book. Their intent was to come back to society and build, and build in their own imagine. I however, view them and their vision as anti-life, and "elite" they are not and so I have other plans. As there are sickly "elites", there are also pro life elites and they are well aware of what has been happening for some time. They have been preparing and working within the power structure for some time preparing for this day. The question is, are we going to join them, and do our part where we stand? @Preety_India At the moment I won't say anymore in regards to the story that has popped up online. With that said though, consider the following Imagine we are in story. We have been passengers for sometime. We woke up and became writers of the script. If humanity, if enough numbers began to do this, the tides would turn and a new world would be born. If this was our story, how would it look? This is for us to decide and choose. I'll be posting more in time which elucidates what this poetry speaks to. In the meanwhile, rest in your heart and ask these questions, what is the story of humanity which involves a great change, a great transformation, a great uniting and building; how would that look? -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Neuroknot Its in your blood indeed! Get your thinking cap on and see what new ideas perculate to the surface. -
I'm looking for feedback, suggestions, or, play devils advocate. Could a country grow it's own food? Could they grow an abundance of it, region to region? I see that this would generate work all across the country, food would be cheaper, and we'd lower c02 emissions (because we'd have less food shipped to us from all around the world) Could this be done? How could it look? What are the roadblocks? Or, why wouldn't this work? Thoughts?
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I'm still trying to make sense of it myself. There's more information that I saw which came with these links and yet I don't have any evidence to verify the claims that were being made and so I won't say anymore in regards to that. With that said, consider how much the "department of defence of the USA" has donated to labs involving "working with pathogens" in the Ukraine and then consider the amount of propaganda that has come from the Ukraine. I'm seeing truth and lies all wrapped in one and yet it's the amount propaganda, I've never seen anything like this and I've seen much over the years. It tells me something huge is going on beyond that which the public is being told. Here's one of many examples: https://mobile.twitter.com/velzaresp/status/1498045102681477131?s=10&fbclid=IwAR3hpYHQ-itW8kvWubL9cOyY571CeO2v-tp-y7y_ba_Co7EaDn1Cuf81BIE Note, my view on this is the people of both Russian and the Ukraine, they are unfortunately caught up in something bigger then just a war between countries; my heart goes out to them both. -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Neuroknot No. It begins here and now with this dialogue and Argentines play a good soccer (football) and so you're good in my book The earth depends on us to take radical action, it is in need of our help, and so I urge us all to stop waiting, and to start thinking boldly, regardless of the odds, move in a direction that inspires and in turn this will draw others towards you into the circle, and in turn we become an unstoppable force. If Messi or Maradona did not go for gold with all of their being would they have become the superstars that they are? would they have defied all odds? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UjTZA4XmDc -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Neuroknot No, don't apologize, we must take obstacles and barriers into account, deconstruct them and look at it from all angles. I believe that in first world countries you have many like the two of us, and we are tired of deception and deceit, corruption and fraudulence, and I'm sure if these changes were transparent and above table, we could keep each other in check. Note, if a country were to do this and they had an abundance where costs went down and our health went up, this would create a ripple effect of generosity and in turn it would become contagious. I'll say it again and again, to the doubters and naysayers, we only know what we know, the world we see is not a reflection of our true nature, our true state, this can all be done, it's just a matter of will, belief, and persistence, and in turn, it can be done, in turn it will be done. -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Neuroknot This is good input. I've considered this and my thoughts are that, if hypothetical I was PM of Canada, I would work towards being more sovereign and yet at the same time I would look at how the other countries would be effected and in turn I would work towards helping them transition towards being more sovereign themselves; and so yes, this would require an international effort. Many world leaders keep talking about the concerns for global warming and yet if we do not become more sovereign then any sort of cataclysms which affect one country, in turn they will drastically impact many others due to our inter-dependance on goods and resources. A good example is of how many countries are dependant on Russia for natural gas. What happens if shit gets really crazy, this could cause troubles for us all And so to turn this back to food, if one country has a great cataclysm and yet other countries are dependant on it for food, then it creates a problem for many. However, if more countries are abundant, if one has issues, then the others can easily help out due to their abundance. -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Yarco The reason I speak about creating a national/global movement, is because of how easily the masses are fooled and directed towards objectives which sound good yet when in reality they are not. An example would be the UN's Agenda 2030 and their intent to achieve 0 emissions; It's similar to covid. Their objective may sound nice and yet how they intend to get there, I don't actually think it will work and nor do I think they offer good ideas for getting this done, and yet many will be easily persuaded to move in that direction, and in turn the group will be pressured to, "be in this together". I'd suggest you take a look at all the articles on line which are suggesting we use digital passports/ID (built upon the vax pass) as a tool to manage peoples activities so that we lower c02 emissions. There's many articles exploring this idea. Here's an interesting website https://www.carbonpassport.eu We'll attempt something which is ridiculous (0 emissions) while at the same time, the way we go about it, will be just as ridiculous. This leads back to one of my intents with this focus on food which is to find a way to unite people which involves us coming together to build a new infrastructure across a nation and world wide. There are some who intend to do just this, build a new world, and yet considering their ideas and associations, I would rather go off into the bush and live a simple life; problem is, I like people and so I'd rather stick around and see what we the people could do. -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Yarco No, your analogies, they are not cringe. Your words and attitude is appreciated! -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Yog Yes, the menu would change and there may be less variaty of foods. With this said, I'm sure if countries who are in close proximation, they could still collaborate and grow enough variation that we'd get all we need and some. @puporing Looks like a great channel. I'll be subscribing and taking a closer look @Roy I never knew that/thought of that. You might find this video interesting. They grew mushrooms in the impossible environment. @Yarco I hadn't thought that part through haha, but now that I have, ya, it seems like an inefficient way to grow food; food for thought I'm going to look into oyster mushrooms now! Overall, I think you're on the right track in that we can keep it simple and still produce an abundance while at the same time food is all around and it's just a matter of identifying this. My question now, to you all, is why aren't our governments pursuing all of this? Our governments (Canadians/Americans) send billions to other countries all the while our infrastructure is becoming more and more destabilized. We are so dependant on nations from around the world and yet both of our countries, we have a profound amount of resources. Also, both our countries are moving towards attempting zero emissions and yet all the while we continue to work within an infrastructure which has us receiving food from all around the world; this is quite the contradiction. Feel free to tell me why this is and yet the questions I'm curios about, is how can we pressure governments to address this? while at the same time, how could you create a national movement (or continental/planetary) which can get the attention of the masses? I imagine if we put our minds together, collectively online, we could construct and build through collaborative dialogue and conscious use of the internet, new paradigm (s) which could assist us in making this happen. It's just a matter of will and belief and I see that it could be done. Again, take a look at the video above and of what was accomplished; that which was once perceived as impossible. I see that we only know what we know, and so sometimes it's hard for us to think beyond this, and yet, I believe we have barely scratched the surface of what humanity is capable of. Thoughts? -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Carl-Richard And from the sounds of your comment, I'm getting the impression that growing an abundance of food in Norway would be a challenge. I'd love to hear more of why that is. I envision for some countries what I am suggesting would be very difficult and yet that leads me to the question, how could countries like Norway, work alongside with others, in a locally oriented fashion, to making of this happen? -
Johnny Galt replied to Johnny Galt's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Yarco Great response. I've just skimmed it, but I'll reread through it all and I'll give it some thought before I say more @Carl-Richard Open your mind bro I'd take a look at these links https://truegarden.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGxYsES89b3we65M2oCcnaw https://troyalbright.towergarden.ca/tg Saudi Arabia turns desert into farms Greening the deserts: https://vimeo.com/8239427 (i'm quite sure it's this video, they were growing mushrooms and grasslands where there was once just dormant soil) They Built a Rainforest Ecosystem inside a Geodesic Dome: -
Johnny Galt replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I'm seeing many citizens of Russia who do not want this war either. The people in all countries need to unite as one; we are done with this I'd follow this account, she tends to post lots of on the ground footage. Here's some of what's happening in Russia. Any Russians here on this platform? I'd love to hear your thoughts! -
Johnny Galt replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Onecirrus This is the type of orientation and thinking is what is required for today. I'm not suggesting I agree with the material and points you have pointed to, as I would have to give it more thought and contemplation, but rather, this is the type of radical movement which is required. -
@Tech36363 These are their fantasy's, not here in this reality. They will try, and yet we are also here and a part of this equation, and so make a choice of what you stand for and stand in it embodied. In that, in a collective uniting and standing as one, we transform it all.
Johnny Galt replied to Ivan Dimi's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Ivan Dimi I agree with that. -
Johnny Galt replied to Ivan Dimi's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Ivan Dimi Are you a linguist? Because if you're not, should one be speaking? -
"It's important we have clarity and visibility into the power constructs that got us to this point, but I don't want to focus to much on their agenda and where they want to take it, because that's there fantasy and by giving that fantasy more energy we're only helping to manifest that. Versus, we use our collective conscious our collective power to start focusing on a purpose that people can all come behind and get together on, and start identifying what some of the ideal outcomes for a society would be. We could start to put out the challenges to build these, and start realizing and manifesting them As Buckminster Fuller once said, you can't fix a system by fighting it, you need to build new systems which make the existing systems obsolete." Kyle Kemper (Justin Trudeau's half brother)
@LfcCharlie4 To you and all else reading this thread, for various reasons, I'm beginning to see that with a fixation on Klaus and the WEF we become distracted. It's good to expose and yet when fixated much else can pass by us. I would turn your attention towards all the digital id tech and it's implementation within your own nation. I'll say more in time. For canadians I'd take a closer look at DIACC (Digital ID Authentication Council of Canada) https://diacc.ca It comes with a smile and nice sounding words, and yet what are it's implications, what else comes with this? how would our lives look day to day? Also consider the relationship it creates with kids, kids and this tech. Canada's Digital ID Future - A Federated ApproachL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDbuAHu9FvI
Johnny Galt replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I haven't watched the video yet, but just the words you've spoken, FACTS