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About Dimitris

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  1. I am not sure.Sometimes i feel better after the releases ,sometimes i feel worse . What i know is that in time I must have made small progress in healing it. Not sure if I use the right techniques.Maybe i should try something else which is more effective.
  2. Hello guys and girls my name is Dimitris ,I am from Greece and i am involved with self improvement/actualization work for some years now. I have been seeing great results lately,the work has paid off and sky is the limit. (AlsoI am this ??close to fixing the daily mindfulness meditation habit for ever ?) So why am I posting this topic? I would say I am caring a certain amount of trauma/ negative emotions, call it what u will which I can feel if I am just aware of my body and my general state.What I mean is that I feel this constant discomfort like I can’t breathe fully into my body.I am sure you know what I am talking about. And this is where another aspect of this work comes into play which is meditations/releases/breathing exercises stuff that deal with this. So I feel like I need a routine to deal with this, a routine to make me feel better and i have some meditations where you connect with these emotions, you acknowledge them and you release them but the problem is that after I do that I often feel like my mood is worse(not worse in the long term the meditations actually help) , I feel like being lazy and going into escapism (eating junk food etc). It makes a lot of sense that this happens but do you have any suggestions on how to make it easier?Or if there is another/better way to go about it? Any thoughts ? Any suggestions for another meditation where i can feel better after ?Or should I maybe leave it for the evening where being more lazy is ok ? Any thoughts are welcomed. Thank you in advance!