Johnny Galt

Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Johnny Galt

  1. @Sucuk Ekmek a co-creation based reality, is what I meant to say.
  2. @Windappreciator But feel free to elaborate, beacause you are speaking to an essential part of the process. It would be good for us all.
  3. @Windappreciator blah blah blah. You can do both silly
  4. @Windappreciator Who says I'm approaching this solely via mind/intellect?
  5. @cypres I'd be curious to hear of any books that you'd recommend? in regards to this type of subject matter...
  6. @cypres Nice! I also just finished "A Study of Numbers" and I'll have to read that a few times condensed! Here are 2 other books on my list to order, which have been highly recommended to me and which you may find of interest:
  7. @Sucuk Ekmek "if the world is build(ing) us?" are we not in a co-creation?
  8. @Sucuk Ekmek How else could you phrase that?
  9. @Synnergy If I was to run for PM of Canada - seeds, soil, and family, these would be big pillars for my platform. (thought exercise) Consider families and education... For those that wanted to homeschool or who wanted to create their own community schools, I would build an online lighthouse/library/resource for them, and the public as well too. Think - letter, story, number, architecture; art and the ways of the athlete - free knowledge for all. For K-12 and post secondary education, I would engage the nation in a contest / celebration of education, to initiate a greater conversation. We have lost our ways with education and so how can we reassess, regroup, and rebuild? I have some ideas on this. Consider that for 13 years we are all led along at the same pace and rhythm, same books and same order, and yet all along the way we don't even learn that we already know how to learn. I repeat, we already know HOW to learn, and so why is this not a subject within education? We learn this alongside other subjects, and yet it is never the direct subject, the study of you From cells clumping, to the heart thumping, to the three's of the centre line of the body, the body know's how to form, we are born knowing how to form, we are born knowing how to learn.
  10. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this!
  11. Common now Maybe you'd have a talk with your daughter about what it is she's getting into, I could see that, but to "throw him to the curb". Are you playing Osho? like when he says mother teresa should jump in front of a bus lol
  12. @Preety_India a disentanglement would be a great idea! and it would help to clear up much.
  13. @ZzzleepingBear Yes, it was transparent. But what is the public generally being fed? through the air waves and news reports? Morning to night? It's usually the black and white, "these are the cases, and these are the deaths". In this, the public is in fear and they can become more easily persuaded to partake in extreme measure, and yet for their safety. For our safety, where are authorities experts, in regards to physical, mental, and emotional well being? What are all the ways in which we can nurture and build ourselves to be most optimal and therefore resilient, for our safety? - shouldn't there be a focus on this too? Consider Australia and New Zealand and the control and enforcement measures of late. Look at there cases and deaths count, with the previous posts in mind. Note that these stats apply to back when this all started, 17/18 months, not just 12 months.
  14. @Windappreciator Transitioning to whole foods and vegan would be amazing. In regards to obesity, I'd say it's more about the garbage put into our food and the excessive processing which is why most men look pregnant - "birthing people"
  15. @TheAlchemist Or, that's the label given to anyone who questions the "authorities" narrative, it's a control mechanism. Kinda of like the label - "witch". I'm seeing both left and right doing this to the other side, it's unfortunate and it clouds our vision. On a side note, thank you for remaining cordial.
  16. @TheAlchemist "right wing conspiracy theorists" - do better
  17. @ZzzleepingBear Agreed. Covid could, and I imagine would be, a big factor in those situations, and yet to just lump then all under, "death by covid", without mentioning obesity or other underlying conditions as a part of the equation, isn't this misleading? Meaning, the news will continually just state "deaths by covid" without embellishing and disclosing there's more to the picture. Essentially, it's hypothetical, but to pass it off as a black and white case, at the extent that it's being done, we present a false translation of reality. Yes? No? And again, this is just one video, one example of many...
  18. @Chosendeer Agreed. Another part to this equation, I think, is that we've had a great absence of conscious education on sex. Whether it's in spirituality, religion, or just in general, people are either suppressing this aspect of life or they swing in the other direction.
  19. Does the UN offer a good vision for the future? Have a look at the following links and I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on this... United Nations and World Economic Forum, they are in partnership: And so with the UN (Agenda 2030) comes WEF and the 4th Industrial Revolution. (Here are plans for Canada and I assume any country that is signed up to the UN's Agenda 2030)
  20. @Chosendeer how so? how are they "conspiracy"?
  21. FDA to add warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer, Moderna vaccines