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Everything posted by StarfoxEpiphany

  1. @Opo If you don't know what we're talking about, don't interject.
  2. @Opo I don't why we can't just admit it's not an economic burden to have a German parent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. @Harlen Kelly You have yet to refute the fact that you: 1) print your own currency 2) Receive the benefits of EU and NATO, but not the costs 3) It's a joke to call people from the EU or from braindrainiing other countries as an immigrant burden. It's not an economic inconvenience. You're not special. Most any USA state doing this would leave the rest of the country behind.
  4. @Harlen Kelly What white nationalist talking point? You're making crap up again.
  5. @Harlen Kelly Name calling usually means you lost
  6. @Harlen Kelly Calling me a liar now? I think I know what's motivating you to fill in blanks:
  7. Don't know what it is, and I dont care because you started namecalling.
  8. @Harlen Kelly You don't get to pat yourself on the back because your neighbor has a Finnish parent. So I'm guessing you've already agreed on the other points: 1. It's easier when you're not contributing to the free world's defense 2. Just imagine all of that tax money going straight back to Connecticut and not to Washington DC. Just like how Finland doesn't pay for social services in other EU countries. You get the benefits of unity, but not cost.
  9. There's that nasty little progressive in you. I told you so. Unfortunately for you I don't know what they hell you're talking about.
  10. Don't change the subject, you counted Europeans as foreigners even thought they're really not. Big flaw in your argument.
  11. That's because you're counting Europeans as 'immigrants'. Imagine if Vermont counted New Hampshire people as immigrants like Sweden does with Finns
  12. @SS10 I would say I probably know more about economics than you.
  13. @Opo These countries tend to be 90% white since they don't bring in new poor people like the US does. At least they haven't for very long They're selfish. Did you have fun saying that though?
  14. @Bojan V Last year I ended up leaving a city in Thailand and switching countries because the military and provincial government was ruining the economy in that area. In fact a lot of the citizens left as well. Not sure if they ever ended up switching back to elected government.
  15. @Opo Too many people will get offended and start filling in false blanks if I don't do it articulately. I'm not ready.
  16. @Opo Now, I don't easily fall into any category since I don't think very many people can easily read subtext like I've been learning to. But the best way to gain grounding when I broke out of progressivism at first was to look at the political compass as a whole. That's more than just left vs right.
  17. @Opo Yeah a lot of my opinions started changing as more and more illuminating observations and consequences started occurring in all sorts of areas
  18. @Tim R I haven't found a good away to approach progressives about how the rest of the dissolution begins without seriously creating arrogance or resentment in the progressives I speak to.
  19. @Tim R One day I realized how much I enjoyed painting people as sexist, racist, or fascist. And that's when the cracks started to form.
  20. You assume that money is the only reason for violence even though I feel safe when I'm in a slum in Vietnam
  21. Why would an embassy move affect the two-state solution, who told you that? It sounds like some contrarianism. And also, from what I understand it is insane for Israel to give up the West bank, Golan Heights or Gaza strip as these are strategic defense barriers. Keep in mind that Muslims have attempted 4 blitzkriegs on Israel.
  22. It's more like an outnumbered male lion killing hyenas as they surround him
  23. Mine covers everything except dental , and I don't pay anything. Same with my brother except he gets dental because he can't afford it.
  24. It's not just rich people that can use healthcare. Veterans, poor people, and old people in the US are on socialized medicine, about 37% of the country. I'm on socialized medicine myself, and mine's completely fine. So is my disabled brother. One of the reasons Sanders failed is because he wasn't being entirely honest about the situation in the US.