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Everything posted by clearcolored

  1. @Yarco Yes, that is true. I realized that too when I started reading the recommended Joseph Campbell books. Thank you!
  2. I just finished the Hero's Journey video in the life purpose course. How has the call to action shown up for you? Is it an external or an internal call? How do you know what counts as a call? Do you just know?
  3. @Matt23 That makes sense, thanks for the response. I get ideas to do new things all the time. I actually started keeping track of it, and I get an average of 15 ideas per day to move somewhere, start a new job, start a business, start a new hobby, etc. It's hard for me to decipher which ones are a true "call to action" and which are just due to my brain pattern of thinking of new ideas all the time when I'm unsatisfied with my current life. Right now, I think my "call to action" is just Leo's claim that only 5% of people finish self help courses, my history of being a self help junkie and never finishing a course, and my desire to finish this life purpose course. I think that counts <3.