Johnny Galt

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Everything posted by Johnny Galt

  1. your line of thinking is "insane"
  2. @itachi uchiha They can become as one. Considering what you mentioned, I'd choose martial arts and yet find a teacher that teaches the "internal" martial arts as this will attend to your spiritual relationship while at the same time, knowing you can defend yourself, this in itself can assist with dissolving your anxieties/fears. Also, all that you internalize/depression, with movement, you can access that, bring it up, and transform/transmute that. In turn, a sitting/still practice because much more easy and relevant as you'll be more relaxed and rested as it is. Feel free to ask more questions!
  4. @BadHippie Yup. The mainstream media has been a medium in which truth is managed and handled to benefit share holders and their "interests", while managing and distorting the perspective of the people, while simultaneously creating a divide amongst each other. To all reading this, consider that when you're options for president were once, John Kerry (D) and George Bush Jr. (R), both of whom went to Yale University and were both members of Skulls and Bones (club at Yale), how is it possible, the odds of that happening considering your population, that this is the land of the free? that these are your choices? Wake up america When you consider the influence on the world (industry/politics/legislation) from countries like Qatar, Israel, and China, the notion that "Trump and Russia" is your biggest worry, this is absurd, kind of like "weapons of mass destruction". But then again, they did just leave them 85 billions worth of gear in Afghanistan, so maybe they just had foresight (jk) For those who don't know Edward Bernays, go read his book "Propaganda". As well go look at Edward and Ivy Lee, there relationship to media, big business, the military, and government. Addionally, go do your homework and follow the money and if you do this, you will begin to see that a small few, own all mainstream outlets.
  5. @PurpleTree Yes, that she questions and exposes the US/military industrial complex, and that she has brought a spot light to the Palestine realities, this is huge. There's also this following video, which is huge and yet unfortunately dismissed by many leftists which is odd considering the literature is available to see for oneself. There's a world of corruption and issues. One could never address it all. But regardless, due to the world I've seen, it's wise be cautious and discerning with all sources, this is important.
  6. @PurpleTree Sure, but who isn't going to be biased here or there. I find though that she doesn't shy away from hot topics, she does her homework, and what you see is what you get (authentic). I think this is important, but yes, at the end of the day we have to go look in many directions and be discerning through out it all.
  7. @Tanz Abby is a great source!
  9. @Opo haha Nice edit . You're humour is appreciated. It look like Kathy Newman got ahold of Michael Keaton's multiplicity machine.
  10. @Blackhawk You keep flip flopping. Now you' re acknowledging that they help (all the additional things we could be doing for our well being). If this is so then tell me, why aren't the "experts" encouraging everyone to take the vaccine, AND, to do all the other things we could do to be healthy? They aren't. When the "orders" consist of confining one to their home, in isolation, and when people are being persecuted for being out in nature, by the ocean or forrest, (as healing as it gets), how does this not raise some eye brows? As I've seen in many examples in several countries, people out by themselves in nature and enforcement is there enforcing the "rules", for their "safety", how can we not be seeing red flags?
  11. @Leo Gura Common now. Most people? Maybe I'm wrong, do you have a source's/examples to back that up? To make that comparison, "well you all eat an excessive amount of tuna", and so therefore, "you might as well get the vaccines" because why? And on a side note, America has been degenerated by agricultural chemicals and your food supply is filled with garbage. The more "medicine" and processed food the public consumes the more sickly they become hence forth the more "medicine" they'll need; it's an Interesting circle. I mean, can anyone one tell me why there's a plague of "birthing people"? men with bloated/inflamed belly's, or why is there a rapid increase in infertility issues? But don't worry, with this mRNA technology, they are attempting to "treat" all of the diseases and health issues (cancer as a recent example) and so for your safety, make sure to get on board Why do you think the UN is aiming to eradicate all diseases by 2030? It's because they've discovered magic and harry potter is there king.
  12. Do you actually believe, that "those things don't help much"? When we optimize our well being (physical, emotional, mental, while connecting to and nurturing our relations to source), do we not become more resilient and therefore capable at dealing with viruses? Note, I'm not making the case that one shouldn't vaccinate, but do you not see how one sided you're being? You once agreed with me that we should utilize all available means at our disposal in order to best assist us through this. Do you no longer believe this?
  13. @noticeom Here are a few books which will give you insight into the nature of our world and the intellectual influences on globalism and industrialization. B.F. Skinner: Beyond Freedom and Dignity / (Collectivist Behavioural Technology, came into education) Edward Bernays: Propaganda (See "Torches of Freedom", and his relations with advertising, industry, government, and war) Murray Rothbard: Education: Free and Compulsory - (I'm quite sure this is the book that scans the last 500-600 of compulsory, government enforced education, through out Europe and the States) Julian Huxley - UNESCO: Purpose and Philosophy / (First General Director of UNESCO) unesco its purpose and philosophy.pdf H.G. Wells - New World Order / (Chairman of League of Nations)
  14. You're mirroring the exaggerations of those whom you despise - the right and there callous ways. What does this cultivate in yourself? your own state of mind? How does this affect your own view? I'd suggest we do better On a side note, Leo, this is a great layout, concept, house for dialogoe, well done. "Banned"
  15. @Leo Gura Are you so sure of this? For most of us, myself included, due to the conditioning of the human being and the stimulation and stress of living in the world, to attain and remain in the "highest" state is extraordinarily difficult, and yet there are pathways that prepare the body to be able to sustain and remain in these high states. It's the lack of preparation and cultivation that impedes ones ability to be able to access and/or maintain these high states. Again, I'm not suggesting it's easy or that I am an example of this, and yet I would argue it is possible and that there are pathways that lead to this and this is important to high light. Thoughts?
  16. @hoodrow trillson Call me what ever you want. That's usually what I get here, name calling. That last piece was me being more cheeky then me laying out my case. With that said however, how can you dismiss the reality that Israel is one of the highest vaccinated countries in the world, and yet there deaths and cases are spiking. If it's as simple as get vaccinated and all will be good then wouldn't that imply cases and deaths would be down? To simply blame it on "anti-vaxxers" this is silly, simplistic thinking. Considering that the majority of those who die, they are obese, old, and sickly, then why aren't our experts focusing on our overall health? Why is Sweden kicking ass and yet they carried on, for the most part, as normal? They acted, like Taiwan, as a sane nation would, and they focused on the most vulnerable and let the rest carry on? How does this not seem odd? But no, lets just blame the "anti-vaxxers" because name calling is fun.
  17. @Stovo please counter all the science and data that I have been pointing to, instead of side stepping, then I'll be satisfied.
  18. @AlterEgo tsk tsk, I don't think you understand, if you look at the data: you can clearly see the more vaccinated (Israel) you are the more cases there'll be, and that's a good thing, because then we'll need more booster shots, yaaa!!! science!!!
  19. @Hardkill With the vax passport, the intent for the next phase would be to have all your other personal info/banking etc located onto one passport. With this will come a social credit system. China's social credit system is being planned for Canada. See the link below. I'm sure though, in america you'll remain free if you just obey your daddy Biden's orders, so no worries there
  20. @Leo Gura What's your point? Other than being a cheeky monkey Leo, have a look at the video. Again, this concerns all sides!
  21. @Superfluo It's not a this or that equation. Why, why why, is this continually happening? Maybe, just maybe, it's because this is a reflection of the mindset of those who say - "just get the vax as it's better then all other options?". Seems like most who counter me and others who question the mainstream narrative, it is they who are working from a simplistic mindset. As usually, no one (other than just one member on here) has countered or addressed the science and the experts that I have presented. Continually side stepping I see For all on this thread/forum, I'll try again, take a look at this video of an expert, who has been working on the ground floor in hospitals, and who says they are being blocked from doing what they would normally do in regards to working with medicine and treating patients. This should be concerning for us all, regardless of what side you stand on, as this will set the precedence for the future. Let me know what you think.