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Everything posted by Myagooshki

  1. Yup, the appearance of gender/sex, especially insofar as when they have clothes on, is largely customizable with surgeries and hair removals. A little bit of bone shaved off the skull, the ribs, the hips, vocal feminization surgery, maybe breast/ass implants if that's your thing, and various treatments for body/facial hair
  2. A few of these I know are garbage. For example, the trials on hydroxychloroquine were bullshit, either the full cocktail was not administered (only the hydroxy and not the zpack and the zinc), or it was not administered early enough, and there is a lot of information out there involving the potential involvement of the CIA in JFK's assassination. 5G technology is definitely being used for surveillance. Population control itself? If there's population control, it's people making content on the internet moreso than 5G itself. If he gets in and he changes things for the good, some of these claims will be less important. If he gets in and he changes things for the worse, he sold out. If he doesn't get in, we'll never know. But when there's always a lot of propaganda going on about various things in science and medicine, I would be careful in assuming that a person that the media and establishment is targeting is necessarily lying. He could be, but this brazen attitude of confidence that people are having about their hypothesis that he is lying is superficial and hasty.
  3. I guess that's nice that y'all are discussing MBTI in here, but I would look at the bottom of page 1 and see my earlier post which goes further into detail about the actual Jungian ontological structures that MBTI ripped off to make its personality system: effectively derailing the study of personality into chaos.
  4. Social extraversion is different from cognitive extraversion. Social extraversion is a misnomer, it should be "outgoingness". You can thank Isabel Myers for that. Cognitive extraversion, I do not believe that Leo is referring to cognitive extraversion in the content that this thread is referencing. I think he is probably a cognitive extravert himself, as am I, as are you, probably. **Extroverted Judgment (Je):** Je is a process shared by Te and Fe that evaluates the dynamics of objects such that registered objects are defined by their interactions with other objects. The structure of the Je process allows for the individual to use causal reasoning in which a particular conclusion is expected from the initial premises. This leads to an understanding of the impact of objects on other objects, those objects being mental and abstract or otherwise *focus on causality and consequences* ################$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ **Introverted Judgment (Ji):** Ji is a process of essence-delineation shared by Ti and Fi which identifies objecthood and registers those objects by means of evaluation based on how the object compares to itself or the individual’s self-alignment. This process allows the individual to ascertain self-contradictions, asymmetries and incongruities with the properties of the object being judged *focus on intrinsic properties and monolithic principles* ################$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Extroverted Perception (Pe): Pe is a process shared by Se and Ne that understands objects through their temporal immediacy, approaching them directly and experientially in real-time. An object is not understood within robust frameworks or limited by preconceptions, but by its immediate existence, which is continuously explored for its own sake. This approach leads to an adaptable understanding that is constantly refreshed *primacy of the present moment, focus on real-time experience* ################$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Introverted Perception (Pi): Pi is a process shared by Si and Ni that understands objects by their temporal wholeness or totality, including the past and projected future. Prior instances of objects and their broader context are stored within a mental map. When objects are perceived, they trigger a recollection process, associating them with these stored objects. These are then added to the mental map, which contains and preserves the relational coordinates between datasets *focus on change over time and temporal wholeness* ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Is outgoingness superficial? Depends on the context. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()
  5. Yes, in the hearing he was only discussing his problems with the covid vaccine and the peer review establishment. He has also been saying similar things for years. Some of his supporters are rabid anti vax people and he or his companies that he may or may not be currently associated with makes money selling to those demographics.
  6. I saw a post recently that showed the image of the German Tesla headquarters saying "Heil Tesla" and the caption read "look at this. Germany is about to ban Tesla from the country. The EU is about to ban Tesla because of these Nazi references. Tesla will definitely not be able to compete in the electric car game worldwide if that happens". And I don't think that's necessarily true because the whole world is a lot bigger than just the EU, but it might have been part of the purpose: to make it so that he cannot sell Teslas in the EU because he is trying to make it so that standard gas cars are dominant again. Political games, eh? I didn't like neuralink as an idea and I'm glad that's mostly going nowhere. I do like boxabl a lot. Hopefully that genuinely kicks off. I drive a Prius. I think Prius technology is peak car, actually. More affordable, pollutes less, enough resources in the world to replace all the gas guzzlers on the road with Prius-like hybrid things. Some of these characters use dogwhistles but it doesn't seem inherent to me that they are intent on acting in the direction that they hint the dogwhistles.
  7. From what I remember, I was listening to him on JRE in 2020 or 2021, he is not anti-vax, he is pro flu shot and rabies and polio and tetanus and all of that. He was and is anti covid vax, yes. A lot of people are anti covid vax. I took three Pfizer shots myself. If I was going to do it over again I would have just taken one Johnson and Johnson. But I remember his JRE episode when he was advertising his "The Real Anthony Fauci" and if he's going to shake up the science literature industrial complex, good for him. It is currently extremely corrupt and I know you don't disagree. If he gets in and does a lot of bullshit, then I guess he sold out.
  8. @cistanche_enjoyer The amount of arsenic in brown rice is pretty trivial, it's mostly the phytic acid stuff that's going on. I tried the keto diet before and I didn't do it right. I did "dirty keto" as they say. Right now I'm counting calories and trying to up all my macros, especially protein, in order to feel full. I'm 5 foot 9 and 215 pounds so I should eat about 2300 calories a day to lose weight. I often eat less because eating 2000 calories worth of high quality food is very filling. Here's a nuance that I'm not sure that RFK is considering: different seed oils are worse or better for you. It's not so much about the Omega 6s but the Omega 3s, and the amount per dl. something like that. I forget what subdivision of liter. But, canola oil is only slightly worse for you than olive oil. Soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, stuff like that, that's really bad for you.. but canola, sesame, mustard, this stuff is not really that bad. If you're looking for cheaper oils like you can't afford olive or coconut then canola is basically fine.
  9. I'm agnostic to a lot of things in politics. So many people in politics lie about stuff, and I don't really trust science myself. I know a few studies done on things that I've experienced with, such as polyphasic sleeping. The only official study done on polyphasic sleeping was done on an Uberman schedule, which is not meant to be a sustainable schedule. There are others like Everyman 1-3 that were not considered at all in the study. Also, the participants were not wearing red glasses 20 minutes before their naps or for 2 hours (from what I remember) in the middle of the night. The NIH is full of crap studies. I read them and I gawk at them. Even when people try to say that red meat is bad for you and the sample size is 180,000. People try to say that brown rice lowers the risk of heart disease. The only thing seemingly inherent in the study (which wasn't written very well) is that people who eat brown rice eat generally healthier than people who eat white rice. And of course this is the united states. You probably wouldn't see the same results if you did the study in Japan. Brown rice does contain a certain amount of phytic acid though, which can lower protein absorption by a lot and effectively make you hungrier. This is just one example.
  10. @Leo Gura if you're trying to tell me about "The Real Anthony Fauci", I haven't read that book, I do have it, somebody gave it to me, but I'm talking about what is currently going on. The attacks from Warren and Sanders were un-nuanced, much like the attacks from Rand Paul to Biden's HHS director were un-nuanced.
  11. I think what's going on is the gender war: but not necessarily between men and women, rather, between gender deconstructionism and gender essentialism. Gender centrism is not very well articulated. Academia is largely deconstrucionist and doesn't entertain essentialist arguments. I think it's all about gender theory. Yes this plays into things like the economy, of course it does. It plays into motivations and the negotiation of resources. The right discusses gender theory all of the time in the manosphere. That's essentially gender studies. It's gender essentialist, usually. Our culture is yet to synthesize these two radical gender theories. So we're going onto a swingback now from a lot of the percieved institutional deconstructionism
  12. @Breathe yes, the government passes bills that lobbyists don't like all of the time.
  13. @Joshe I think that I would have done the same on the issue if I was going to somehow have an effect in the world of health policy if I was trying to make a change. It's very much a part of politics. Plus, from what I remember, he hasn't flopped from pro choice to pro life, he is being somewhat ambiguous as to not be taken out of context later, which is also a part of politics. If he's trying to make a change, it would be part of a grander scheme of what he's trying to do in Washington. And he hasn't flipped when Sanders was interviewing him about climate change, RFK said he disagreed with president trump. So I'm not sure about the idea of "flipping when the tides change because you're grifting" to be a very solid argument against RFK.
  14. Yes,@Leo Gura , the post is not about veganism, but neither is my message, and if you want to counter my message then you should respond to the various points that I am bringing up. I have given reasons as to why I am less suspicious of RFK and I am yet to be countered on this.
  15. Being vegan is not a good idea for many people, and you're not a vegan either if I remember so correctly. I'm still unimpressed with Warren and Sanders.
  16. @FourCrossedWands I wouldn't do anything with any of those meme coins. However I do have more than 80% confidence that Bitcoin is bullish.
  17. Are you guys entirely sure that he doesn't have any valid points regarding chronic disease and banning certain ingredients in food that you see them doing in other countries? Depending upon how civil the conversation is I may or may not be asking questions here. I've had a lot of doctors be very manipulative towards me. I do not blindly support doctors at all. I was not impressed with Elizabeth Warren's words, it did seem to me that she was asking RFK to say that he wouldn't be allowed to sue healthcare companies. Bernie Sanders saying healthcare should be a human right, I think there should be far less insured and underinsured in the country but calling it a "right" seems to imply that in scarcity conditions there would be zero sum games of who gets certain treatments and who doesn't. "Every other developed country" as Sanders puts it isn't correct, many other developed countries have healthcare systems where people technically have to pay a small amount (not what we pay here) but it is technically still a marketplace. Places like South Korea and Denmark. My assessment of RFK and "the establishment" and things like that, yeah RFK has said some weird things about vaccines that now he appears to be rescinding, but Warren and Sanders didn't impress me.
  18. It sounds to me like you are one of the people who can make veganism work. However many cannot. Plants do not provide things like carnosine. Also, you might still be a few years away from veganism related health issues. My friend's dad was a vegan for over 10 years and then he suddenly started collapsing all of the time. Now he has to consume some dairy and egg in order to not collapse. Animal products have much better protein to calorie ratios than plant products. I love eating meat and dairy. However I will agree that predation is sad. I do not know why mother nature took life down this route of predation. I suppose it's some dark emotional alchemy. I do believe that in the future we will find ways to consume animal products with very little if any suffering done to the animals. As it is, captive animals tend to live very happy lives if living under the right conditions. They're safe from predators, they just get to run around and play with other animals and their human caretakers all day. I think with the right psychology techniques we can make it so the animals never realize that getting slaughtered is a thing, or something like that. But we're always going to be eating animals. And of course, you can never assume that the system that allows this type of very ethical animal slaughtering will be subject to sustainability from outside factors. At first only wealthy hippie farmers will be doing it, etc. I don't really accept the argument that you're making it like stage green is saying who are we to think we are better than other animals to eat them. Who are we to think that we are better than other animals to not eat them? Truth is, we are better and more evolved than animals. This is the only way you can argue for lessening animal suffering is by saying that because we have power over these animals that we should be benevolent and loving like proper leaders, not abusive. But if we're no different than other animals we might as well sink our teeth into living animals and beat them to death for fun like monkeys or somehting.
  19. I wouldn't consider supporting Trump or stating that he has done beneficial things to be "Trumpism" in the same way that Q-anon might be, or ardent insistence that the 2020 election was hacked.
  20. I think it's Leo under a pseudonym. Pay attention to the writing.
  21. There isn't a lot of resources out there on Chakras and a lot of the information out there is overly generalized. Dr. K (HealthygamerGG) says that most information on chakras is book knowledge of the concepts of what the chakras are but not actual experience knowledge of what the chakras are to the extent of providing examples of the energies that you could experience. And that most people only receive those energies to experience chakras through going to a yogi. The only thing I've really been able to learn about any chakra in that regard really is when Teal Swan said the root chakra you hear a lot from rap music. And then that correlated in with what I thought I kind of knew but that solidified it: that there is energy from rap music that is basically root chakra energy, even moreso than a lot of root chakra meditation videos. I'd like dozens of examples of other root chakra things as well as the other chakras and I think it would be great to have a video series on all of the chakras like there is with the spiral dynamics videos. Just like the spiral dynamics videos and the stages of ego development, I think a chakra series would be a great series to start up. The spiral dynamics stuff was life changing. I feel that chakras are potentially great ways to map "ways of moving around your feelings and intuitions", and I can't exactly find any good resources that give me a lot of tips on how to figure out what those things are much like the one tidbit about rap music from Teal Swan. I've heard from a friend who likes Teal Swan that metal music is the root and solar plexus working together, which makes a lot of sense, but that's it. These two tidbits and nothing else. I can't afford a yogi right now and I'm sure a lot of people cannot or would not know that... but how about a video series on chakras?
  22. People in places like Switzerland and New Zealand don't have to worry about this as much, things are coming together in most of the west. Actually in Switzerland they're even about to hit replacement level birth rates because of the way that they're handling paternity leave and things like that. Things are really shaping up there and I have high hopes for the rest of the world. I don't believe AI will do much to hurt us but rather help us and there are still going to be a lot of things we'll have left to do that the robots cannot do.
  23. Also when it comes to flosspicks—which I am a big fan of as well—you can use one flosspick per flossing session. You don't need to use a new floss pick per tooth gap. Some people think that. Eventually they'll be made out of hemp plastic or something so in the long run I don't think it's necessary to worry about wastefulness at any degree, and it certainly conserves floss. I actually never brushed my teeth regularly until I was in a band in 8th grade and people were complaining about my breath. Ever since then I am very anal retentive about always brushing my teeth every morning and many nights. Always make sure to brush your tongue! That is important in fighting bad breath.
  24. There's a website out now if you haven't heard of it. From this and the associated discord channel, you should be able to get versed in good sleep hygiene if you're attempting alternative sleep schedules. I did "Everyman 1" for 8 weeks. The first 4.5 weeks were part of the adaptation phase. After the adaptation phase I was able to be very wakeful when I needed to. I wouldn't recommend driving during adaptation, I don't think. I wasn't driving at the time but I don't remember what it felt like and whether or not I would advise it. Very possibly you could pull it off. Just be careful.
  25. @asifarahim you're going to be in the grunt of the physical world. If the area you're policing is especially hectic, you will definitely be opening up your root chakra, to say the least. Everything has spirituality in it.