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About AndylizedAAY

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  • Birthday 08/31/2004

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  1. Why Vegan Meat Is NOT A Scam
    Vegan meat is a scam.
    There is so much wrong with this video. SO much pseudoscience, so much nonsense, cherry-picking, human evidence denial and mechanistic bs reasoning that it makes me want to vomit. (not vegan myself so I have no personal agenda in saying this) 
    plant-based meats are not poisonous - in fact we have a few preliminary RCTs (look up Christopher Gardner's studies) that show compared to beef they help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides as early as in 4 weeks  vegetable oils are not poison either, they don't cause cancer or heart disease or none of that - this is a a low-carb nonsense once again based on mechanistic speculation. Compared to high saturate fats like beef fat, tallow and butter they are highly beneficial in the human outcome data - let's stop spreading nonsense glyphosates are a problem, that's true - but so are antibiotics and hormones in your meat not to mention TMAO increasing properties, microbiome alteration and higher risk of forming colonic polyps in regular beef consumers compared to vegetarians and vegans  beef has consistently been associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular events, increased risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, breast cancer, liver cancer and bowel cancer.  while plant meats are not perfect, they are processed food and can lead to overconsumption, they are absolutely better than consuming beef the way most people do. When calories are accounted for they are much much better and safer option.  here as an interview with an actual researcher who is leading multiple clinical trials addressing this topic Make sure not to make up your mind on a single video that references no high-quality studies, just random reviews and mechanisms. Expose yourself to a variety of opinions of people who actually bother to do the research. 
    Nothing personal here @Bobby_2021, this is not a direct attack, just disputing this video. 

  2. YouTube Video of Animal Crossing Art
    Share an art piece you enjoy!
    I forgot about this discussion after creating this video. I also forgot about this video after posting my images. I would like to keep the forum and the YouTube comments separate to make it easier to keep track of the discussion so please just post here, thank you.

  3. AI Safety: How do we prepare for the AI, GPT, and LLMs revolution?
    AI Safety: How do we prepare for the AI, GPT, and LLMs revolution?
    I'm hoping we can start a thread here for an honest, open-minded, slightly fearful (in a healthy way) conversation about the various data points on AI safety, and what actions we can take to promote AI safety. 
    I'll start with some background on why I believe such a thread is very critical. 
    From a data standpoint: 
    a) Stanford released a large language model that was supposed to take 4 million dollars, and almost a decade to build. But it was built with 600 dollars, and 5 weeks. This is due to the fact that existing language models can train new ones, and its open sourced. In more general terms, the rate at which A.I is developing is a) fast as fuck, and b) faster than we imagined
    b) Elon musk has been pushing for years about AI safety, and he's on the cutting edge of AI. Recently he started a letter, and many of the world's top tech leaders are signing it to put AI development on hold for the next 6 months. That shows how fast this is developing, how serious this is. 
    c) GPT4 is showing sparks of AGI, artificial general intelligence. 
    d) You can argue that the most powerful human beings in the world, won't be government leaders, or powerful CEO's, but humans who control or create or understand AGI, or AGI itself. If a human commits a crime, its easy for us to have laws to punish them. But what happens when AI commits crimes on a mass scale? Who is to blame and what punishmnents can we even possibly do?
    e) Despite the rate at which this ultra powerful phenomena is occuring, government is slow or not doing anything at all. And EVEN IF they did something, the cat is out of the bag now. 
    f) there's so many more data points, but I guess the most important thing is setting the context for this discussion. 
    Now what do I, us, we as a society have control over?
    Hopefully we can discuss that here. 
    My thoughts are that we can only do our best to optimize AI safety. 
    Like Albert Einstein, who wanted to make sure the atomic bomb fell in the right hands, and not in the wrong hands, we can determine creative strategies to do our best to do such a thing. 
    We can figure out how to protect ourselves, on an individual level, family level, society level. I mean really think about this: is moving to another country out of AI safety, creating an underground bunker or something so radical like that even out of question if you really thought about the full ramifications of this. 
    Also I'm hoping we can discuss what are the dangerous possibilities? Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI is hinting at a few: AI bots infiltrating social media like Twitter, etc. on a mass scale. What implications does that have? Deep fake? AI arms race? Existential threats?
    Is there a general individual strategy we can take for our safety that protects against many possible likely AI danger possibilities? 
    I'm trying my best, and I'm hoping we can all keep fear down to a minimum. But not having such a conversation seems like ignorance to me, the same level that the government is doing that can lead to our downfall. 
    Now I'm not claiming any of what I said as all 100% fact. This is all speculation. The unknown. But I do think trying to understand this unknown to the best of our abilities can help us navigate this weird battlefield. 
    Any thoughts outside of what I mentioned?
    Of course, @Leo Gura your thoughts are always encouraged. 

  4. Clarity to Chaos
    Chaos to Clarity... Exposing Myself
    Second Attempt (editing while I have only a sentence or two of thought)
    So, I spent time writing my first post entry, and when I went to post submit there was a little mishap.  Technically Fortunately I went through the experience already, so it should benefits me us now.  because I went through the experience and learned how I'm going to attempt I have a better idea of how-to setup my Journal.  I also found better clarity on what I want to attempt.  Communication is my focus here.  I now understand that the chaotic manner my mind talks to itself, may seem chaotic to others.  I'm used to it though, so it's not necessarily chaotic a beautiful chaos to me.  Being able to allow myself to express Freely expressing my thoughts will allows me to purge. my thoughts, and then I'll be able to gain clarity with my communication with others.  When I write my personal journals, I don't take the time or effort to edit my words.   This however is a public journal and I want to be an effective communicator.  I know I need more consciousness in But since I'm developing my this skills to communicate with the collective, I find I'm not as effective as I would like.  I have a message I want to share, but and I want to be understood.
    So, you we are going to get a visual of how I'm editing my free flow to communicate and "the struggle" I'm going to experiencing as I find a way to present my a concise message with clarity.  I am not going to erase my words as I type. I will strikethrough the words or and letters I want to delete.  I'm using the Blue will indicate for the changes I've made from after my original thought.  This is a new process for me, so I'm open to make changes modifications.  I don't know how I'm going to present this process accurately.  This is becoming tedious work, but I know I'm going to gain huge benefits massive rewards will be the price.  Currently communication is important principal for me currently.  I want to place My ramblings to will be on this right side.  When I want to begin sharing my message with the collective in my version of a concise manner, I believe I will use the other left side.  Now I'm using my dad's computer to type right now.  It's making sense to me Using this large format it makes sense to use the different sides.  I'm uncertain how this will be perceived on a mobile device.  I will place the words in italics with the polished version on the left side maybe.  I guess hope people will tell me whether I need to find a different approach or not.  Because people are have different temperaments, people they will have a choice.  If they are just interested in my final submission, then they can stick to the polished version on the left. whether they want to only read my message or If they are interested how want to listen to my process works along with my message, they can choose to read it all too.
    Again, I'd like to mention repeat that I already had a first attempt to post my Journal, but most of my work was deleted.  For a second I was shocked.  I couldn't find a way to recover it.  With my experience though, I knew this wasn't luck; it was deliberate.  Even though this may seem chaotic, it makes better sense.  I guess I had to have more of choose a direction of how I wanted to present my Journal.  I did however save some sections of my work onto another document.  I know the value of transparency and vulnerability.  Without these qualities my growth will be stunted.  So I'm going to share those thoughts I was able to save.  Let's see how we can incorporate them into the dialogue here.  I'm going to paste the entire text and then I thought maybe we can  I would just select a portion and discuss, but after reading it again I think it's best to just copy and paste the entire  my attempt to of expression.  At this stage I was about to start continue editing more, but then I realized I need to find a way to show "the process struggle" of the work. 
    (I'm wondering if I should edit directly onto the pasted message or do something different.  Hmmm...  I'm in no hurry to rush through the process so I'm going to give us a break in struggling to read with the strikeouts and change of colors above.) 
    First Attempt Inserted (I allowed myself longer periods of thought before I started editing, but I didn't effectively show how much wor all of the changes I was making).
    Well, here I start, but where to start?  I don't have the answer, but I trust that wherever I'll start I’ll begin to have a better understanding.  Eight days ago, I found myself logging into this Forum for the first time.  I’ve been involved with Actualized for a solid six years and gained so many benefits.  Now I find myself trying out their Forum (or any forum for that matter).  Intuitively there's an opportunity for massive growth here.  I've been contemplating how I want to approach my involvement here.  I find that I’m uncertain how to proceed.  If I allow myself to process openly, I'll realize if there's value or not for myself.  The Journal maybe the most beneficial (I don't know).  When I first was posting, the bulk of my words were a preamble of my past.  Is that necessary though?  (It depends on who's engaging I suppose).  I assume others are similar to myself.  Countless times it's been apparent and proven that it's not the case so far.  Why do I continue to assume?  Well, it's not like I am absolutely ignorant that others aren't in the same state in any given situation.  That's why I love life because of the variety and complexity including others.  I find myself with a substantial taste for curiosity, and it's hungry.  For me now, it's obvious to direct a large part of my focus on communication.  
    I want clear and in-depth communication whether the use of words is in abundance or in brevity.  Conciseness is where my direct experience needs work.    
    To simplify we can break down communication into brevity and depth conversations.  Admittedly, in any given situation I would prefer to choose which is the appropriate approach.  I have tendencies to want to mostly go in-depth, but at times brevity is preferable.  If I want that choice for myself, I can respect others who want to choose as well.  The Journal can allow for considerable amounts of content that I consider a depth communication.  Give an impression of the transformation of who I was to now, and even into my ideas of future.  Building a sense of confidence that I'm someone who has been embodying higher levels of consciousness because of the abundance and diversity of my direct experiences.  Existentially I can ask whether there are really levels of consciousness.  I'm inserted into the center of infinitude, and yet I experience progression.  Is it only because I want to experience what it's like to learn?   
    When it comes to brevity communication it seems more plausible to use in the Forum, comparatively from the Journal.  I have to remind myself that brevity conversations don't have to be without depth.  
    Since my focus is on communication, I want to develop this skill more consciously.  
    I've focused on integrity and I'm honest with myself and others when I don't know something or not interested at this point.  I feel people who are more geared to hear history and more content will be drawn to a journal setting.  Others will be geared towards simple and short communications.  The majority of responses I read are mainly a sentence or two... lol.  I'm asking myself what are they really trying to say.  I've been developing a better understanding of creating balance with energy exchange.  I find that I've been free with my energy and attention in the past, but as I gain more consciousness it's best to see where the person's energy is and then respond accordingly.  I exhaust my energy because I was unaware, and it's obvious for me to notice I need to be more conscious.  My first posts I found myself going right back to freely sharing but quickly noticed I was repeating my conditioning.  Since I want to engage with others here, I feel if I can create a journal where I can open my energy freely... that that part of my conditioning can get an outlet at least.  Maybe others can gain value of reading my process which give me value.  Ultimately, it should in theory allow me to respond in a concise manner when communicating with the public.  Communication skills is one domain that continues to develop, and it's been obvious to focus more attention now. 
    A story I repeat is I'm a rambler which makes it hard for others to follow and I want to develop my articulation.  I want it to be easier to communicate with clarity.  I've been constantly editing.  I'm searching for new words which seem to be more fitting to use instead of the common words I'm used to using which might not be as effective.  I'm restructuring where to group my sentences that are on similar topics instead of bouncing back and forth.  (Rollercoasters are fun and all, but at least they have a track that implies a direction to follow).  I don't know how many run-on sentences I've had to narrow down.  Deleting sentences because repetition is found everywhere.  And noticing how many times the word "I" is used is a bit annoying... lol.  Verbal work is one of those things in the back of my mind that I want to do but hadn't allowed opportunity to advance it until now it seems.   Another story I repeat is that my language is more subtle, and I communicate and understand better with nonverbal language.  I know if I created a hierarchy of my comfort level of communication with others it would be ideally to talk to a person face to face, then video chat, on to the phone, and finally a texting situation.  Well... this Forum is a setting for using verbal language.  I have a desire to connect with the collective.  So let's give it a go here with this journal.    
    (Is there a way to combine the two styles of editing?  I really like how I can have longer periods of thought.  That creates more of flow state for me.  But I also want to be accurate to the editing process I have to do.  There's so much more I'm unable to show like my spelling and grammar errors).  
    Ok... it looks as if I need more time to figure out consider how to move forward.  I know what I want to say, but adding the additional conversations about my This is going to be very valuable for me.  I need to see I'll figure out how I can show share express my thoughts to the public, share my thoughts to myself, show my message drafts, demonstrate my edits in my drafts, and then create a polished message.
    I have to admit I have already tried to create a visual difference contrast to show these different areas, but I was unsuccessful so far.  I posted a Help topic on the Forum to learn how to use the "insert existing attachment." and I probably need to allow more time for someone to help respond.  I even thought I could insert basic html to possibly highlight the words with different colors.  That's still a possibility.  I'll look into that more. 
    (Well... I didn't get to post anything polished yet, but actually that should've been expected.  The magic is in the progression anyway.)

  5. Anyone Can Be Your Friend
    Mind Upgrade 2023
    Anyone could be your friend! 
    I am so fucking conditioned in many bad ways. 
    Strangers are just strangers (not potential friends)  The world is a mean and judgemental place, therefore my default mode is to ensure I am likeable & not a drag on others, nor an embarrassment (Focusing on avoidance of negatives) Rather than just being authentic & not taking myself so seriously all the time like i always do  Things to realize. 
    Anyone could be your friend 
    He's just my co-worker, landlord, he's just my friends cousin, hes just ...  But he could also become your friend.  If you and the landlord connect & he's a cool guy, then you don't have to be so business like, he's a human, he's a chilled out guy, you don't gotta be so formal if he isn't giving off that vibe himself.  There's no hard rules on who can be your friend.  The world is my friend 
    "There's nothing sadder than a tough guy, not for others but for his own sake, what a pity".  Only reason to be tough is at the point of strong confrontation & threat or heavy violation, that never happens 99% of the time anyway.  What I want from myself
    Lose chiled out  Fuck it's late right now I am going to go fuk this.

  6. What You Know and What You Want
    Mind Upgrade 2023
    I am so busy but I just had to journal to sustain my insights. 
    Always listen to intuition. Also listen to that voice about that person; you know there's something off with that guy but you don't listen to the little voice, and there's some benefit to his precense, only a month or 2 later you realize how correct that voice was and how after 1 or 2 red flags you should have left immediately.  You often don't know what you really want  I thought I wanted this alpha harem thing and master level game, but really I just want several hot girlfriends (3-5) that I can always come back to that love me, if that requires a process and journey of being alpha then I accept that, but it's only a means to an end.   A strong weakness of mine is letting go of negative emotions after conflict & frustration. Someone screwed you over, they don't even apologize and they even get their way from it. And anything you do will only be a lose lose (like hitting them or breaking their stuff) because it's a waste of energy, but then you also hate the feeling of "turning the other cheek", and then you're left with all this tension in your body, but same time a spiritual growth opportunity occurs.  Time to let go, let go of any negative emotions, now I will try out leos video this evening when I have time.  You got to add your own sauce to everything, always be independent.  50% + of everything leo says or does is highly biased and subjective and has no objective merit : how he lives, everything he does like how he talks, even his advice on game. Most people on here are pathetic inauthentic robots.  The fact he even coins a term "sex addiction" on here is rediculous, sex is healthy & a completely irrelevant addiciton.  I want to be a sex addict, I want to fuck beautiful women like it's brushing my teeth.  And I say that through authenticity, personal development is my own.  Now there are of course SOME basic universal aspects to personal D, like letting go and positivity and mental strength... but you get my point, a good life can only be your own touch.  6. Sense of urgency because i might die tomorrow. Now is the time. 
    More of an enduring subconscious mindset that has a certain energetic quality to it and you can feel this energy in a person's character, but self explanatory.  7. Never associate with anyone with severe (unresolved) MH issues or trauma
    May have to painfully realize this through experience, but it's a huge red flag and from my intuition they should let you know they have it pretty quickly  8. Always find reasons to motivate and push you 
    Normally I get pushed by negative motivation : That may work in getting you going, but it's a horrible way to live.  Positive reasons to motivate myself for success : Getting Rich (Increasing income + Restricting expenses) :
    Can give more and tip more > This makes people (especially in poor countries) very happy, and brings me some joy. If I have 10 million in my bank then who cares if If I tip $20 to the waiter?  Can dress well and have awesome, fresh, clean new clothes all the time. Especially trainers  Make my mum proud for where I get to given my starting point. Become an inspiration, someone people fucking respect. And I don't mean that in a coercive gangster way, voluntary implicit respect and admiration which is truly earnt. You live such an awesome life and really push your limits and mint max yourself that it's impossible not to be respected.  To feel proud of myself, to push myself to my limits.  To have an abundant life of balance. Balance by the way IS pushing yourself to your limits. Who the fuk has balance? very easy to just work 80 hour weeks as an investment banker for 10 years, not that impressive, that's balance there's no requisite variety in that crappy lifestyle.  

  7. Receiving Advice On Financial Independence
    I have 50 grand. What should I do with it?
    I want to be financially independent. Looking for advice on what I should do with it.
    Here's my situation:
    Currently 21 years old. Living at home with my brothers (I work with them with wholesaling real estate, and they take care of all the bills) I want to be an online coach for personal development but don't know where to start. Mostly selling video courses. Feel like I need more experience in life myself to help others though. At some point I do want to completely rely on myself financially instead of relying on my brothers.
    No debt of any kind, other than a few court tickets. Living expenses aren't a problem at the moment. It's mostly just saved money. I'm not investing in any stocks. 
    Open to all suggestions. P.S. I've always had an interest in selling things.

  8. A question about spiritual powers
    A question about spiritual powers
    So first of all no, I don't want to waste my time trying to aquire these abilities this question is just out of interest.
    From various books and videos I've seen there seem to be a lot of sages, gurus who have had incredible claimed abilities such as living to 150 years, materialize objects out of thin air, savants who can read other peoples thoughts, near death experiences etc. My life is so boring, I've never had a NDE, never met anyone who even knew of someone with these abilities. I've never seen UFO'S or any of this other wacky shit. If even some of this stuff is real why is it not know or supressed? Why aren't we all taught in schools about how through practice you can materialize objects like guru X did or how to learn to read people's minds like savant Y did. Why do we as a society deny these powers. Is this all stuff that people made up or is it real? Leo please I want your input. 
    I can already see it. Some people will say yes it's true others will say it's not. I'm so confused and just want to know if these seeming magical abilities really do exist.

  9. Leo's advice for how to get spiritual powers?
    A question about spiritual powers
    I'm not experienced with it, but from what I've researched it's basically a lot of intense visualization and concentration exercises.
    Like, imagine spending 4 hours per day, for 10 years, visualizing intensely that your fingers can light a match on fire. And then if you do that intensely enough maybe one day you will be able to do it. Although there's no guarantees so you could just end up wasting a lot of your life energy on nonsense.

  10. Amazing Self-Defense Skills
    Share an art piece you enjoy!
    Btw, I find the woman's self-defense skills to be very impressive. I wouldn't mind if she was my martial arts teacher, I could learn some self-defense skills from her if I really wanted to hypothetically speaking. She was probably working on her strength as a martial arts student which is why her grip is so strong. It's possible for a woman to be stronger and a better fighter than a man, it would just take more work which is something that I respect and find honorable. I really like that you can show dominance regardless of your gender and how you can overcome your limitations through hard work (although genetics and other things still play a factor). 
    Also, lets pretend that I was in this fight and I somehow escaped her grip. Kicking someone in the balls is a cheap move if it was used in the beginning of the fight and is usually unnecessary but the way that the martial artist uses it with her strength is impressive and is an exception. Tickling is also a really cheap move and should only be used as a last resort if someone for sure shows too much power with his or her feet. It's actually said that a woman is more tickleish. That would actually mean that there would be more potential for self-control because she is more sensitive and has more to control. It would be true inner emotional strength. It's very unlikely that it pan out and is basically a tradeoff so I wouldn't want that, at least not right now. I'm not saying that one can resist getting tickled through sheer will but it's just a thought about that I have on self-control. There is a video of someone successfully resisting getting tickled that I would like to show you:
    Also it takes serious "balls" for Martin Ball to take psychedelics because of what can go wrong and it changes him. I hope I made that clear in my illustration. 

  11. The Value of Phychadelics
    Wow! as a newbie... What the hell did I just walk into? (Actualized Forum)
    Tropical vibes are so satisfying.  I just typed in Puerto Rico in the search, and I saw that it's home to the only tropical rainforest in the US.  Interesting... So my mother's side is from American Samoa, and there's a tropical rainforest there as well.  Lol... we're both territories of the US; I was curious to know what makes Puerto Rico's rainforest different than American Samoa's?  Any way... Salsa is a ton of fun!  I love to dance!  I want to travel around and dance everywhere I go.  I know if I was in Puerto Rico, I'd be exploring the rainforest during the day and dancing at night  
    Yeesss!  That's awesome!  I can relate, especially because I've tried other psychedelics but for some reason Aya is just something different.  In fact, when I go back to say mushrooms, there are moments of Aya that comes into my experience.  It's unusual because it seems like I don't even want other psychedelics anymore, but I'm so glad I was still open to trying new ones... that's how I found Bufo.  Bufo is up there with Aya as well for me... just for different reasons.  For me Bufo seems like it can give direct experiences of what Awakening feels like.  I know that it's not like that for everyone I've shared experiences with... but for me it's just as fulfilling.  These experiences have given me so much drive and has inspired to make solid changes in my life.  I can try to explain it... it's like the psychedelics become my theory even though their direct experiences.  They give me a theoretical reality that I can create through the direct experiences of change.  Eventually I know I'll not have to use psychedelics.  That's one of things I've got in my bag of work... eventually embodying the abilities to use this physical reality to gain insights that move me as much as the psychedelic experience.  But for now, I'm still gaining so much value with psychedelics.  

  12. Infinite Degrees of Awakening
    Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE
    There are infinite degrees to "Awakening". All possible awakening that can or can't exist, exists. God's imagination is unlimited and can create any form of conceptual or actual Awakening possible. It can imagine a so call absolute awakening from some human perspective, but it can also imagine infinite ways to go beyond that awakening. Because it's all infinite, and because you can only recall your direct experience of infinity when you are in your human perspective (which is a finite recollection of the experience of the infinite) it is possible for you as a human to continuously experience/remember higher and higher degrees of infinity compared to the amount you had remembered/experienced prior. But as God, all possible awakening and existence are all happening beyond time in infinite ways. You as God can experience all the infinite possibilities of "Spiritual Awakening" that existence can possibly experience and come back as a human retaining only an infinitely small portion of the whole of that experience. You can even consciously know how many infinite lifetimes, existence, or dimensions you've experienced, but you will likely only be able to recall, with detail, an infinite fraction of the whole once you are back to the human perspective. Because otherwise the sheer amount of information will melt your human brain. However, since you are God, you can remove, or at least lessen that limitation if you wish, the amount of infinity you can retain can change through God's will, and if you have a deep desire to continue exploring/experiencing higher degrees of Awakening or infinity, then you shall create that in your direct experience. There is always more, or higher, or beyond a certain awakening to be had because God is infinite, it can just keep creating infinite possibilities to entertain itself.    
    You might continue to experience higher and higher infinity for infinite times/lifetimes/existence until you reach the extreme of the infinite of infinite of infinite... You might then go back to the most limiting perspective of a little human, and in that contrast, you can experience the infinite beauty of yourself. The degree and love you have for yourself that you can create and experience all of yourself. (In human language this experience seems linear in time, but to God, it's all happening outside of time, or in infinite time) 
    You can experience being the "organ" of a higher dimensional being but within yourself containing an infinite universe that contains endless lifeforms and beings, and then zoom into the hair of one of the infinite alien beings, and find that within the hair it contains another infinite existence in a completely different dimension, and so on. You might even remember the non-human sensation of being these higher dimensional beings, or the vibration/language that are non-human. Even though just a finite recollection of the actual.  
    This is very hard to communicate through human language since it's infinitely paradoxical/strange-loopy. Degrees of infinity can only be measured in one's direct experience to their prior direct experiences. Because it's not possible to mathematically measure infinity, or reduce it to human concepts. And the infinite variety of infinite consciousness makes any comparison obsolete. Only you can, through your direct experience, "know" in human terms how awakened you are. And depends on how much of the infinite you can retain as a human, the human perspective can feel so infinitely small and limiting. Most human concepts of awakening refer to the understanding/being of the infinite/God, which is true, but beyond that awakening exists infinite more awakenings. Most humans are satisfied with the first because compared to their human experience, just an infinite fraction of God is enough for them to stop seeking. But some people are more curious than others, so they can continue to explore infinite consciousness and discover new forms of conscious experiences.   

  13. High Quality Newbie Post?
    Wow! as a newbie... What the hell did I just walk into? (Actualized Forum)
    Well, I haven't been on this forum for two days yet and man, I feel a bit uncomfortable... which is good; there's something I need to look at.   A part of me is saying don't put yourself out there like this because there's going to be strong opinions that probably won't like what you're trying to say.  But fuck it... I do the work and I'm going to go ahead and do it regardless of the fear I'm feeling right now.  I have a suggestion about possibly adding some additional buttons on the profile page.  One button is where you activate it yourself when you decide you need a break from the theory (forum), and you want to focus on the work (experience).  Another button is where others can activate your button to suggest you should take a break from the theory (forum) for a temporary period of time, so you have the opportunity to do the work (experience).  I don't know if this would help, but in theory it seems like it would.  
    Why am I suggesting this?  Well... as a newbie I'm trying to feel out what's going on here and to see if I can see myself fitting in.  It's easy for me to see there's a lot of tension and drama going on especially directed towards Leo, and we can try to find solutions to turn this into a more constructive situation.  Absolutely I am grateful to have found Actualized videos.  I appreciate the vision Leo is creating, and if I can help in any way for that to continue... I will.  I'm not saying Leo doesn't have his own shit to work on, but who doesn't?  That's why there might be a solution on how the forum is structured.   
    @Leo Gura We want you to be at your peak (energetically speaking in this situation).  Trust me... you are reaching Actualizers who understand what's involved.  To simplify it... there seems to be a huge gap between yourself and majority of the mental masterbators.  Trust that there are Actualizers who don't have as much distance to the mental masterbators state who can remember, relate, and influence them easier.  Some of these Actualizers have a different temperament and still like to play the games as well.    I love your direct no bullshit teaching style.  But in my experience as a teacher, most of whom I work with don't want to begin their learnings that way.  So, I had to develop a more subtle approach and gained a well of patience.  Trust there's a diverse group of Actualizers developing, who can take some of the drama that goes on.  You don't have to waste your energy responding to every little thing.  Maybe you can benefit from getting away from the forum for a while.  Possibly? 
    I asked myself:  If I was Leo, what changes could I try to create different results on the Forum perspective.  I want people to do the work!  I know they are going to be addicted to the theory... so how can I, as an influencer, help these Forum members understand that the work is where the magic happens.  Of course, I cannot make them work, but they are a part of my Forum so I can have more of a say at what goes on here.  I know I've got a lot on my plate, so I don't have to read and respond to every person, because I'm focusing on the whole instead of each individual.   But I do gain value participating with members. 
    With a quick brainstorming moment... I came up with possibly using the button options.  I want people to see how much balance it takes to do the work along with theory.  Maybe there's a way to track how much time is spent on the forum researching theory and how much time is spent on experiencing.  I might have gained relationships with the members because they've given me value and they fit into my niche of actualizing.   But I've noticed that my intuition has been nudging me that I need to gain experience away from the theory (the Forum).  So maybe there will be a button or a setting letting members know I've decided to take a break for a while, and I can come back and see how I've changed and see if anything has changed in other members.  I also know there are many people who are blind to what the work really involves.  They are addicted to making excuses, placing the blame on others, and drama.  We know it's going to happen, but do I need to allow their toxicity to infect the Forum?  I know they can be blind so maybe I'll put another button where the community can click on to suggest to that member they're stuck in theory.  Recommend that they take a break from the forum for a while.  It's not like I don't want them to return, but I also want to emphasize to them that the work is what's most important here.  Maybe there has to be a certain number of members who clicks before they are timed out.  Maybe the time out period is like a month.  Maybe because this is my damn website, and I have the final say... If I decide this particular member needs a break, I don't need a certain number of votes per se; I'll just click my own button.  
    Obviously, this button thing is just the starting point to see if there is a solution towards growth together.  Having other opinions can really mature into something that might work better than it is now.  
    The Forum community:  Have you ever been so absorbed in something that you don't even notice how dysfunctional it's getting until an outsider points out the dysfunction?  What's this Forum for?  Where are we on our development when we are dealing with relationships?  Are we working on changing our behaviors to be healthier?  Have you actually been doing the work... honestly?  When you are writing your comments, how are you feeling?  You can ask yourself if your comments are constructive or not.  You can disagree with others, that's natural.  But can you work on responding in a respectful way?  That takes work.  Can we empathize with others when they're frustrated?  That's been a huge challenge for me.  I knew theoretically why I'm frustrated with others is because my own frustration in myself.  I know I wish I could learn faster than I am.  Because of my own frustration I was robotically lashing out to others who don't have the experience of growth as I have.  I am learning I have my own pace as do others.  It helps my frustration disappear when I accept myself more.  I also realized most people place up walls of defense.  I thought of myself as intelligent and persistent, well I can get around that wall.  I thought one way or another I can find a way.   I didn't see how much energy I was wasting especially if there are several walls I'm working on at once.  If there is a wall of defense, leave it alone and respect that.  Move on gain perspective.  Allow the other person to take down their walls before approaching again. 
    I want to see Actualizers differently from the herd, but how different are we really?  

  14. Video of Wisconsin
    My life is not worth living if I spend too much time on homework and bad predictions

  15. Response to My Questions With a Video to Watch Later
    My questions that get ignored
    Not sure why Leo thinks he's the only person in human history to ever meet a DMT entity. Astral projection is a well known phenomenon, in which one moves between the inner planes of consciousness, meeting thought-forms residing within the collective consciousness. People have been talking to "alien" consciousness for centuries. Modern, more disciplined examples include channeled works like The Law of One,  Q'uo, Abraham, Bashar. 
    These experiences are still mind. You can be in a heightened state of Consciousness and still be completely at peace.
    Or you can dream of being an alien kangaroo ? ? 
    In the end, there's nothing to figure out!
    There's nothing more to know other than You Are It.
    You Are Infinite Imagination. ♾️?
    It's fun to explore the mind. Have fun with It!

  16. Why We Need Religion
    Why we need religion
    This guy is very enjoyable to listen to, and he makes a very thorough case for why religions (or "grand narratives") exist and why we need them.

  17. Steps to follow
    My life is not worth living if I spend too much time on homework and bad predictions
    How about this?
    1. Commit to write simple sentences. It's hard to understand you.
    2. Sign up for a Martial Arts Class, I recommend BJJ or Krav Maga.
    3. Get up one hour earlier every day, go to bed one hour earlier.
    4. First thing in the morning (when then fantasies come!!) go to the bathroom and shower C O L D for 1 minute.
    5. Prepare 3 things to do right after your cold shower (like: Go on quick walk outside, learn for school for 10 minutes and read a book for 10 minutes [Think and Grow Rich, The Way of the Superior Man...]).


  18. Leo's Response of Actualized Quotes #034
    comment on Leo post
    It does make sense, because if you understand more than others around you, they will constantly gaslight you with their ignorance and you will have to stand up to it. Arrogance helps cut through that gaslighting. If you are too humble, people will gaslight you into their level of ignorance. This is exactly what happens to most spiritual students. They are told to be humble sheep and just follow the dogmatic path. Most Buddhists are like this. It's a disease. I escaped that by daring to challenge all systems of thought. It takes arrogance to dare to do that. Because people will tell you: "How dare you think you know more than the Buddha or Jesus or Rupert Spira!" You will be shamed into place. People will call you names like egotism, narcissist, etc. All in order to get you to become meek, shut up, and stop questioning. Everything is designed to get you to stop serious questioning. You are not allowed to go into a Buddhist temple and seriously question all their teachings. But that is exactly what's necessary to develop a sovereign mind, which necessary to reach the highest levels of God-Realization.
    Be careful. This is very tricky stuff. Human use humility as a trick for self-deception. They think that by acting humble and pious that they are actually pursuing truth or understanding. But those are very different things. I don't act pious, which makes people think that I am narcissistic or just outing out out of ego. But I am not pious for a much higher reason, because I need to cultivate sovereignty of mind.
    Arrogance is not something you should glorify. But it can be a nice antidote to the kind of fake humility that is found all around spiritual circles. Be ware of pious spiritual sheep who act sweet but are not actually conscious of much. Obviously you can take arrogance too far. So you must strike a good balance between those too. Humility is important. But it has to be genuine humility. What galls me is that these humble spiritual sheep are actually more arrogant than I am, because they think they have found the one true path and all they need to do is adhere to it like sheep. That is truly arrogant because it assumes that God can be reached without serious independence of mind. It is actually extremely arrogant to claim that you know that Buddhism is the Truth. People don't know that. But they act like it's true. And if you dare to challenge them on it, they cry arrogance on you.
    These are advanced self-deception games that humans play. It has taken me years of gaslighting by spiritual idiots to finally understand these games. And so now I put my foot down if someone tries do that to me. After 10 years I have finally reached complete sovereignty over my own mind. And that is what I wish to teach you.

  19. The Art of Mastery
    Ralston’s New Book - The Art of Mastery
    Available for Pre Order.

  20. Dissolving Ego Example
    An Example of Result of "Ego Dissolution"
    Behold! The lovely face of "Christ" (idk what other word to use for pointing).
    Randomly bumped into this, thought I'd share it as it's another good example of what the result of "ego dissolution", integration and awakened self can look like for those wanting to go farther. You can see the "light" and "innocence", joy and love shining through .

  21. When will I be ready to live life?
    When will I be ready to live life?
    I feel that I have never lived a day in my life...
    There is this nagging feeling inside that says, "You have been living the past 23 years as part of the audience for the play that is life, never an actor."
    Here are a list of things that have been in and or a part of my:
    Practicing Meditation, contemplation, and self inquiry for years Have had a great family that have supported me with so much love Great friends from childhood, college, work, etc..  Finish college with a computer science degree (This was well worth it. Personally, I needed the structure back then. I had struggled with childhood ADHD and being around peers with similar interests helped a ton!) Exercising consistently (weight training, running, yoga, etc.) Nutrition is where I want it (Leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, berries, cucumbers, beans, nuts, all seeds, almond milk, salmon, olive oil, peanut butter, etc..) No fast food and or processed sugar.  Reading tons of books Practicing my speaking No debt Practicing my writing Being obsessed with philosophy and neuroscience as always Practicing my programming Have had many awakenings that make me love this very moment with all my being Have not dated at all since high school but I had tons of great experiences with girls when I was young and yet, I still feel as if I have been failing to live. There is a part of me that feels like I am faking my entire life. Trust me, I am grateful for this life. Also, I work as a software engineer and enjoy my work. Yet, I feel that I am an imposter.  I also feel that I do not deserve what I have. Each day I wonder when I will be fired for not being good enough and or ousted by loved ones for being a loser. 
    I also spend a ton of time by myself. I do not socialize at all. There is a part of me that thinks I will never be able to find a group of people I can fit in with even though I have had amazing times socializing with others. I failed to find anyone to really match with in college. Overall, my alone time has not been negative. It has helped me accept that I am someone who has a hard time fitting in and that is something I need to work on. Yet, this all feels like one big joke. Each day passes and I wonder, "Why code this application? It will just be another thing I fail to finish," or "I'm a selfish fuck. I only live for myself. What do I contribute to others? Nothing."
    How do I finally live?

  22. Why does Leo stop at infinity?
    Why does Leo stop at infinity?
    Was just watching this Leo interview. Around 4 hours in he compares his views with Tom Campbell's. I pretty much entirely agree and have mentioned the same critiques to Tom, but this still seems like a blindspot for Leo. A major one.
    If you asked Leo why he bothers with teaching or doing any of the human stuff he does, he'd say something along the lines of "Why not? What else am I to do but live here as God? Why would I want anything else?". It's like he can only be at one extreme or another. There's an infinity between human life and total God-realization, and he dismisses it off as "dreams that can maybe help with trauma". The sheer scale of Leo blindspot is hard to fully comprehend, but it's pretty big.

  23. Levels of Energy
    Levels of Energy - Frederick Dodson
    @UlaxGod doesn't hold anyone to a specific level of consciousness it's an illusion, god can make anything out of it because 1 day you can operate at this level... The other day at another level... One day you're narcisstic/arrogant, the next day you may be awake or have enlightenment experience. God is in control at all times, the characters that are playing the game on earth and are interacting with each other are doing it in the name of god. For example:
    You wanted to speak to a person in the truck, the truck has 3 people inside. You roll down your window and 
    Person A says: We have no time
    Person B : Random thought popped up and you just repeat it automatically: Just drive , Just drive with a big smile and you wave your hand automatically saying "never mind"
    Both actions are interconnected/interplay between god and were done unconsciously. Person A was a narcisstic female sitting next to the driver. Person B was a nurse .  Because person B lives in higher consciousness, person B is also responsible for person A in the teachings. Higher consciousness will always have higher role in the interplay between god which means your thoughts/nature/actions will always be greater.

  24. 165 Days Before College
    165 Days Before College
    Original title: 167 Days Before College
    weekly 30m of  shamanic breathing  to transition from 30m of do nothing meditation to 30m mindfulness meditation to finish the LP course  to spend more time outside  to re-start doing mind powers exercises consistently to read at least 3 books  to continue pushing  myself daily   no tv series or movies eating clean(less sweets,bread,processed meat) daily journaling ( onenote)  to improve my English skills going to sleep at a decent time(23.00/00.00) to make a vision board  no facebook solo meditation retreat to travel alone in my country for at least 3 days  to continue abstaining from alcohol and weed (one year and six months since i drank alcohol or smoked weed) to continue nofap ( i relapsed yesterday after one year and three months)  
    Possible goals:
    pick up yoga classes swimming martial arts part-time job  to upgrade concentration practice from 10m to 20m to upgrade meditation practice from 30m to 60m stretching routine    
    Books i want to read/listen to:
    Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy by  Stanislav Grof M.D. 
    Conquest of Mind By: Eknath Easwaran (audiobook)
    Stuff Every College Student Should Know (Stuff You Should Know) by Blair Thornburgh
    Daygame by Tom Torero 
    Day Bang by Roosh V  (audiobook/pdf)
    Getting Things Done by David Allen  (audiobook)
    Boundaries by Henry Cloud  (audiobook)
    The Like Switch by Jack Schafer
    The Rum Diary: A Novel: Hunter S. Thompson
    Feel the Fear . . . and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers  (audiobook)
    Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps  by Kelly Williams Brown  (audiobook)
    Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz (audiobook/pdf)
    The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them Now  by Meg Jay  (audiobook)

  25. Google Ignores Police, Defies Authority. Must Read!
    Google Ignores Police, Defies Authority. Must Read!
    To put it simply, a man took photos of his sons genitalia to send to a doctor online and was false-flagged by google, which auto-backs up his photo to the photo cloud service. The Police determined him innocent after a child abuse investigation, but google still asserts the power and authority to permanently shut down all his accounts, including his active phone number service (Google Fi). 
    Google’s reasoning is that they personally looked at all his photos and found a video he took of his wife sleeping naked in bed with his sleeping son in the morning. So they continue to keep his account banned. 

    here’s a link to the article.
    Google’s ability to defy Police Judgment is scary, and their position to snoop through auto-backed up photos of people even after innocent cases like this one gives them too much power in my opinion. What do you think? 
    Some people make their money from using google products, so a permanent ban on accounts can be very damaging and disruptive to a persons lively hood, especially when Google is this big and prevalent in people’s lives.