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About Kini

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  1. Ok, but I still don't understand why my consiousness is assigned to only one body? If there is ONE universal soul of the world, why don't we have the ability to feel each other emotions, hear thoughts, act physiclly etc... It's still unclear for me
  2. But if we are ALL why we don't feel everything like a God? If there is no invidualism this logic should have sense. It would be extreme-crazy but it looks like: we are all - we feel all. I'm quite far from enlightement if I don't understand ...
  3. Hello! I'm new here but since some time I've listened to Leo's vidios on You Tube. It's great to have some possibility to discuss some topics. Sorry for my english, I'm learning and I come from Poland. I'm more or less in the way of seeking for methods to gaining the enlightened-state. I've just listened to the newest video "The Enlightened Self" and some doubt has occured to me: if the true-self is just the "nothing-self" or "everything-self" so why we as the consiousness creatures are feeling, affecting and have capabiltity to act as this only-one creature with this one pair of hand, one pair of legs and one head - not the capability to act elswere in the world and as any other creature??? If we are ALL - why do we have power only to act as ONE Person, not as any other person or for example a tree or a stone??? I might overlooked something. Please explain me your point of view in this subject.