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Everything posted by Goldzilla

  1. Take in mind that, for some women is easier to awaken, because their kundalini it was not so beaten up as happens in male perspective. They are receptors, they give birth, in itself this is easier for them, they have their struggles also. So yeah, i said it. Guys, go and learn from the vibe of healthy women. Still thinking you will awaken in a fraternity of only men? Think twice. Namaste.
  2. It will change your life, better than drugs.
  3. I got bitten by a black widow, then all my fears about spiders dissapeared hahaha
  4. Go Colloidal Silver for detox and probiotics after. Is safer in my opinion.
  5. More info on angels and demons, beyond religion.
  6. I disagree. Humans are more like carnivores than anything else. There is more high consciousness in a raw chicken egg, than any vegetable. Or cured cheese. This paradigm of fruits and veggies being more high consciousness is just religion. My opinion and experience, nothing more. Do as you see fit for yourselves.
  7. This veganism and spirituality is something new, atleast in the west. In Romania we had Zalmoxis who taught eating plants etc. The point being to veganism in my opinion, it is a cleanse. It is a 1 month diet or so on this. Doing it full time is detrimental, and low fat foods are the most dangerous. Look at some good scientific papers, not society. I'd say the health of people is priority above animal suffering. If you care more for an animal than a human, it is a disgrace. Now, not advocating on animal suffering, just pointing out a truth. For me personally i prefer animal byproducts and fruit.
  8. Let's not confuse veganism with spirituality. What is your opinion on this?
  9. What is your opinion on this?
  10. I prefer rather animal byproducts, like dairy, eggs.
  11. Antipsychotic medications is the worst you can prescribe to someone. Yes there are extreme cases out there, but those medications will distroy someone's life in the long run.
  12. I get that maybe you are a vegan and vegetarian, i was too about a decade. Not anymore. The biggest lie of this century is becoming vegetarian. Being the reason world population is so sick.
  13. Yes, for cooked meat you mean. There is no scientific evidence on raw meat or dried meat, is even beneficial. Now cooking is another story, and the worst one can do is pump many vegetables with meat, it can get you sick, but not from the meat, from the antinutrients of plants.
  14. Ask a billionaire.
  15. To release faster the mind boggling, do something simple. Take a blank peace of paper and write: (i destroy any contracts made with my knowledge and without and i get liberated from any bonds, be that with humans, thoughts, entities etc and i reclaim what is mine. So be it.) You can burn this message after or simply by writing it, to have a more clear attitude inside of what you want. And to have a clean slice of what are your intentions upon reality.
  16. The integration of light and darkness inside we have to do. When thoughts arise about shame and sin and the dark "entity" is waiting to have it's feast is also what we call (ego dissolution or ego death). If we cling to much at what we know about reality, this kind of happenings could happen and all sorts of inside realities and fears, traumas, memory etc. From a metaphorical perspective, the Ego has to be sacrificied and renewed with the internal fire we have. So, on a brink of dispair like Ego dissolve, wich is no joke, to let go is to embrace the inner drive, or call it fury if you wish. In a dream picture it will apear as Satan or Lucifer. We must first deconstruct what those entities are. Satan has to be seen in new light. Because christianity lied in the first place about Satan or Lucifer. Let's remember that "the serpent" and "saviour" is the same principle. Christ is the metaphor of the Ego, sacrificing itself for the whole and be reborn. Take this like something we have to do at a personal level. Let the old go to be sacrified for the interior self and be reborn in a new paradigm. When the big sacrifice comes, that of the Ego, is normal at first, the body and mind will freak out similar to waiting real death. Getting in touch with the reality inside of what Satan or Lucifer represents. From a standpoint of no christian dogma, they represent the truth. They represent the movement inside. Jesus Christ said: to those who will be successful in my endeavors, i will give them Lucifer, the morning star. So, Lucifer, Satan, Shiva, Christ, are only names during history of that wich is dormant in the human body, or left for dead. Is where we threw our not desired emotions or thoughts,etc. Firstly, revise your beliefs about Satan, and let religious dogma go away. In the true words Lucifer represents the light and the principle of Air. Satan represents movement and the principle of Fire. Gabriel represents freedom of speech and the principle of Space/Akasha/Sound/Knowledge Duality is making people see angels and demons. From a nonduality perspective they are Daemons or facets of the subconscious mind. In western tradition we have 72 demons and 72 angels, so 144 Daemons.or "Gods". Duality is being stuck in the perspective only that of the Ego and mind. Because of society programming. So, we have to reconsider relearning everything we think we know, and distrust any dogma, this is why we have the breath, to not drop into insanity. And the embrace of all those dark feelings inside and stop judging. Now, entities are real from another perspective. If is too much trauma doing the inner work, then calling upon Christ or Shiva or Lucifer, could help greatly.
  17. Remember 2 days ago when i was talking about angels in the forum being even more fierce than demons? And that breath is the main staple of spiritual awakening?
  18. @lmfao Tell us what happened exactly. Don't be afraid, we will not judge.
  19. There is no way of no thoughts in the present moment. You are alive because you continue thinking, even tho you want to experience nothingness that is only another focus on other things than thought. But believe me, you can't stop the thoughts processes without losing your life. You can only switch focus on breath per example and let thoughts come and go. The total dissapearance of thought is a blatant lie of society.
  20. Welcome to the Club. Don't worry, is not only your imagination. Those forces are more real than people think. Satan, Lucifer, Gabriel are only facets of the higher self, about what God is. But it can be atrocious scary from a point of view of the ego. Will sort this out if you need detail explanation of what happened. Namaste