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About Myagooshki

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  1. @Sabth You can fix earwax buildup at home. Get an otoscope. I use this. I sleep with earplugs because I sleep close to a road. It keeps too much earwax from building up. Also ENTs don't necessarily know what the fuck they're talking about. I saw one once. He was a dumbass. ChatGPT can sometimes be better than doctors. Doctors are tools that prescribe medication and run tests. They aren't real human beings. (usually)
  2. High vibe communication can be very overrated. The way that Owen Cook talks, for example, and he says that he does that to take people's attention away from Justin Bieber when they're all in the same club.. but different people are going to take their attention away from Justin Bieber for different reasons. Maybe Leo has some different flavor of what he considers this to be, but I know me personally I find a lot of empowerment in being more of a "vibekiller", very much "beating the rhythm of my own drum". What do I mean by "vibekiller"? well it's kind of just a self aggrandizing thing. It's fun, I like saying this because I like saying that "if I had a car with a name on the back window the name would be 'THE VIBEKILLER'" and I say this as a joke but there's layers of perhaps triple irony in that if I'm talking with people and having fun with one group and another group, perhaps one of the "high status groups" thinks I'm being annoying, I'm gladly annoying because fuck his judgmental ass LOL
  3. Nightclubs in the UK are not going to go extinct by 2030. The problem with that analysis is that it's assuming a constant decay. The decay is a result of reduced demand or artificial constraints such as too much regulation or taxation for the less well-off nightclubs. A lot of the most popular nightclubs in the UK are always going to have people in them. Or at the very least, if one closes, another owner will take over and start a new one. The UK exports so much damn culture, it's not like it's Saudi Arabia or something. And British politics is coming to a huge pimple head in the coming years. Us Americans like to complain about the shitty governmentsin places New York—for plenty of valid reasons—but the UK is MOST DEFINITELY not sustainable the way they go about things. Still less red tape than the UK
  4. My favorite here is "sell speech to yourself before others". Some of the other stuff I don't know how much I agree with, such as "connect with yoruself before you can with others". I tried that after one of my last breakups and I couldn't stop but crying imagining her voice, imagining the mental version of her as opposed to the physical version of hers and I remember her voice and how soothing it was. My current gf very much replaces this emotionally and I don't even think about the ex anymore. Sell speech to yourself before others. This makes me think about the idea that if I can talk and talk in my own mind then I can talk and talk to other people. It's true you know. If you write a song on the guitar in your bedroom and you don't like it, why would you play that out? If you write a song on the guitar in your bedroom and you do like it, and you write thousands and thousands of the songs, and you really like playing them, go ahead and play those songs out, because you're going to have a good time playing those songs. it helps to have a good time talking and enjoying the words that are coming out of your mouth, even if the other people don't really recieve it that well. Your job is not first and foremost to edit your speech and keep trying to say different things to see "when will it be the case that they like to listen to what I have to say"? Your job first and foremost is to enjoy saying what you're saying and just talk talk talk and then see eventually the people who like to listen to what you have to say when you're authentically going off.
  5. There's nothing wrong with feeling angry at people rejecting you. You have to be careful about how openly you express that because people get pissed. A lot of dudes that get pissed a lot of the times it's because they're toxic alphas who are pretending to relate more to the women than the man because they see you as easily manipulatable meat that they can eliminate and not have to compete with. But if a girl rejects you respectfully you don't have to be enthusiastically "Oh my well that's your right and I'm not entitled to you!" you can just be like "eh, bye" or something. If she disrespectfully rejects you, you don't have to supplicate either. Talk to more and more people, it's something I have to get better at myself, but you just walk around where there's a lot of people and act like a sociopath. Talk to people about random stuff and don't let them see how much you hate them or how much you want to cry or any of that.
  6. I don't know anything about this situation. Does anybody know anything about the situation? Apparently she was going to be sick and they were going to miss their flight? It doesn't seem to me like she's a charismatic bone shaker. She's having a major panic attack there. I don't feel like she's the one with the "emotional upper hand" here or whatever, and I don't necessarily feel for the guy. There's also the way that she talks to the guy filming, that makes me more annoyed.
  7. It sounds to me like you are one of the people who can make veganism work. However many cannot. Plants do not provide things like carnosine. Also, you might still be a few years away from veganism related health issues. My friend's dad was a vegan for over 10 years and then he suddenly started collapsing all of the time. Now he has to consume some dairy and egg in order to not collapse. Animal products have much better protein to calorie ratios than plant products. I love eating meat and dairy. However I will agree that predation is sad. I do not know why mother nature took life down this route of predation. I suppose it's some dark emotional alchemy. I do believe that in the future we will find ways to consume animal products with very little if any suffering done to the animals. As it is, captive animals tend to live very happy lives if living under the right conditions. They're safe from predators, they just get to run around and play with other animals and their human caretakers all day. I think with the right psychology techniques we can make it so the animals never realize that getting slaughtered is a thing, or something like that. But we're always going to be eating animals. And of course, you can never assume that the system that allows this type of very ethical animal slaughtering will be subject to sustainability from outside factors. At first only wealthy hippie farmers will be doing it, etc. I don't really accept the argument that you're making it like stage green is saying who are we to think we are better than other animals to eat them. Who are we to think that we are better than other animals to not eat them? Truth is, we are better and more evolved than animals. This is the only way you can argue for lessening animal suffering is by saying that because we have power over these animals that we should be benevolent and loving like proper leaders, not abusive. But if we're no different than other animals we might as well sink our teeth into living animals and beat them to death for fun like monkeys or somehting.
  8. I wouldn't consider supporting Trump or stating that he has done beneficial things to be "Trumpism" in the same way that Q-anon might be, or ardent insistence that the 2020 election was hacked.
  9. I think it's Leo under a pseudonym. Pay attention to the writing.
  10. Whatever age you can get it. T-Pain lost his virginity at 9. He balls. I'm not advocating for child/adult relations. 10 year olds have sex all the time. It's not THAT common but it happens. And hey, you get that shit, you get that shit.
  11. "Love" yourself is bad wording. Think about your favorite band and how it feels to listen to that. Think about your favorite TV show and how it feels to watch that. Think about your favorite park to walk in and how it feels to do that. Think about some of your favorite people and how it feels to think about them. Now try to think that way about yourself. You don't need to "love yourself" in order to have a girlfriend. Lots of dudes hate themselves and attract women with charisma. And they often have avoidant attachment. Incels are usually anxious attachment. But, if you enjoy what's coming out of your mouth and everybody who doesn't like it is an idiot, then you can say whatever you want. Within reason I guess, but I'm not putting any pussy on a pedestal, and that goes for both men and women!
  12. It's literally about the metaphysics of cursing, I did not care about the girl who was texting me. However, what is your opinion on the metaphysics of cursing? Did you actually read the scenario or are you dismissing the whole thing because you think I came here to get help about the girl? That was not the intention of this post.
  13. No, it's not as simple as that. There needs to be a certain type of vibrational connection to the other person who is not the celebrity in your example.
  14. I'm looking at it a year later about. I didn't check up on this post at the time. I disagree with your sentiment. I think I held frame fine here, but I was asking literally about the metaphysics of cursing.