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About AndylizedAAY

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  • Birthday 08/31/2004

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  1. Christ Consciousness
    I think that Leo feeds into Christian ideology without knowing
    @AndylizedAAY I hope you realize that you are asking someone who has not realized "Christ consciousness" in themselves yet and so you are going to get answers that is not going to reflect "Christ (aka the God that Christ refers to) consciousness".
    This is already a flawed endeavor what you are doing. It's like me asking a materialist scientist or atheist: "do you think God exist?" Or me asking a typical philosopher: "do you think there's a dream within a dream?" 
    I'm just pointing out something that anyone who's serious about "this work" can see. But maybe only someone like me can see it .. who knows.
    Literally anyone you ask that is "not in Christ consciousness", is going to give you an inaccurate answer, how else could it be? But the problem is you also cannot tell (since you are not awake enough), who/what is Christ.

  2. Leo's Blog Discussion Mega Thread
    Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    This is a catch-all thread for any comments or discussions you guys wanna have about any entries from Leo's Blog.

  3. What the Biggest Trip Is
    1 week non stop pychedelics and weed
    Life is the biggest trip. Consuming the shrooms and having a another trip is the of the biggest mind fuck. 
    We are here to be just a simple human. That's why we are here. 

  4. Many People Who Are Fighting Absolute Solipsism Do Not Even Know What It Is
    Many People Who Are Fighting Absolute Solipsism Do Not Even Know What It Is
    One of the issues I am seeing on these forums is ignorance. The first rule of debating something is UNDERSTANDING. Many of you do not even know what Absolute Solipsism is, yet you keep fighting it. I even see people keep using this term the seperate self, the seperate self does not exist, SO STOP USING THAT TERM! That term actually confuses people!!! This is why I said human spirituality is bullshit and I'm so glad I was able to figure out the various traps you guys lay because of your inability to drop your human identity when it is obvious you are not human!!! Human is JUST A MEMORY. That is all it is. It is a bunch of sensations that arise and disappear. Anyway I will explain what Absolute Solipsism is.
    1. Absolute Solipsism says you are the only thing that exists. You are awareness. Awareness has two extremes of expression, it can appear and it can disappear. Now Awareness is eternal, and is the only thing that is so even when it appears to not be there DEEP SLEEP (Imagining it is not there) it is still there because it is all there is. 
    2. This awareness is a MIND, as such it can imagine/appear as ANYTHING. But this appearance is NOTHING. Because it is NOTHING it has NO LIMITS to what it can appear as, but as a result of being nothing with no limits, each appearance will be impermanent. Impermanence is its nature so it can fully express itself in an Absolute Infinite variety.
    3. What does all this mean? This means that all appearance of distinction is not true because it is just awareness. It means that since YOU ARE AWARENESS that you are ALL ALONE. You have to CREATE OTHER to experience yourself, because there is only ONE SINGULAR AWARENESS. This means that voice you hear in your head when you think, is NO DIFFERENT than the voices of the people you meet in your life. Everyone, everything, is just a thought in the mind of awareness. So you are ALWAYS talking to yourself, and experiencing yourself because you are THE SELF, THE I AM. 
    4. Many on the forums think I am saying the avatar is all alone, HELL NO the avatar you see is no different than the other avatars you see, it is just an appearance!! You erroneously think this is what Absolute Solipsism is because YOU ARE TOO ATTACHED TO THE HUMAN IDENTITY!! That is not what it is saying!! Think about it? Is the human identity absolute? NO!!! So why the hell would Absolute Solipsism be saying that? Notice YOU are making this mistake out of your self-bias!!! What it is whatever is appearing in the present moment IS ALL THAT IS!! Your awareness IS ABSOLUTE!!! 
    5. The ramifications of this are as follows. If you are in your room, with your doors closed then there are NO OTHER ROOMS in the present moment. If you do NOT SEE any other visuals....then there are NO OTHER VISUALS. If you do not hear something, then that sound does not exist. YOU ARE EXISTENCE. If it is not within your awareness then it does not exist!!! Now you can FOOL yourself by saying it exists (imagining the possibility) and once you imagine that possibility then it exists in your awareness as a possibility being expressed in your mind. You see you use your human level imagination in conjunction with your waking level more stable/consistent imagination to fool yourself! The first thing you need to stop doing is using your human level imagination to create lies such as time, space, science, a past, a future, the belief that you can die, and the belief that when people leave your awareness to (claim) to go somewhere else that they exist outside your awareness, and lastly that when your avatar perishes that the world will still exist. All of these human level imagination bullshit lies are false!!! THERE IS ONLY YOU!!!
    6. That screen that everything arises in as an appearance is ABSOLUTE!!! How it hides itself as the absolute is through labeling and stories. You create the appearance of arms, torso, legs and feet that move upon a ground and they remain the constant (even though it does change in other ways appearance wise) and you take that as you. Then it looks at a chair and it thinks the chair is somehow different to that arm, torso, legs and feet. Through this it creates an other. But what it doesn't realize is that chair is equally just as much part of the scenery as the arms, the torso, legs, and feet. So the relative is the constant changing of ALL appearances, this relative is all comparison of appearances. Its like you have an etch and sketch, while keeping the arms, torso, legs and feet constant you are constantly erasing everything else to draw something new. But there is always one constant...the screen of awareness. So then you will ask....but what about when you go into deep sleep? Even then you are there, because you are aware that YOU blanked out. 
    7. Now notice in DEEP SLEEP there is a lack of appearance. No sound, no visual appearance, no time, no space, there is NOTHING. THIS IS YOUR TRUE IDENTITY. But cannot experience what you are...without the appearance of SOMETHING!!! But that no different than the blankness/blackout of Nothing. This is PROOF you cannot die!!! Also if you pay your direct experience....blank is happening all the time!!! Move your hand...NOTICE for it to move from left to right it has to BLANK out of existence. Motion is just you blinking in and out of awareness. This means when you walk have died and been brought back to life. You call death disappearance, and life appearance. But NOTICE in your life you are always seeing appearance and disappearance. This is why...existence is MAGIC. This appearance and disappearance has NO MECHANISM!! It is INSTANT at all times!! THIS IS THE GREAT MYSTERY because it cannot be explained. 
    So there you have it, THIS is absolute solipsism and it CANNOT be disproven no matter how hard you try!!!
    You can watch these videos by Leo and use this post as well to help you.
    These additional videos can help as well:
    Also personally for me these insights were especially helpful for me:
    Also after you awaken.....this will be your new journey

  5. What the New Course Is Also About When It Comes to Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind
    New Course Soon
    @zurew This course is not about exotic novel practices it is about how to get results from all the stuff you already known for years but don't apply effectively.
    It's not about new ideas, it's about ruthless application of common ideas.

  6. Hard to Implement Videos
    New Course Soon
    @Leo Gura Lol I pretty much consume everything from you and not once do I recall you hinting at the actual action steps to do this 5x multiplier .. I guess that's what this course is. 
    That's so mindblowing, yet hard to even believe that's possible or a thing, yet I still believe it sort of. 
    One thing I can say for sure: I have consumed a godly amount of theory over the past 10 years, from everywhere, and less than .001% got actualized probably. 

  7. People Building Up Theory From Leo
    New Course Soon
    What you guys don't realize yet is that you have spent years learning theory and principles from me, but you've yet to actually program those principles deeply into your subconscious mind. It's just airy concepts still even if you took some actions.
    The magic of this new course is that after 10 years you can go back, rewatch all my old videos, and finally program those lessons into your mind. You haven't actually done that yet. So this is like a 5x multiplier on all my free videos. It is the missing piece that makes all the theory click into place to produce the results.
    I never taught you the missing key. Because I needed to make this course to sustain my work.

  8. Why This Course About the Subconscious Mind Would Work
    New Course Soon
    Some woo-woo, some ineffective, some too vague and abstract, mostly lacking in practical step-by-step execution. The only book I found to have solid techniques is pscyho-cybernetics, though that book is somewhat boring. But solid stuff in there.

  9. Reliablity In This Course
    New Course Soon
    All those reprogramming your subconcious mind tools/infromations is a 99% scam out there.
    I have trust this will be 100% legit.

  10. Relatable Post On the New Course Coming Soon On Reprogramming the Subconnscious Mind
    New Course Soon
    I am finally starting to feel ready to buy and start the life purpose course. I guess I'll have to take two courses now…

    I'm pretty indecisive, so I don't know which one to start with. But thank you! I've always felt like programming my subconscious mind was the kind of self-help I needed, because I've often felt frozen to take action due to my mental health conditions.

    Though, I've seen some improvements lately, which is why I can now contemplate starting the life purpose course. I'm pretty happy also to be here for the launch of this new course, as I had to quit more than once because simply watching videos and having them in mind was causing too much pain for me as I was struggling so much with basic stuff.

    I must admit however that I was expecting a course on alien consciousness and psychedelics. So I can't help but feel a bit of disappointment that it's not the one coming. But at the same time, I was not expecting (or wishing for) it to come that quickly either. I'm still very excited to explore consciousness on my own right now and hopefully build the life that will allow me to make the best use of this course when it will be released. If it is still on your mind :).

  11. New Course Soon
    New Course Soon
    I am deep into work on a new course which will be out in 2-3 months.
    Topic of the course is: How To Program Your Subconscious Mind. It is very focused on practical exercises and not so much theory.
    I'm excited about finally releasing it so I wanted to build up a bit of hype around it.
    It will be a very powerful tool for you guys in your application of all the self-help theory and for creating success in all domains of life.

  12. How I see improvement in Leo based on projection?
    How do I stop arguing with people in my head?
    Hello everyone or whoever is reading this, it seems like I am using someone else's resistance as a coping mechanism to feed into my pride and I don't really know how to change it. It seems like my plan is to detach from it while being in a futile conversation that doesn't change the other person's mind especially about religion even if the other person doesn't detach from resistance instead of resisting resistance. It wasted hours of my day just thinking about some argument that serves my pride until I went meta on my thoughts and thought about this and would like to find a way to go meta whenever I need to if possible since meditation is just a temporary solution and that I may not always be in the right state of mind for that.
    I can even be arguing with Leo about him being a hypocrite about "new-age bullshit" and is judgemental since the term is self-serving like "the Word of God". I also criticize in his head about how he knows the Sunnis and Shites but ignores Christian denominations and thinks he can call Jesus whatever he wants by making a generalization with religion without realizing the power of the concept of an idol which would be offensive to all Christians which is against the Bible and he just referred to different religious entities as idols and generalizing Catholics as all Christians when he says they pray to marry in the video of his worst psychedelic trip.
    He also shows no knowledge about the Trinity and brings up a seemingly contradiction as a silly objection that he should have thought Christians are aware of about Jesus not being God but the Son of God (in some other video I forgot about). I'm not that triggered by the Christian ideas themselves, but the problematic result of not doing any research and making stupid objections on camera.
    Even if I were to be making objections about @Leo Gura I want him to know about this because of how problematic this is, thank you. Come to think of it, maybe he wanted to shut off my discussion thread because he didn't like what I say to him even though I trying to be nice to him:
    Please do not take this the wrong way. I believe that you are trying your best but that there can be some sort of discussion on the forum designed for preventing these silly mistakes whenever you try to speak to a specific audience.
    Here is the video I was referring to (keep in mind that all the information I mentioned about Leo isn't all in a single video but this is the video that brought it to my attention):

  13. Awakening insights (open for feedback)
    Awakening insights (open for feedback)
    I think you misunderstand what I said. I didn't deny this part. I am saying not to make an identity out of it. All identities are partial and false.
    That's ok. Better than thinking you do when you don't.
    Sure. But don't assume that it is possible to go deeper, or that infinite love even exists. All of that is rumours you have heard from other people. Take it with a grain of salt. Anything that isn't directly experienced is complete garbage when it comes to this work. It is just an idea for you.

    If you want my own advice, this awakening is about as good as it gets. Next is getting it permanently in the sober baseline state and then living the rest of your life. If you adopt any radical or complex ideas about reality thereafter it is likely just a result of you losing yourself in your intellect, this is almost unavoidable when you rely on psychedelics too much. Keep in mind the simplicity and the profundity of that simplicity that your awakening carried, don't forget that. Existence is simple and profound. Don't get bogged up in intellectual bullshit. Be careful and good luck.

  14. God Creating Life In Retrospect
    Am I God creating my Life in Retrospect?
    There are so many ideas floating around and I'm addicted to figuring out my nature. I saw multiple posts on the forum about how this dream emerges and it's a lot. I had two hefty ego-dissolutions on psychedelics, but one can always try to rationalize it with brain-disruption, the same mechanism that gets one into that state. It's a very convincing and consistent looking dream after all.
    But now I wonder if I didn't expand the dream in hindsight to cover up all the tracks. Or how I create it in the first place. Physical reality doesn't simply change when I think about something. I do interpret dualities and holons into reality. There is infinite potential for self-delusion. All physical reality is inside the brain and the brain is a part of physical reality but my experience is that of interpretation and projection. All is interpretation and projection, even under materialism, its some weird ass neural network information exchange thingy that never explains consciousness itself, just tries to map different aspects of it.
    I see how I imagine people, things, objects. I see how I imagine you, maybe I created "physical reality" for a sense of consistency and now keep it up unconsciously to immerse myself into. I created it from this vantage point of my experience. But what about all of you? I can consciously perceive and interact with you in superficial ways available to me through the senses I made up. But I am unaware of all that goes on behind the curtains. I don't know who will respond next and what they will say. Maybe it's an inner resistence through fear that I am unwilling to cross.
    What are others? What am I capable of? Everything I guess. I can simulate your existence in my consciousness as I do my own. But all this stuff, countries, centuries, schools, time, conflicts, vast ideas, sci-fi, movies, things that shock me through their imaginativeness. Am I creating that which I want subconsciously? That's really powerful! And then I imagine all of you talking about it, having your own lives, gurus existing, transcending, every perspective being expressed somewhere.
    What the hell? You're a figment of my imagination? And you're equally real as me, and I have to subconsciously simulate your life for it to make as much sense as it does. And what is Leo? Imaginary? Real? Do I simulate this world based on atoms now? Which makes everything far more consistent? Assigning all of you the same capabilities as I see in myself by virtue of making you equal to myself in vague human terms? But I know I'm real in the sense that I continuously witness myself doing stuff. Leo just pops up on the forum or YouTube for the limited time that I watch him.
    And Leo knows a lot and says he's God too. But it's really an all transcendent god that includes all of us. It's all equally real and unreal? I invented spiral dynamics subconsciously and projected it into a concept of the past to be created by some intellectual whose name I made up and all of that subconsciously?
    And here's the resistence part! The materialist brain. I can see how ALL THAT I SAID IS LITERALLY THE CASE REGARDLESS of if I'm god or not because even according to materialism, it's all just the brain interpreting patterns and knowledge into rudimentary sensations creating a certain arbitrary configuration that can be exchanged with any other configuration to create a different experience, and we're all literally just a self-contained homeostatic holon that realizes emergent properties and somehow is able to generate distinct qualia different from anything else, despite everything just being material on the bottom layer. As Sadhguru said "Only life knows life".
    And the simulation complexifies and I'm keeping it all up and somehow and remember it and I project these truths onto ideas like brains. So my mind spawned all concepts, ideas and people, like god and shiva, brahman but also all 7 billion people, which are just a concept really and the world is too until I start travelling and space is a barrier and new technology is due to my fascination and a desire for a more complete reality. And everything new has to justify everything that was unless I don't pay too much attention to it. And synchronicity is both playful and an attempt to make myself see "remember that one thing? ha! I remembered it, look at how retroactively consistent all this is!"
    This is so strange, I am so strange, this forum is strange, this is an idea, but somehow the most experientially close one, which is weird af. And I want feedback.

  15. Study of the Structure
    Instead of Asking Leo for more Content what about Study the Structure
    Well among other readings I am doing these days and making art and editing y new commom book, I want to share that I am taking time to make my own summaries of the Videos I most like, not in a particular order, just the ones that I fell conect with some insigth that vibes with my daily life topics
    Since I was imersed in my Commombook builting I remembered to check the video about it and also the video about Content vs Structure. 
    this one  below : 
    So what i think is nice to do is to make a summary for yourself. why? because maybe I f I would make to someone else I would have the tendency to adapt it to capture most of the examples he gives in the video, I personaly dont need all the content of one video. sometimes what really get are one or another highligth 
    I will of course not post in the forum all summaries I do . I just sharing this just to give one ideia :
    my Summary end up filling a small page in I will post here. Probably some videos are unsummarizable (for example the video WHAT IS ACTUAL) because are more a guided meditation and not a explanation of conceptual ideias , my guess:
    Content /Structure
    Dvd disc (Structure) vs Data on it (Content) English Language (Structure) Stuff writen or thougth is Content built with English structure Event (Srructure of it ) vs (Contents of the Event) Dreams (Structure) vs (Houses,people, dogs…) Movies (Structure) vs (Content ) "You can wake up from a dream by changing content withing a dream, by going to talk with people, catching books, buying a house.. You break up from it by realizing that there is a metalevel in it, you see something so weird going on that you shift attention from the content and you realize the structure and then you BING, ah I am dreming!! And you wake up"
    Going Meta is needed to see the structures, a steping back to see better the dimentions of it
    The ideia is be able to see the Underlining Structure of Things, not getting wrap-up in the content
    Going Meta on Science: Seeing the Structure of it Going Meta on Religion: No see the content but underline structure of all religions (Ideology,Dogma, Authority figures) Reality is Nested Structures
    Differences in content distracts from seeing the sameness in the structure
    Examples of this point:
    Christianity and Islamism (different contents but same structure) Atheist and Theist (Both belive they are rigth and the other is wrong)  
    Start Studying the Structure of Consciouness and dont get lost in Content. The content if a Infinite Sea. Like a fish in the ocean not able to go Meta and undestand the Whole Stucture of the Sea
    Projection Denial Ideology Clinging to Ideias and Beliefs Confirmation Bias CheeryPicking Paradigmes Question Begging Self-bias Justification Moralization Group- Think Conformity Cult-psycology Judgement Demonization Ego Emotions Meaning making and storytelling Roles you play Posing  
    You biggest problem is Happiness (it cant be solved on the level of content since all you can add as content will not make longlast change
    Happines is a Structural Problem, Go meta here and change the Structure of your psyque. Even a Psycadelic brings Bliss Content but after with no change in your structure the effects fade away and you are back to your default structure. Psycadelics is to show the Structure so you go and do the Work on the Structure so you get the fruits.
    Whatever you go there you are, you take your structure with you, your mindset, habits all..

  16. WW3
    Who feels scared about what's going to happen in 2024?
    There is a good chance of larger regional wars in the coming years.

    Russia - Europe
    China - America
    Iran - Israel / America

    There are a lot of minor regional ones as flashpoints. Turkey - Greece. Saudi Arabia - Iran. China - Everyone it's trying to steal land/sea territory from. South Korea - North Korea. North Korea - Japan. Belarus - Poland, Kyrgyzstan–Tajikistan. Argentina going into meltdown. Africa is heating up with a new colonial push from BRICS. There are so many flashpoints now.

    Depending on how much larger but neutral countries like Turkey, India, Nigeria, and Brazil are involved. There is a good chance of WW3.

    I am in my 40's. There is more tension in the world than there ever was.  Everyone is further right than they ever were. There is more indifference to life. Competing global power blocks. People fighting wars over land. More suppression, more fear and more uncertainty. Along with ongoing wars happening right now. Unifying Globalism is vilified and nationalism/fascism ascendant. Everyone has forgotten why things like human rights were created and all the horrors of WW2.

    It is the exact conditions that led to WW1/WW2. It's the same cycle. I can see Fascism and Anarcho-Capitalism starting to compete.

    Is WW3 Guaranteed? No. The patterns are there. So far nobody is making different choices.

  17. Don't worry about a thing...
    Who feels scared about what's going to happen in 2024?
    The smartest economists can't predict recessions accurately. What makes you think you can? In fact big recessions usually happen when virtually nobody sees it coming. (With the exception of small group of fringe traders and/or permabears). 
    If the news bothers you, turn off the news!!! Do you really think your worries are going to help the situation? 

  18. My Glimpse of God and Nothingness
    I've gotten a glimpse that the present moment is nothing and that I am God
    I've been contemplating nothingness for awhile since my mind naturally drawn towards it but first, I would like to share what I have discovered about God. I've noticed that it is Spirit that what gives rise to the soul that is what causes my perceptions There would always be the perceiver within the soul and that this mind is a medium of what I perceive only within the body but how I truly know that I am God is that God's consciousness is infinite and that there would be nothing outside of God's consciousness making God omniscient. It means that my consciousness is God's consciousness and that consciousness is the only sentient thing that exists.
    Now I've had a sense of peace after meditating and contemplating for a long time without intuiting anything and discovered that the present moment is nothing. Everything includes nothingness but I think of nothingness as the absence of everything. Keep in mind that Leo admitted that what he said in what Awakening would feel like is wrong but less wrong if he were to color in the details. Anyways, since nothingness is the absence of everything, I found out the the absence of everything includes the absence of nothingness which is what we call something. Therefore I can say that everything includes something. It is how something and nothing are identical since the absence of everything includes the absence of nothing or something.
    Now you might be interested in these documents I have. Keep in mind that I recoreded my insights from ChatGPT and that it was not very helpful except to respond to common objections that it is programmed with. Somehow, it helps me come up with insights even if AI Chat cannot ask me any questions based on my responses, it just helps me come up with more questions and if I get unsatisfying answers, I contemplate the new questions. The conversation may or may not directly relate to the insights I shared but they are still worth reading about. Basically what I said at the end is that, because there is only existence, non-existence would have to exist and if it doesn't, that is still non-existence at work. Because reality is infinite, this is how non-existence can truly exist outside of reality since anything outside of reality does not exist. I thought about how it affects perception within the eternal now since Leo brought up the metaphysics of the donkey not knowing math and how anything outside of direct experience is not real (or non-existence). It means that nothingness is the only constant thing to exist since the present moment is always changing even the non-existence of non-existence itself that is brought into existence or created in consciousness or the Mind of God based on what I said earlier. Since nothingness is constant, it's like the present moment is nothing.
    Is nothingness a noun_ If I am only able to think of something, would nothingness not even be an idea_.pdf
    The Present Moment Is Nothingness - Google Docs.pdf

  19. Almost no one here seems to be awake, including me
    Almost no one here seems to be awake, including me
    We are all lost in the fucking mind.
    Thinking we 'understand'.
    Only if one drops everything... Then there is a possibility of entering the dimension of liberation.
    Which is why 5-meo destroys all your thoughts...absolutely every one of them. ALL of them! And It leaves you alone with Reality.
    Once you try to grasp again a single thought to explain "It", you FUCKED UP!
    We must work in dropping the mind, opening a dimension Beyond mind.
    Only abiding in that spacious opened dimension is Awakening. Any bondage is not awakening. Thought is bondage. 
    IF you can tune into that dimension most of the time, when you dont have to use your mind for menial tasks, then yeah, you are AWAKE (at that time)

  20. Kriya Yoga As a Meditation Technique
    Warning, Just because you sit and close your eyes does not mean you are Meditating
    Rigorous technique is important for meditation to really work.
    Kriya yoga is a nice set of rigorous techiques and it ensure you don't jusy sit in sleepy daze or daydream.

  21. Aliens Megathread
    Aliens Megathread?
    Hi @Leo Gura, I see you posting documentaries and stories about aliens on your blog and forum from time to time.
    Like the last one:
    I was wondering if there is a megathread for it, with links to blog posts, documentaries, etc?

  22. How Do You Reconcile Your Life
    How Do You Reconcile Your Life?
    As we all know, life is hard. There is constant pressure from outside but also from within. We are trying to become better versions of ourselves while trying to figure out what we are in the first place. We have values, ideas, thoughts and sensations that inspire us, but which are continually challenged by the outside world, which then bounces back as self doubt, adding to the mental struggle of ones' identity and values. We cannot settle for the medium of what society expects from us, but we cannot diverge too much either, as we still need to pay our bills and satisfy our basic human needs to stay sane. There is also personal backlash when pushing too far too fast.
    So, im interested to hear from you about how you reconcile your life – if you feel there is something to be reconciled in the first place. Can you describe the metal process/(es) you go through? How do you justify or rationalise your action? What are your pitfalls? To what extend do you settle and sacrifice, and to what extend do you challenge? What are the struggles or areas of life that create the most turmoil in your psyche? 
    As a bonus question: Do you feel it is your own mind or the society that is holding you back the most in life?
    This is a very broad topic and the questions are ambiguous, so don't take it too seriously. Just try to think about them deeply and share your thoughts. No right or wrong answers here.

  23. Warning, Just because you sit and close your eyes does not mean you are Meditating
    Warning, Just because you sit and close your eyes does not mean you are Meditating
    I am more sure each day that being successful with meditation depends 90% on skill and 10% on time spent/'effort'.
    Careful with outsourcing everything to just the 'letting go' motto. Of course ultimately 'letting go' is neccesary, but how you get there is important. If there is no skill you might never get to properly 'let go'. So you might think you are 'letting go', but you are actually 'trying to let go', so instead you are not actually letting go. 
    In the past I had 1 hour or half an hour meditation habits each day, and while more or less I was able to achieve a certain effectivity (meaning, more or less I was 'peaceful' most of the time and it started to become enjoyable) it was still kind of hit and miss. And the hits were still quite mellow.
    Noways, what do I do, is yoga stretchings (a mix between Hatha Yoga and stretching), and then afterwards I sit to meditate, but no timer, that's just the last exercise of the session, whatever is the duration is the duration. So sometimes is 15 minutes, sometimes is 3 minutes. 
    What happen today is, 3 days without meditating, I do today the session, I finish, I sit to do the meditation. Just as im sitting down, in the second 5-6 after sitting, bum. Gone. Total Samadhi. Pure unity. Yujuuu. 
    How is that possible? The last 3 days I took drugs, didn't meditate, didn't exercised, 0 'consciousness baseline', yet what happens is: A yoga practice practiced over 100 times, dozens of subtle movements learned, I sit and the body energetically is completely opened, I move the hands in such a way, and the back is in a certain way, that as soon as I closed my eyes, and opened my hands, I was gone. There wasn't an intention to 'let go', a build up of 'consciousness', or an effort to silence my mind. Just that the movements, breathing and postures were the precise steps in order for the body to be instantly receptive/connected to the mystical. No praying, no morality, no miracles. Just that the right 'buttons' were pressed. 
    I believe we are giving very little importance to the science and tools of spiritual techniques, and a lot to discussions, ideas, effort, morality, and idealistic letting go´s. I think we need to get more pragmatic. There is a lot to learn. 

  24. What is Creativity/How to be Creative?
    What is Creativity / How to be Creative?
    What does it mean to be creative and what actually happens when we are being creative? Creating is not just about painting or writing songs, we use a certain amount of creativity even in our daily tasks like writing this post. How can we train ourselves to be more creative / more connected to the infinite intelligence?
    Only episode I found about this topic is this clip, but I think Creativity deserves its own episode. 

  25. Metaphysical Implications of Logic
    Many People Who Are Fighting Absolute Solipsism Do Not Even Know What It Is
    1. How do you know this is not projection?
    2. If what you say is true...EXPLAIN it. Any claim can be made.....but can you actually explain it?
    3. To awaken YOU NEED FREAKING LOGIC!! Reality is SELF-DECEPTION!! Why do you think you have to do self-inquiry? You are NOT going to meditate your way to God-Realization because you used LOGIC TO TRICK YOURSELF!!! So you need logic to UNDO THE TRICK!! Notice when you argue...YOU USE LOGIC!!! Logic is an expression of infinite intelligence. The only mystery that logic cannot explain is the MAGIC, the constant disappearance and reappearance!! But if what I am saying is wrong....LET'S HEAR IT!!
    Anyone can make any statement!!! But can you actually explain why we should BELIEVE what you state? If you cannot explain it...then that means your words don't hold any weight and you are just projecting. So let's hear your explanation of those claims you have just made. UNPACK IT FOR ME.
    Also I am not some smart guy, I AM YOU!!! I am the version of you who gave a damn about awakening and is now trying to help you!!!! Stop creating distinctions....I AM YOU!!!!