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Everything posted by ryandesreu

  1. "Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples - while judging ourselves by our best intentions. And this has strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose." Not a big fan of G.W. Bush but I see his quote.
  2. This video is so sad. I can't stop watching.
  3. A surgeon cuts a hole in a patient's skull so that the patient's brain is visible. He then holds a mirror up to the patient so that the patient can see his own brain. The patient sees his brain. His eyes light up. He brings his thumb and forefinger up to the hole. He plucks his brain right out of his head, pops it into his mouth and says "there's that piece of gum I been looking for!"
  4. The prodigy mind amazes me. As does Rain Man savant Kim Peek. I have watched his documentary many times.
  5. There is seated meditation followed by walking meditation. During the walking there is a feeling of the body operating on its own. The walk is just happening to me effortlessly and I am just observing it. Similar states have occurred outside of meditation and it seems like I'm just an observer of my life.
  6. Curt Schilling TOUGHNESS - Pitching and running on an ankle that was surgically worked on 24 hours prior to game time. The unprecedented surgical procedure is named after him. (Schilling Tendon Procedure) STRENGTH - Throwing a baseball 94 mph. COMPETITIVE - Pitching in game 6 of the playoffs vs the hated rival New York Yankees. WINNING - Playing to win the game which would ultimately lead to the Red Sox first World Series Championship since Babe Ruth in 1918. He is one of the winningest pitchers in playoff history and has won over 200 games in his MLB career. The image of Curt Schilling show characteristics of stage red. He has publicly voiced his support for Trump and has spoken out against student loan forgiveness despite being bailed out millions of dollars for his own company's failure. Sports Fights There is also a history of brawls between in the Red Sox and Yankees. Here is an example with a comical play-by-play courtesy of Jomboy Media.
  7. Oscar is my favorite Muppet, John. He makes me laugh. What a character.
  8. 3 songs with great musicians, vocals, and deep lyrics.
  9. How do we know that non experience exists if it can't be experienced?
  10. I'm wondering what your examples of non-experience are and how you define it.
  11. Not always a huge fan of Christmas music but I've listened to this for the past couple years and I really like it.
  12. Happy holidays to all. May we be safe, may we be happy, may we be healthy, and may we be loved... Except for people who chew gum with their mouth open, passive aggressive people, oh, and people who are still telling me to vote for Trump with a straight face on. May they "exit stage right" lol.
  13. Hearing other people talk about their diet inspires me so I am hoping this post does the same for you. I haven't had a... piece of candy in 4 months. (used to eat almost daily) ice cream or cake in 5 months. (used to eat every week) soda, energy drink, coffee, or beer in over 10 years (used to drink way too much) I eat a vegetarian diet off and on week by week. Cutting out all of the extra sugar, meat, and alcohol has really helped with my mood, energy, and relationships. Feel free to share how long you have gone without a food or drink.
  14. If my grandmother falls down in her house and nobody is around to hear her does she make a sound?
  15. No, this is not a response on a Jeopardy game show. I'm being serious here. I dont experience any 'that which is aware' entity. There is only experience itself. Sensations, images, feelings, thoughts, tastes, smells, emotions, but no Self. Every time I think I experience Self I realize that that is just a thought. Any thoughts?
  16. There is a thought that wonders why the room (or anything) is recognized as Self. There is a thought that says that the visual field is simply experience and there is no "you" experiencing it. There is a peaceful moment of no thought. There is a former Jeopardy contestant participating in the free market of meth hits for hand jobs. (is hand job one word or two?) (what is two?) (correct!)
  17. What happens to politics when video editing or animation becomes so realistic that it is indistinguishable from authentic video?