Johnny Galt

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Everything posted by Johnny Galt

  1. @hoodrow trillson Yes, that's because it's used for animals, but it's ALSO used for humans which people keep missing.
  2. @Seed I once watched a presentation of one who studied the effects of alcohol on the brain, and he did thousands of brain scans and found that even with a small quantity in a week, it dehydrates/shrinks your brain.
  3. @undeather Any thoughts on the Novavax vaccine?
  4. @Eternity anything can have fatal side effects and ivermectin isn't just for horses silly: "Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug that is used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies.1 It is also being evaluated for its potential to reduce the rate of malaria transmission by killing mosquitoes that feed on treated humans and livestock.2 For these indications, ivermectin has been widely used and is generally well tolerated.1,3 Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection." (Source) Why does everyone keep repeating - "that's for horses!!!!!!!!" Why does this keep recurring? Maybe, just maybe, it's because most media outlets, they are propaganda. "weapons of mass destruction", "wine it's good for your heart", "oil and fats they are bad for you", "white supremacy is our biggest threat", "we are your trusted sources", "mostly peaceful protests", "ivermectin it's for horses not humans".... Also note, he took a concoction of drugs. Hey, here's some science: "Ivermectin proved to be even more of a ‘Wonder drug’ in human health, improving the nutrition, general health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide ever since it was first used to treat Onchocerciasis in humans in 1988."
  5. @Blackhawk Why do you think it's an argument against vaccines (mRNA technology)? Yes, I'm well aware of that. I had it last year. Are you claiming that all who get covid19, will get a stroke? I'm sure that's not the case and so maybe try to word that differently. Tell me, what percentage of those who contract covid19 end up with severe symptoms? or what percentage of those who contract Covid19 end up recovering?
  6. @Opo Well, I'd have a look at the other two videos as their short and to the point.
  7. @Opo Good to know. Technically, that number came from the category - "Malignant neoplasms" (is a cancerous tumor, an abnormal growth that can grow uncontrolled and spread to other parts of the body). It seems to be a mystery still for the experts, considering they still nuke the body and think this is a proper approach. I think we need to clean out our food supply and get to the bottom of this. Did you read my previous post? it's in relations to the post you commented on.
  8. Also, for perspective in regards to deaths: 150,000 deaths in Canada in 2019, for just the two categories, cancer and cardiac. (12 months) 27, 000 deaths with Covid19 (18months) Note the differences in months.
  9. @Roy FYI - in regards to the death count, we have muddied the water: a.) Dr. Annie Bukacek Practicing medicine for over 30 years. "In 2019 she won the ACP Laureate award for the commitement to excellence in medical care" "Has been filling out death certificates for over 30 years" b.) Sen. Dr Scott Jensen - on death certificates c.) DR Ngozi Ezike, Public Health Illinois "even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had covid at the same time, it's still listed as a covid death" I'm NOT suggesting this. (edit!!! I left out the word "not") For clarity, due to the above info that I have presented, I'm not suggesting that this be down played, or that we do not vaccinate, it's more about the mandates for it. (I'm curious how trudeau would suggest we use the word, "mandate" )
  10. @Roy Note though, this isn't your traditional vaccine, and so it's odd that we continue to call it a vaccine. Maybe I'm nitpicking and so feel free to correct me on that. Personally, I'm not encouraging in either direction, to get it or to not get it. But when we handle cases and death numbers, as we have been, and then there's a push for that which is still in the experimental phases, this is very unsettling. "The US Food and Drug Administration announced the resignations of two top vaccine officials on Tuesday, and reports said the two were leaving in anger over the Biden administration's plan to roll out COVID-19 booster shots before officials had a chance to approve it." We still have no clue as to long term safety of this new technology, and now I have two weeks to get it in order to keep my job, even though I work outside. Considering that I've been hospitalized in the past for platelet issues and that adverse reactions in regards to the heart and blood disorders, this is happening, should we not take people like me and those who are pregnant, in to consideration? If one lives like a hermit, don't that count
  11. @Blackhawk This is a better approach to this conversation, blackhawk. This is a good interview and discussion and yet note, this was filmed at the end of 2020. Also, I'd add, many are mRNA technology hesitant. To blackhawk and others, here's something to consider: (1) Being that this is a newer technology, (2) that they have been using PCR tests which are not designed to determine whether one is infectious or not (cases), (3) and that in many cases they have been labelling ones death as a covid death when in reality age and other underlying illness are contributing factors, I think it's pretty understandable that many are hesitant. (I can provide sources, just ask) Also consider, just recently a new study came out which shows: "natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant." (article) (study) For those who are medically trained or trained in how to read such studies, I'd love your feed back; is this a quality study?
  12. @SQAAD There's also this... "This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant." Dr Christina Parks testimony for Michigan
  13. I'd love to get peoples perspective, thoughts, insights on the hermetic principles. 1. Menatlism: "The All is Mind; the Universe is mental." 2. Correspondance. "As above, so below; as below, as above." 3. Vibration. "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." 4. Polarity. "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites." 5. Rhythm. "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall." 6. Cause and Effect. "Every cause has its effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law." 7. Gender. "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes."
  14. @NorthRise Great response. I'm curious of how we could hold them responsible? when in many cases they line the politicians pockets and it's us that vote unknowingly for policies which in turn allow these corporations to do what they do. The amount of conflict of interest is astounding. Maybe a solution is a political party which turns the spotlight on this, to inform and educate the public on the reality of this, and then the discourse on how to deal with this can occur. Ya, the straws, lol. It's quite absurd that these get passed as serious solutions. In many countries we could be growing all of our own food rather then having it shipped to us from around the world. Rather then taxing this shit out people and telling the collective to "spend less" or "do less", we could be growing all of our food all, region to region, city to city and in turn, our food would cost less. When we don't ship food from all around the world, we would cut down on emissions while at the same time we'd have to build and maintain the infrastructure to grow our own food and so that would create work for a whole country. As well, we wouldn't need to fill our food with garbage in order to preserve it - maybe then we wouldn't have nations of fat people. And no, I'm not referring to North American's or the men who appear to be birthing people
  15. Like we do with the body, we do with the earth, we are chasing symptoms. Here are some solutions which respond the the whole. This is an interesting project in India:
  16. @undeather Thank you for your time! Your response is very much appreciated!! I'm sure I'll have more questions in time but it's 5:30 in the morning, and so I should probably wake up first before I do anymore thinking
  17. How can you reach the "anti-vaxxer"? Explain the following... First I should mention, in this post, I will be directing you to experts and so if you are "pro-science", then I imagine you would be for this type of discourse. Rather then ban me, help to bring clarity to where there is confusion. Additionally, the below points, these are just a few of many examples I could bring to your attention. (edit: I am not suggesting that one should disregard covid or that one should not get the vaccine. Take a breath and go through this slowly) 1.Death Count / Death Certificates: After proceeding to look at all of the following points for (1. Death Count), explain to me how does this affect our perspective on the "global severity" of C19? a.) Dr. Annie Bukacek Practicing medicine for over 30 years. "In 2019 she won the ACP Laureate award for the commitement to excellence in medical care" "Has been filling out death certificates for over 30 years" b.) Sen. Dr Scott Jensen - on death certificates c.) DR Ngozi Ezike, Public Health Illinois "even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had covid at the same time, it's still listed as a covid death" 2. Case Count / PCR Tests After proceeding to look at all of the following points for (2. Case Count / PCR Tests), explain to me, again, how does this affect our perspective on the "global severity" of C19? a.) Here is a peer review on the above study (External Peer Review of the RTPCR Test): 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results: "3. The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. Therefore, the test cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection." Also, look at #10 and what it says about conflict of interest b.) Kerry Mullis, the creator of the PCR process discusses how the test is not designed to tell you whether somehting is infectious or not (around 3min). Note, this footage was not recent and yet the same ideas are mentioned in the info below. c.) Julia Bach ("PCR Test Expert") How PCR tests helped change the definition of "infected" d.) News articles on the PCR Test 3. "Sweeping Consensus" - Are you sure? a.) - "14,879 medical & public health scientists ", "43,804 medical practitioners" = "58,683" - "744 medical doctors", "2736 medically trained health professionals" = "3480" Total count = "61,419" experts from around would disagree with the notion that there is a sweeping consensus. b.) Here's more... A huge number of medical doctors ask for a reassessment of the corona measures 4. mRNA Technology and alternatives a.) Show me the examples of where this technology has been used globally on humans? and then show me the studies for the long term safety? Consider the following two articles below, and then ask yourself, if one has had a heart issues in the past, should they not get a choice in how they protect themselves? or should we just force them regardless of their own concerns for their safety? Also note, saying that it's rare, this doesn't change a thing for those who are injured. b.) What are alternatives to the mRNA tech? Dr. Joseph Varon (Cheif Medical Officer) He did 1640 mainstream media interviews for his work with dealing with covid. Why did they not mention the medicine that he was using? (COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 867 studies) Lets now focus in on ivermectin, which is not just used for horses "Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug that is used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies.1 It is also being evaluated for its potential to reduce the rate of malaria transmission by killing mosquitoes that feed on treated humans and livestock.2 For these indications, ivermectin has been widely used and is generally well tolerated.1,3 Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection." (Source) Ivermectin in Africa: (Note: I could also point to many other countries) 1 - 2 - "Conclusions: The morbidity and mortality in the onchocerciasis endemic countries are lesser than those in the non-endemic ones. The community-directed onchocerciasis treatment with ivermectin is the most reasonable explanation for the decrease in morbidity and fatality rate in Africa. In areas where ivermectin is distributed to and used by the entire population, it leads to a significant reduction in mortality." (source: 5. If one has actually taken the time to look at all that I have presented, how can we expect the public to just "trust", or to simply just go along with everyone else and do as your told? How can we justify mandatory vaccinations, contract tracing, further booster shots? when we can't even get the case count and death count right?
  18. @undeather The above post was meant for you. I forgot to link your name to it.
  19. I'm also curious about your thoughts on the FDA's approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, which will now be marketed as Comirnaty. In particular, with the below information in mind, if there is "limited data about the use of COVID-19 vaccines for people who are pregnant", how do we know, scientifically speaking, if this is safe for those who are pregnant? is this not still in the experimental phase? "8 USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS 8.1 Pregnancy There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to COMIRNATY during pregnancy. Women who are vaccinated with COMIRNATY during pregnancy are encouraged to enroll in the registry by visiting" Source: " yet there is limited data about the use of COVID-19 vaccines for people who are pregnant. Our study will provide critical information for future moms-to-be and the medical community." Source:
  20. @undeather Hey Doc, I'd love your perspective on how some in your profession, they are using a combination of drugs and vitamins in their treatments. One example is: I'm finding it odd that many studies just look at ivermectin when in many cases doctors are using much more than ivermectin, and so why would this not be considered in the equation, in these studies? What am I missing here? Any response would be greatly appreciated. Dr. Joseph Varon (Cheif Medical Officer) is another example of one who is working with many drugs rather then just ivermectin stand alone. Additionally, I'm curious on your thoughts of the quality of studies on this site:
  21. @Blackhawk "Clearly". Clearly you haven't read a thing with an open mind. For all else who view this thread, please feel free pipe in, and tell me, how does the below information look like "horse shit information from wrong sources"? Dr. Joseph Varon (Cheif Medical Officer) He did 1640 mainstream media interviews for his work with dealing with covid. Why did they not mention the medicine that he was using? - (This is an expert, yes or no?) (COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 867 studies) - (Are these links to real scientific papers? Yes? No?) (Formed by leading critical care specialists) Lets now focus in on ivermectin, which is not just used for horses "Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug that is used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies.1 It is also being evaluated for its potential to reduce the rate of malaria transmission by killing mosquitoes that feed on treated humans and livestock.2 For these indications, ivermectin has been widely used and is generally well tolerated.1,3 Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection." "Several clinical trials that are evaluating the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 are currently underway or in development" (Source) (I posted this, to show that it's not just for horses:) Ivermectin in Africa: (Note: I could also point to many other countries)
  22. @Blackhawk Again, I'm not anti-vaxx. Again, have you even looked at my original post?
  23. @WikiRando You're by passing my original post - do better! Start there before you hand pick a post further down the thread. I laid out my first post as a foundation to further explain any other post. Go back to the beginning. Why is it, that no one on this forum, can directly look at what I have laid out, and respond to it! People keep speaking to deaths and the severity of covid19, and yet why aren't you interested to hear out experts and doctors who have been using repurposed drugs to deal with the symptoms and severity of it all? I point to examples in the original post.