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Everything posted by Goldzilla

  1. We should listen to ourselves, that is the door to absolute truth. Something we discover. Nothing to do with opinions. Star tapping into own breath, very simple, cheers.
  2. Well, maybe i'll make a post on specifics and how to open the gate of DMT while awake, but maybe i don't want to spoil people's journey. If we gather several people interested, maybe i'l give it a try and make the guide. In the end, is better like this. Comment on this fellow humans, and if you really interested i'll release the kraken. Because is annoying to teach something without being asked, i know how it is.
  3. I first deprived myself of sleep, this is how i discovered what i say. In that agony of sleep, one awakens or goes insane. And after that was easy to tap again and awake to new levels. So yeah, my opinion is, once one discovers this, there is little need or none of special techniques or substances. The intuition skyrockets, to a point of Doctor Xavier on X Man, and i struggled on screening what i don't want to hear or see, took me some months. Because man, once you awake this, there is a flood in perception, is like tripping very hard, but you look at yourself and everything seems normal, etc. Is way complex than any book, is uncharted territory. The posibillities become infinite.
  4. I first deprived myself of sleep, this is how i discovered what i say. In that agony of sleep, one awakens or goes insane.
  5. I know how to access own DMT without darkness. Is what awakening is all about and mastering of Shambhavi mudra. The trips in the dark and mystical experiences, are only illusions, that is not awakening, is a point of view of the Ego. As dreams are, a flood of DMT in REM sleep, fast breathing = melatonin = DMT. On an awake state, tapping into DMT using breathing and the mudra i mentioned, with very specific attention train and focus. One will feel, or atleast me and others i've trained. It is a very different experience from the dream state, the trip state. If someone knows how a cocaine hit feels like, is way harder than that. Is like taking a jar of coffee or a near miss accident, it wakes you up unelievably. And one can tap into it according to experience and comfort, because it can give you a panic state if you don't know what are you doing or having the attention in the wrong spot upon the body. So, i don't advice this, only to hardcore meditators. This is where the psychic power is located.
  6. I never do what the goverment tells. It is unwise.
  7. Not true, the interior voice is before reading, before even speaking. The drive of doing things and play, that is the real deal inner voice you have. It does not use words necessarily. Is that voice that wakes you up in a middle of the exam and you got it. Is that voice, when mistreated guides you into action, etc.
  8. Depends also on the state of others, the personal circle, where you live, etc. Usually a depressive feeling is not from within, usually someone is suffering in the background. Still believe awakened people are immune to the garbage of other people? Think again. If a rotten apple is near you, it will still stink even if you transcended. Do you think staying near the stinky apple will help you? Not very much. If you grow in transcendence, the rotten apple will stink even more. One reason, intelligent people don't live with the mob. Same reason hermits go and live in a mountain. This is reality, the mass communities stink, this is how it is.
  9. I don't know dude, here in Spain near Barcelona this summer was the worst summer i've seen. Why? Because is the first chilly summer i had in 20 years. And here used to be hot, like you where sweating night time. Now you need a sweater night time. So this climate change is debatable. We only see this in big cities and fragmented media footage.
  10. A video of hope if you wish, i've experienced this, and continue to do so. This thing becoming GOD is way beautiful than we think at a mass level.
  11. Indeed, the level of being awake goes infinite hahahahahahaha, the greatest thing ever.
  12. We have the same opportunity as Jesus Christ, Ramtha, Shiva, or any enlightened human being to be "God", in the literal sense, not the bible's view of god, but not very far off. We are all infinite and Gods, but only a few of us experienced that. Leo and a few have experienced what they experienced and they exposed that in their own words. Now, go and do the same, experience what God is, after that it will make sense, before that are only flying concepts.
  13. This Spirituality thing is not for everyone. Not everyone is willing to destroy their current situation for something new, only a few. The process could be atrocious, and can also be blissful. It depends greatly on one's situation. Is way easier if one has the finances rezolved. But from another perspective, one cannot transcend without the slap of reality. So, this awakening thing, needs a trigger, or will never come only with being peaceful. It will take various decades, and even then, an awakened human being that has transcended his own trauma or has been in very dangerous situations for their live, they will probably awaken faster and better than a cave meditator, just saying. The greatest people in this world have been through hell, being the reason, they are there and continuing what they do.
  14. Why don't we listen to our breath and find it out for ourselves? Because there is no guide out there on what is what and why. Leo and others did a great job on a exposing term by term. I think we have to take what is true and useful, move on and make our own path, own words, practice, experience, etc.
  15. It's true. Ego in fact is the greatest thing you have, if you know how to grow. It is what makes us human in the end of the day, in a good way.
  16. There is self, what are you talking about? It is the entire of consciousness. That does not mean that we are all homogenious. Only from a substance point of view.
  17. I'd say it is more important not to focus below plexus your attention, nor higher the neck. Regardless of what substance you take.
  18. IQ test is a tool to enter some job, grade, circle, etc. Apart from that is poitless. Is a bragging grade for the consumerism society. Did i took some iq test? Yes is did, for the play of it. Do you know any reputable iq test company? Let's try it out, for the fun of it.
  19. Healing is discovered within, no healer can heal you, only teach you how to reach within. So, it is complex. Depends on your social structures and yourself of what you experience right now. I think this type of pain is due to some unresolved childhood issues, traumas, letting go, mistreat, remorse, expecting to much, etc. You can try an exercise, if does not work let it go. Exercise: telling myself i don't have pain, i have vitality, i have good disposition etc.
  20. Yeah, is a human made phenomenon. Have a society with good knowledge and education about how weather works and the influence of stress in the masses about the weather. Take this pandemic, mass panic, mas weather change. Do you see my point? It does more harm to weather having people thinking in a way than the weather itself. We are Gods, is not this sufficient to see the bias problems in the world? Can the weather be changed through electromacnetic gadgets or simply thought and mass thought? YES! Want to solve climate change? Change the believes in people about climate change. Influence the masses to think a certain ways, all sorts of catastrophies happen, from climate to disease, to social aberations. The problem is not only the smog and chemicals. They are only a fraction of the problem. Lately we have so many climate catastrophies because media inculcated the idea that all this will go to hell, and every day killings, rain, snow, bla bla bla, this is the main problem of society, the root of the problem. Don't believe this? Have it your way then.
  21. Let's see the world for what it is, internet and media is a poing of view. Living in the world, without using internet and media is a very different world as you experience. The majority of claims about everything on internet and media, are bias. The real world is very different from social media and the political or medical claims.
  22. Many mantras out there. I use them both verbally and in thought, repeating the mantra when i want or need. I'd start with "i am that i am". For mantras i take this indian principle that is widely spread: Na, Ma, Shi, Va, Ya. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sound(space). The 5 elements or the 5 senses of the body. From a perspective of Shivaism each sound of a mantra is for some energetic centre in the body. So, it is complex and depends what system is used. Per example in the system i use in my languace wich is Romanian, ths rules are different. So, one can even make his own system, the point is the meaning you give to the mantra. Firt reasearch the basis of meaning in mantras, start with IO (the sacred principle) , the "i" and the "O". The "AUM" is there because is a natural sound when you sleepy or you wake up, you make a sound, your upper body stretches, you open the mouth and make it unconsciously in the morning or late evening, etc. So basically mantras are in their basis, copied from the human body and nature.
  23. Visuals are a fucked up state when taking drugs, don't guide yourself on that. Awakening is similar when your a child and you feel the world as it is. Now, for advanced people who have awakened, yeah, there are things out of this world, like more shades and shades of color in the visual spectrum, seeing the masks of people, hearing better, etc. But a trippy dream experience is usually for those still asleep i'm afraid.
  24. Psychedelics are a tool to transcend faster, but if you don't know how to transcend, then there is no point of using this tool. It will not do things automatically, it will do only that wich you are.