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Everything posted by Marcel

  1. Went on a nice hike with my aunt and uncle today. 9,6 km. 4 hours walking time. I’ve never hiked before, so I absolutely underestimated it, because of the hundreds of meters of altitude that we traversed up and back down. All around a very nice experience. Probably gonna feel that and we‘ll hike some more tomorrow, so that’ll be fun. My legs, please have mercy on me lmao
  2. Absolutely. I know I did / do. As an example. I used to have intense rage issues at some point and coincidentally learned about the transmutation of emotional states at that time. So rage turned into drive and growth. Im still not perfect dealing with rage and sometimes I still have outbursts, but generally speaking I can handle it very constructively.
  3. A man should be a conscious monster. I often compare it to being a gentleman gangster. Obviously that’s exaggerated and it doesn’t fit entirely. What I mean is. Treating everybody with respect. Being serious. Talking the talk and walking the walk. Keeping your word. Having integrity. Having healthy boundaries. Being honest. Having the ability communicate ideas efficiently. Being a strong and effective leader. Developing mastery of body and mind, continuously putting in the work and striving for excellence in all of his affairs. I said „monster“. Because a really good man, is a dangerous man. But as I said. ( Ideally ) A conscious monster. Someone who is selfless and uplifts people and never hurts anyone in any way.
  4. I had an intense exercise in the past. I would imagine myself being tortured and watch how my mind got terrified about damage done to the body. Until it fully realised it isn’t the body. Still haven’t perfectly integrated that insight, nor do I do the exercise anymore, because I’m not that as crazy as I used to be hehe
  5. I don’t think so. Life purposes will naturally differ to some degree. Also. Life purposes aren’t set in stone, they change and grow. I wouldn’t worry about difference in life purpose.They can also be unified for example, so there is a shared purpose. Its not a deal breaker by any means. Ultimately it depends on the couple itself. If they genuinely love each other there always is a way to make it work for them.
  6. I don’t feel like journaling most of the time. My treasured approach is using my mental faculties without writing stuff down. I find it to be quite distracting, to try and formulate my thoughts while actively pondering or working through something. I happily do it afterward, but not during. So my journal isn’t a daily thing. More like a catalogue of results rather then the process of getting there itself.
  7. Develop in what way? Financially? Spiritually? Socially? etc. But to give a very general answer. The first step is to make a commitment to yourself to follow through and not quit. It’s of ultimate importance to take this step seriously. Then. Develop an attitude of progression and excellence. Have a healthy sense of narcissism. Whatever challenge you face your inner talk should be “Of course I can handle this. I am perfectly equipped to do this“ This isn’t supposed to foster arrogance or even delusion. It’s about replacing your doubts and insecurities with a strong healthy frame of reference to face adversity with. Obviously we are, most of the time , not perfectly equipped to handle x,y,z, but the point is having an all conquering attitude.
  8. Love of learning, open mindedness, honesty, integrity, excellence, similar or complementary life purposes, authenticity, communication skills, openness, vulnerability, being principled, confidence, commitment
  9. Had my first sober enlightenment experience today. I was watching a talk by Dr. Bruce Lipton and went for a walk afterwards. At some point and completely out of nowhere it hit me like a ton of bricks 🧱 I AM EVERYTHING. A profound experience of oneness. I nearly fainted it caught me so off guard. There was a warm sensation moving through my entire body until it covered me totally and then expanded outwards. In fact. It’s still expanding and I can still feel it almost 2 hours later. I’m also slowly starting to feel the backlash. My human identity is scrambling for its existence. Trying to make me pretend that I didn’t see / experience what I did. It’s an experience that shapes you for better or worse. Like An unlockable door that was previously completely shut has now been opened wide and stays more or less open. The veil has been cracked indefinitely. Anyway. To get back to my point. Actually feeling one with everything is a whole lot different then just understanding it theoretically. Worlds apart. Direct experience really is the end all be all. Contemplation all well and good. But Actually experiencing set contemplation is the real deal and absolutely needed for integration.
  10. I’m having the same right now hun What a coincidence haha
  11. The Path of Recognition. Love it. I can already feel that to be a total game changer. Great share. Thank you very much.
  12. I think it can only truly be practiced one way. You are everything. You are doing everything that has ever happened and will ever happen. Every Problem is your Problem and Every Solution is your Solution. Or as Neville Goddard put it: „No one to change but self“ Because that’s all there is. YOU “The world is you pushed out“
  13. Great share hun. Thank you very much 😊
  14. Silence. I absolutely love silence. Other then that. Irrespective if I’m home or not. Sitting indoors while it rains outside and all you can hear is the rain while contemplatively staring in the distance a bit, entering my own world of insights and understanding.
  15. I think the question needs to be framed in a brother way. Because IQ doesn’t mean a whole lot and doesn’t provide a good representation of intelligence or rather only about a very narrow field of it. Okay to be fair. I’ve only done a 15 minute test I randomly found online, so there might just be more for me to discover about it. Reasons for a drop in IQ could be plenty. The Motivation to perform well / Attitude. Ability to concentrate ( Stress, for whatever reason is definitely a factor ) Doubting one’s capabilities. Actually finding a reliable test in the first place. Or maybe just not being good in the areas that are tested to begin with. Which is okay. Not the end of the world. IQ is a poor representation of Intelligence. At least the IQ tests I’ve seen so far definitely are. Way too narrow and specific. Intelligence can’t just be broken down in a singular number in that fashion. “The bigger the model The bigger the problem“ comes to mind.
  16. That’s a very very slippery slope. My first thought is. No, absolutely not. Im aware of exactly what you mean though and have done exactly that in the past, but have learned my lessons from it. I think if someone is heading in a way that’s “clearly” bad for them, the least thing we can do is to try and have a conversation about it with them. Without judgment. Without lecturing. Without hysteria. Without “thinking we know better” I would simple listen. Actually listen. And try to understand first and foremost. Give advice if I feel qualified to do so or show a different perspective, but will ultimately let someone make their own decisions. And even if that decision turns out bad for them. I would not go about telling them the good old “I told you so” or anything similar. Rinse and Repeat. Actually Listen. Understand the person and once again do my best to give advice if I feel qualified to give one and making sure that I tell the person that if they ever want to talk that I am always available. Basically. Having an actual relationship / friendship with someone rather then trying to become their overlord.
  17. It seems like my life has turned into listening to one intuition and then the next and next. It’s almost like I’m being guided by an invisible hand. Not that I’m a puppet on strings. It feels like something is genuinely looking out for me and has my best interest in mind. People often call me an incredibly lucky person because I follow my intuition with blind faith. It works perfectly. Really makes you reconsider how much power actual thinking has or rather where it is supposed to be placed on the tool belt of our minds. No doubt. Thinking is very useful. I actively and consciously think all the time. But my intuitions / insights give me instant answers to problems that I couldn’t solve with endless thinking before or give me just a slight tap on the shoulder to push me in the right direction when needed. “Do less, achieve more” I thought this was complete and utter nonsense when I heard it for the first time. But it seems my experience is now slowly validating this quote. Fewer Actions. Higher intensity. Full focus. Interesting how methods change over time.
  18. Introspection Conscious Integration of ideas Meditation ( Walking Meditation to be specific) Practicing Mindfulness I don’t know if this just counts as meditation or mindfulness. I sit down and just feel whatever feelings come up. Everything that wants to express itself is allowed to do so. Be it destructive, happy, suicidal or loving. All emotions are allowed to come out and play. It’s one hell of a party sometimes.
  19. Had a weird dream tonight. It seems I should open a dream journal and record all the nightmares or oddities there. Well not all dreams are like that, some are very beautiful and romantic. Still. This particular one I had just now I remember the contents off very well and how unpleasant it felt. Not really a nightmare. Just odd. I was a kind of apprentice in what I think was a steel plant and for some reason I acted in a totally apathetic manner. Which is entirely unlike me. So much so that I got sent home at lunchtime and everyone was disappointed in me, especially because I was seemingly advertised or rather recommended to this company as some sort of prodigy but I don’t know by whom or why. Then I drove home and caused an accident, which lead to my head being smashed on to the steering wheel. Then I woke up. Not exactly sure what to make of this one. Felt all around odd and uncomfortable.
  20. I don’t think the results represent me very well. Depressive fine. But narcissistic, histrionic, compulsive and hypomaniac doesn’t sound like me at all.
  21. Always and Forever ❤️ I love you so much hun
  22. I really does sound a bit odd on first glance hun. But after having read all of your posts on the topic and having given it some thought. It makes total sense. These dreams / nightmares and the dynamic they play out are your mind resolving stuff. In a really creative and unfortunately exhausting way. My nightmares are different. They often involve me being hunted / chased by people in uniforms, different ones almost every time actually. Like being a resistance fighter within an authoritarian / totalitarian government. Sometimes they just randomly end in the middle while trying to escape. Sometimes they end when I’m captured. Sometimes they end in my getting killed, usually via gun.
  23. @Buck Edwards Beautiful hun You do truly deserve it and I’m so glad you overcame your struggle of unworthiness. Seeing you grow is incredible ❤️ I really did not expect for thighs turn out as they now did when 3 months, actually almost 4 months ago by now. I finally had total clarity of what I wanted and had written all of it down in exhausting detail. It all came true in an insanely accurate manner too. We reconnected in the most serendipitous way. My intuition guided me the whole way back to you like it was always meant to be. Yours forever and eternally.
  24. Nature never takes something away without giving something of equivalent or greater value back. I can’t remember where I heard that, but the last couple of weeks and months have proven it correct in my direct experience. I struggled endlessly for more then a decade. Mental health issues way beyond my control. Failed suicide attempts, the list is long. But despite all of that. I am perfectly happy nowadays and even catch myself being grateful for the past. Never thought I could genuinely say that. Seems fitting I work as a paramedic nowadays lmao