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Everything posted by Tudo

  1. I think this is just temporary, as soon as Trump leaves power, this kind of stuff will stop.
  2. The USA is almost heaven compared to most countries on Earth. I really want to move to America in the future, America has so many smart people. Another thing I love about America is how much you seem to value technology. As an engineer and now a medical student, this really impresses me, you guys have no idea how disgraceful it is to live in a low-level culture in a third-world country, it's almost disgusting, like hell on earth ( I'm Brazilian). I had to go to med school because I couldn't find a job as an engineer, years spent on it for nothing. People here don't value tech, engineering, knowledge, or truth in general, and this makes me sick. I think you guys will continue to be the most powerful nation for generations to come.
  3. You guys like this country because you haven’t faced the things I have as a native. And most importantly, you don’t value tech and engineering as much as I do. I don’t want this for my children. Brazil is way lower on the Spiral Dynamics model, where people really don’t give a shit about truth because they’re just trying to stay alive first. I just can’t stand this place. Observation: Rio is a shithole, even by Brazilian standards. Lol. You guys are crazy hahaha Try Florianopolis, nice city.
  4. I'm from Minas Gerais, where I went to engineering school, but right now I'm studying medicine at a university called UFSC in Santa Catarina (the best state here in Brazil, you guys have to visit it!). It's a great state, but it's still Brazil. I'm tired of this place. I want to go to the U.S. as a doctor or through the investor visa (I will be trying to get this money by investing and working as a doctor).
  5. @Leo Gura How are you so sure Musk is so unhappy? I would almost give anything to work with something as cool as rockets (I have hyperfocus on rockets hahaha).
  6. What are the best ways to develop an epistemic foundation?
  7. I live in a third-world country, and I can tell you guys that life here is fucking brutal! A lot of people here would give up one of their arms to be American.
  8. Maybe life on Mars could even be possible. You could be wrong about it. With the right infrastructure, we could live on Mars. You have already made wrong predictions involving politics, for example.
  9. Yeah, Leo, but you're forgetting something. Even though life on Mars may not be possible, the important thing is the technology developed to achieve it. This same technology will be used to reach other planets where human life will be possible. What Musk is doing is really important to mankind, you just don’t want to admit it or see it.
  10. Most people here hate him, but I have to agree with you, that guy's life is fucking awesome.
  11. "He seems to be really unhappy" Nobody really knows. Most people who tend to see powerful people as unhappy are usually just coping and envious.
  12. The last trip I had on mushrooms was really traumatic. I stopped existing as a human and became something non human, but I don’t know how to put it into words, it was scary af.
  13. Does anyone have experience with it? Especially using EquityZen platform?
  14. @Leo Gura I wish I had cash to buy the dip in this next stock market crash, but I'm still in med school, so no money for investing in the next few years. Any ideas on buying farmland as an investment in the US?
  15. @Nemra In which continent is your country?
  16. I will share with them all the wisdom I have gained about women, relationships, psychedelics, politics, God, and everything else, so they can pass it on to the universe itself. I hope to leave them several million dollars, and perhaps at least one of my sons will become a billionaire and pass it down to my grandson. While I don’t plan to leave much money to my daughters, I will still teach them everything I know and love them deeply. The men, however, will carry on my bloodline and preserve my Y chromosome. It’s hard to be precise sometimes because English is not my first language.
  17. I don't have it, but I want to in the future.
  18. I know this is personal stuff, but it is a curiosity I have.
  19. Try talking to this guy @faizaanhakim. I found his channel and really liked his content.
  20. lol I almost don't post but I check nearly everything Leo posts here in the forum. I'm a silent observer... haha Furthermore one of the reasons I don't post is that except for Leo almost no opinion matters to me.
  21. Yes, but my point is that when we act lovingly towards other people, we are often acting out of an egoic place. I want to know that I love people not because I am them, but because it's the right thing to do.
  22. My theory is that consciousness always tries to connect to itself, the only way it works best is through good love, not through abuse, killing and etc It's intrinsic to consciousness, so the higher the level of consciousness of a being, the more loving he will be.