Johnny Galt

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Everything posted by Johnny Galt

  1. @Stovo Which means there's no sweeping consensus - are we in agreement then?
  2. @Stovo How is presenting a few videos - "cherry picking"? Did you even watch the content? Are clear on the material even being discussed here?
  3. @Leo Gura the videos above, these are scientists, these are experts, wouldn't it be wise to listen to those in the position to speak?
  4. @Akira @Loving Radiance Note, to you and who those are following this thread, it no longer shows up in the the section "Society, Environment, Government, Politics". edit: interesting, it's available to see again.
  5. @Loving Radiance Age, obesity, and a range of other underlying health issues. Additionally, to speak to poor handling of stats in general, beyond the "99% deaths are the unvaccinated" focus on this thread, there's also the reality of how, in many cases, back in 2020, they were marking unrelated deaths as covid deaths simply because they tested positive of covid at around the time of death. Examples:
  6. @Loving Radiance Many will state, 99% of deaths are the unvaccinated and then they will go on to claim, that it is because they are unvaccinated which is why they are hospitalized and because they die, when in reality there are many other factors at play. Once again, this objection of mine, this is driven by how I see people working with stats and so again it goes beyond your initial post. I hear ya!
  7. @Loving Radiance I should have said more for the second quote you pasted. To just say 99% who die are unvaccinated and so therefore it's because they are unvaccinated that they are in the hospital and dying, considering all the other variables, is this not misleading? As a side note, my response was more directed to the thread then you.
  8. @Loving Radiance "101 million persons in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19." Does this mean that less than 1/3 of americans have been fully vaccinated? Does this not mean then that a higher percentage of the population either has one dose, or no dose? and so the fully vaxed are a smaller percentage? Is it not possible that the number for higher hospitalizations of "unvaccinated" are higher because there are a higher number within this category? By stating "99% of people dying from Covid (US) in hospitals are unvaccinated", is this not an unscientific way to handle "science"? Are we "pro-science" at this point? Also note: "The median age of patients who died was 82 years (interquartile range = 71–89 years); 28 (18%) decedents were asymptomatic or died from a cause unrelated to COVID-19."
  9. @Endangered-EGO :) Who would be in charge of that though?
  10. @unborn_chicken I would not side with either side, "pro-choice" / "pro-life", but I would suggest that we get more choice on what our taxes are spent on. This may assist in dissolving many of these conflicts.
  11. @Matt23 Are you aware of the procedures involved with abortions?
  12. @Leo Gura And so tell me god, why would you do that? why would you create complexity to simply be fooled?
  13. @SriSriJustinBieber in regards to the use of the word "simplistic", I'm referring to being one dimensional, like the story of santa clause in relations to the lion and the witch and the wardrobe. Which one offers a fuller story of the cosmos?
  14. @Leo Gura "You imagine the experience of my sleep, and your own, in order to convince yourself that life is real." Do you really think that the cosmos is this simplistic? creation and the infinity? - "I imagine sleep simply to convince myself that life is real"?
  15. Obviously ASMR I repeat, are you claiming you no longer go unconscious during your experience with sleep at night? Are you like those who sit in a "box", which keeps them upright, so that they can remain awake into and throughout their "dream state"? From your "dream state" into your "awake state", are you there as a steady stream of unflinching awareness? Are you making this claim?
  16. @NightHawkBuzz you may be attempting to fill a hole; if that is so, what's the hole about? Attend to that.
  17. @Leo Gura I assume you still go to bed at night, and if that is true, then why do you continue to imagine the experience of sleep? why would you continue to choose to experience this?
  18. @Gianna One of the reasons I mentioned steiner, krishnamurti, geunon, is because of what they say in regards to theosophy. Theosophy has played a big part in influencing the spirituality of today.
  19. @Gianna Rudolph Steiner, Jiddu Krishnamurti, to Rene Guenon, these might be good sources to help you with your inquiries. The Steiner link, go to the home page, many videos that cover an extensive range of "spiritual" subjects.
  20. @KennedyCarter Glove, carrier, form, container for essence.
  21. @JosephKnecht Henry Ford is your answer With that said, John is my brother and I strongly disagree with him and his solutions. Running to some gulch paradise in Argentina is not on my agenda and so I stand here with you all.
  22. The above is serious question. I could type out an outline for a story that I've been building for sometime; it involves a pathway forward for our species. I could type and type and lay out a framework, or, we could talk this out in a dialogue? I'd rather dialogue...