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Everything posted by Goldzilla

  1. Maybe what the majority are doing is not that safe. Take history per example, the worst atrocities where done, in following the masses.
  2. Because you can only be Love. Love cannot be given or taken. It only looks that way from duality perspective.
  3. Someone said, you suffer because you desire to. And it's true, no matter how bottom up is the situation, one can always choose to not let others put their fingers in your eyes.
  4. Wanna force awakening? Stay a couple of nights without sleep. Yet i don't recommended it, is your choice. Why sleep deprivation forces you to awake? Because after some days of not sleeping you start to hallucinate, and if you go into it and continue to stay awake 2 paths will unfold. 1 you get insane, 2 you awaken to the real. So yeah, i don't recommended this. Because i did it and know how it is, after 2 weeks of sleep deprivation with 10-30min naps at 3-4 hours gaps. Why i did this? Because it was something similar to Gautama and Jesus my experience. I said to myself, i don't move from here until i see the truth about who or what God is. And it worked. But it needs a trauma situation of some sort to trigger the most deep in you. Those who claim you cannot simply awake, that it needs something special, they did not awake, they still dream for someone to come and save them.
  5. It means you are Alone. And others rely on you.
  6. Quit that relationship on first day. I speak from past experience, otherwise he/she will drag you for years and in the end you will be seen as bad.
  7. Remember this movie from 2010? Love and other Drugs,vid:diSalGOaf-o,st:0
  8. Yeah, like the member Windappreciator, keeps insulting. And others. Pathetic.
  9. Leg the propaganda go and read a book. Namaste
  10. I only told you what top notch Harvard and Cambridge says on the matter. Take it or leave it. Namaste
  11. This movie tells a heck of a story ?
  12. Maybe is not, take a look at Natasha Campbell Mcbride, what she has to say on the subject. Before you claim other's views to be idiotic.
  13. It will bring awakening in a matter or life and death situation. Like a real desire, not only an intellectual one.
  14. Anyways, as humans we have to take some sort of life in order to eat. Yeah, even the plants have life, and they are not so unaware of what is happening.
  15. Is not wrong, do your research. There is more vitamin in raw egg than any fruit per example. I know it sounds out of the establishment, but is true.
  16. A word from that wich is not, -Human beings atleast, have the ability to live more years, depending on how each and one of us handles sound, vibration or what we call lifeforce inside. Notice when in the company of somebody the lifeforce inside starts to skyrocket, or even thinking about someone. Love is accepting the lifeforce wich is thought that it has it's roots, accepting the totallity of lifeforce is embracing everything, good or bad, even possible or impossible outcomes. Now, becoming a superconductor with the body, transparency of thought, vision, perspective, one can start rewriting the DNA again, from it's original state, direct from main grid consciousness. What we call just be, and beyond i'd say. The state of literally no thought, i'll tell you a sad truth is that state in wich one wants to experiment only the material, is a rejection of thought, and can be experienced i give you that, i have in the past. But that state is a disconnection from the main grid consciousness, a perpetual intent of shut off, but the main grid of consciousness will alert you with fear, nausea, or even extasis if goes override. Because of an override of binge drinking one night, the brain will fire up DMT to keep you alive, droplets of the totallity of the main grid of consciousness into the system in . Zip files. So, to experience and be "God" it is a thought away really, that simple. The intention to embrace and be the totallity of thought. When spiritual healers call blockages, they refer to a part of the body being atrophied or strain muscle in a certain way or contracting in a certain way. That leads to physical anomalies on the body, like overweight, pain, all types of illnesses , from the light to very bad stuff. To be a superconductor we have to literally LIVE, in the most deep and simple way. Laugh with everything you got if given the opportunity. Cry with everything you got if given the opportunity. The totallity of thought has so much override power, that if someone suppresses a bad thought, it could really happen. Because reality works this way, it wants to LIVE! Even the bad thought or good thought wants to live. If you don't let it express itself shit happens. It is that simple. We can change from sick to healthy in one afternoon, don't doubt that, but it needs the embrace and thoughts LIVE! Remember when we dream? It is a state of the what i'm talking about, a superconductor. The embrace of every thought. In reality when we dream, we dream in the main grid of consciousness, seen from the perspective of the ego. So, achieving lucid dreaming and beyond and reaching a state of clarity until the 4th level of the dream. That it is what we call awakening, the 4 beasts of Apocalips lol, the 4 main layers of the human body. Yeah, in other words would be the syncronization of the 4 main glands in the brain. So to achieve this state, i explained that in my earlier posts. And when does sound come in? THOUGHT!, LIVE!
  17. When you decide to die you go to the source and you grow another body until you decide to transcend and take the body with you into infinity. Death of the body is not a rule in this universe. It can be transcended, death. Those of you who seen and experienced this truth congrats. The other flock who thinks they are awakened or enlightened, keep reading your books.