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Everything posted by 7Lions

  1. You chaps are awesome, soaking up so much wisdom/understanding and maybe a bit of love just reading your comments/conversation : ) I'm not sure I have as much to add at this point, but this stuff is super relevant for me. Lately I've been feeling a sort of dissolution of what I thought of as "myself", a dissolution of Personhood. There's been a sort of growing recognition that the people in my life - I am them and they are me, there's an inseparability that comes with sharing an experience, even though other beings have their own differing perspectives and things that make them tick and from moment to moment we're free to go our separate ways and dance our own dance other beings of course have their own free will, what's been making me feel astonished lately is maybe free will is free! (But it seems best when rooted in love) There's a sort of warm pleasant feeling that on some level each being/experiencer is still connected in some way on some level, even if it's just the view that all of creation is connected and joined as parts in an unchanging whole, that creation and us as experiencers are rooted in the one, in source that will always be beyond and greater than us, and thank goodness - that seems to allow us to keep experiencing it- subjectively, collectively, whatever that form of experience takes, but there is always more outside of ourselves, that we are rooted inside of. It's sweet believing that others can be asking for advice, where their question they'd like answered can also be relevant for me and that in this way there is a great benefit. I guess as denselayman wrote the benefit of advice gained with others in this manner isn't maximized until it arises internally/is integrated in a unique way. It's strange I wonder if seeing the external as strictly external isn't quite it. That the external is external/internal, there is of course an-other being interacted with, and being doesn't know an-others perspective and view, how things are relevant for that other, different get/enjoy the same thing in different ways. When advice or guidance comes seemingly spontaneously from within, then maybe that's the other part of the benefit that can't be gained just hearing it from another/an-other. I was reading under the posting guidelines that abnormal psychology isn't a focus of this forum/group, I hope my posting doesn't fall under that but instead positive psychology. This "enlightenment" stuff is experientialy rather new to me so I'm definitely still finding my feet so to speak. Thanks for the videos Leo and all the work/play you do. It's helpful and appreciated