Johnny Galt

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Everything posted by Johnny Galt

  1. @Blackhawk For clarity sake. Many of us are attempting to point out, that there is more to the story, and we keep getting dismissed as conspiracy theorists and labeled anti vaxxers in the process. Again, look at what I have presented more closely. Then, when you're familiarized tell me what you see?
  2. @Blackhawk You are making an assertion, a judgment. If you haven't looked at what I have presented, how can you make a judgement of something you are not familiarized with?
  3. @Blackhawk which leads me to, the original post in this thread, have you taken the time to look at it? they are experts, are they not? "Basic guidelines for quality posting: Show a willingness to learn and consider multiple points of view, rather than only pushing your own."
  4. @Blackhawk "You're probably trying to say that the other view is true too. No it's not." Wrong. I'd say neither side is true. Both have grand confusion; I see here a product of industrialized education and more
  5. all conflict can be used as this vehicle, again though, remember a greater context.
  6. We can do better, not back, but better The cosmos is watching with anticipation. There's quite a story to that, Realize we be swimming in her, womb mother earth Atmosphere, nostrils to nose, we breath her From my hands to my mouth I ingest her, mother Consider nature, and number riddled through it, I briefly explained number in the body and nature to an 8 year old, and he got it - "ya, it's every where around you" as he looked with curiosity. We were born knowing how to learn, did you know that? I'll start another thread...
  7. @Johnny Galt lol then you'll meet them with a warped view, and so who is it that you'll view? will you be able to even see them? or will it be coloured by you?
  8. @Johnny Galt shall I re-direct this whole conversation? to Leo, and any one else reading this? I've laid out my case and I encourage one to take your time with the information, and hold it up to your world view, what do you see? Regarldess though, it's a symptom of symptoms, and we are chasing. I see another way and so feel free to close this thread, and I'll start a new one. It involves a taking a look at the earth and our relations, there's things most are not seeing. And in seeing our relationships magic can happen.
  9. @Blackhawk this is the human condition. Every house I see, there are those who have lost it - to the theist, the philosopher, to the "insane anti-vaxxer", regardless, there is the human condition at the root of it... remember this in the context, thousands of years the human being in a condition, buddha shrugging somewhere - "how's your view?" (mind, perception, condition) We are like cosmic children, and yes, we can awaken.
  10. A reminder, to those who may quickly dismiss what it is I am attempting to bring to your awareness, I am NOT suggesting that covid is a hoax, not at all, as I've seen too much. Additional note, I think this is a great guideline that is suggested by Leo: "Basic guidelines for quality posting: Show a willingness to learn and consider multiple points of view, rather than only pushing your own."
  11. @Leo Gura did you even read what I have presented in this thread? And note to Leo and others, I put anti-vaxxer in quotations because, like "white supremacy", labels are being thrown around way too easily. Even worse, than the horror stories is the reality that doctors have been dealing with the symptoms with known drugs that have been used for decades, and yet why is this not given any spotlight? why is this being quickly dismissed? Have a look below: Dr. Joseph Varon (Cheif Medical Officer) He did 1640 mainstream media interviews for his work with dealing with covid. Why did they not mention the medicine that he was using? (COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 867 studies) Lets now focus in on ivermectin, which is not just used for horses "Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug that is used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies.1 It is also being evaluated for its potential to reduce the rate of malaria transmission by killing mosquitoes that feed on treated humans and livestock.2 For these indications, ivermectin has been widely used and is generally well tolerated.1,3 Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection." (Source) Ivermectin in Africa: (Note: I could also point to many other countries) 1 - 2 - "Conclusions: The morbidity and mortality in the onchocerciasis endemic countries are lesser than those in the non-endemic ones. The community-directed onchocerciasis treatment with ivermectin is the most reasonable explanation for the decrease in morbidity and fatality rate in Africa. In areas where ivermectin is distributed to and used by the entire population, it leads to a significant reduction in mortality." source:
  12. @Dryas Did you even read what I posted?
  13. @Synnergy There is no way this is an accident or a mistake. I could elaborate but then I'd be called a conspiracy theorist. Hopefully the left and right put down their ego, and unite to form a new political paradigm. Not only for America's sake, but for the worlds sake.
  14. @Vzdoh to add to my above comment, if he's got trauma, this could bring up much, and so be there for him, hold him, and welcome his weeping.
  15. @Vzdoh give him a full body massage. even if you've never done it. take your time to explore his body. encourage him to breath, to feel, to receive, to simply be with what ever happens, and don't make the genitals the main focus and yet explore that as well without it being about ejaculation, that may happen but that's not the point. also, make it clear that he is to receive and so that he is in a position of receiving which in turn will release the pressure's of performance and all that. with this, if he's open to it, get him to explore sounding - sounding oooooh's aaaah's, and sounds in general. you can even do this yourself as you massage him. the vibrations will help to free up that which is stuck and in turn he can be more open, vulnerable, and receptive to his own pleasure. then, on another occasion, if he's into it, get him to massage you with the same ideas in mind.
  16. @KennedyCarter ahhh bro haha
  17. @Alex_R Did you take the time to read through what I have presented?
  18. @Inliytened1 Any suggestions on how to do a antibody or serology test?
  19. David Deida: Book: Sexual Energy and Yoga Book: The Art of Preservation: a sacred practice from ancient roots
  20. @Preety_India No problem. I'll try to un-package this. Here was the original post for this thread: "I think the purpose of this thread is to talk about and share links with regards to men and raising our awareness around consent and being better partners, and lover makers. I sense that a of men did not learn about consent as young people and I think it is a very important conversation. I personally think that it's important we take a hard look at ourselves and our abilities to control sexual energy and to make sex safe and enjoyable for everyone." Core topics - awareness around consent, being a better partner, and better at making love. Now, in regards to what I spoke to. Usually we are born into the world where we grow up with a mother and a father. This is what we know. This is our world. Our relationship with them, it shapes our world view and so in turn we tend to view others, men and woman, as we did our father and mother. In turn we will bring this view into our romantic/sexual/intimate relationships. In a lot of situations, men will treat their woman/partner as there father treated there mother. The more unconscious they are the more this will happen. In regards to working consciously with sexual energy (the ancient art of semen retention) it involves the practice of circulating the arousal and sexual energy through out your body and much more. In turn, you can work with it to revitalize and regenerate your bodily systems. With this, when your not releasing the semen, rather retaining it, in turn you can build up quite an energetic field which is highly attractive to, both sexes. When I said - ("you'll exude this potent energy which means she may become intoxicated by you, and you may have to talk to her about consent and of how no means no") - I was being cheeky at this point, for when one has built up this sexual magnetic field/presence/energy, one becomes very attractive, and so in turn she may have troubles keeping her hands off of him. Did that makes sense? or did I just make things more confusing?
  21. @Preety_India Did you understand my first phrase? My second paragraph was more directed to the men and so they might get it. And after re-reading a few of the messages I would retract my "triggered" comment and I kinda went into topics that might not have been relevant to what the original post was focused on. I should probably go give it another read.
  22. @Preety_India "ladies first" - I got your humour and I appreciated it I laughed out loud but then I saw the following comments and I frowned To the others in this thread who got triggered, I'd have look into mommy and daddy issues. Truth is most have these issues, myself included, and it took years of work to deal with this. In dealing with this, we can then better deal with our sexual nature and in turn women will levitate towards you because they feel safe. How does mommy and daddy issues correlate to sex and woman?, as a generalization, as we view our mother we view other women, unconsciously speaking. Also, in "containing" your sexual potency, and working with it consciously to awaken and for creative purposes, meaning rather then down and out, how about up and in? In turn you'll exude this potent energy which means she may become intoxicated by you. If you get good at this you may have to talk to her about consent and of how no means no ;P
  23. @DrewNows lol, thank you for bringing some humour!