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Everything posted by taotemu

  1. Does anyone have any experience with reactivations (flashbacks)? I took 5MeO 4 days ago and since then I have been reactivating 12 - 15 times a day. I did a Google search about it and it seems to be quite a common. During the reactivation I feel separate from my body, dizzy and a feeling of falling backwards. The strangest thing for me is the each time I'm back in the trip I can actually taste the smoke. In fact the smoke taste happens just before the reactivation. It is like my whole being is reliving the experience several times a day. It isn't even 1% the intensity of the original experience, but 1% of Earth shattering is a sizable earthquake. Most of the time they are almost enjoyable, but It happened once while I was driving, which concerned me. Today it also happened while I was teaching a class (I'm a professor). It happened while talking with my wife last night and I told her about it. She said she couldn't tell. So I assume there are no changes to my behavior or ability to function. Any thoughts? Has it happened to anyone else?
  2. LSD opens the doors of perception. 5MeO-DMT blows the house apart. I am 55 years old and have done magic mushrooms and LSD many times. I have experienced ego death a few times on high doses of LSD and so I am not new to the psychedelic experience. I have been lurking on this site for months, reading, watching Leo's videos and learning what I could about 5MeO-DMT before I took it. I smoked 20mg of 5MeO-DMT freebase. I used a 300ml flask with a glass straw as I have seen on several YouTube videos. With the flame against the bottom of the flask, it filled it with a nice milky white smoke. I exhaled deeply and then put the straw to my mouth. I paused for a second and then inhaled deeply, basically clearing all the milky smoke from the flask into my lungs. Almost immediately I started to feel altered with a feeling of rushing energy though out my body. I then laid back and waited a few more seconds as things became unbelievably intense. I felt a powerful rush of energy surging up from my abdomen into my head and encompassing my whole body. It was then I felt a sense of panic come over me, similar to the bodies reaction to not being able to breathe. Yet I was breathing very deep and hard. A moment later and I was gone. Time and space were gone. The world as I knew it, everything in it and everyone I have ever known... gone. I had been completely and utterly annihilated. How do you describe an experience where there is nothing to ground it or relate it? There was no longer any points of reference. “My” consciousness was gone too. Without time and space and a sense of “I”, what else is there? How do we relate to or orient within such a state? How do we use words to describe an experience where all frames of reference are obliterated? There was no light, sounds, colors, pain, or sensations of any kind. I was gone. Yet it wasn't like anesthesia as there was “something” still present. It wasn't a complete blackout. Some vague sense of awareness was still present. My wife (my trip sitter) said I kept saying, “Son of a bitch”, and “Fuck” and “Oh my God” as I would cover my eyes and rub them. I also went from laying down on my back to sitting up. And then I placed my face down towards the ground with my butt in the air, like a fetal position with my head down. I don't remember any of this. The come up was so short and so intense I couldn't orient on anything. The come down however was more gradual. At some point (about 10 minutes) I started to become aware again. I have vague memories of holding my wife's face as I stared at her, trying to remember who and what I was. Time and space slowly started returning to my awareness. It was like I was being born and everything looked new and unfamiliar. My wife said I had a look of terror on my face. I remember more a feeling of complete disorientation. I didn't remember who I was or where I was for a few minutes. It was profoundly disorienting. So many people report feeling a profound sense of bliss and euphoria, blending with God etc. taking 5-MeO. I didn't get that at all. My feelings were more about gratitude that I was coming back and I started to re-orient to my life and my world. After about 20 minutes I was able to look around and recognize my living room and my wife again. I was able to start to talk. Everything looked intense, the world of ego, time and space were all here. After about 35 minutes, I was mostly back and then I felt a sense of disappointment. I didn't experience God, or anything I would call spiritual. There was no feeling of euphoria or bliss or love. I felt more like I had come very close to actually dying and I was very grateful to be back and for everything in my life. Several minutes later I started to cry. I had the realization that everything in life is precious and is there to be experienced. I became aware as to how much I avoid life and pain. How all of my fears were bullshit and that life was meant to just be lived and experienced. That the pain and suffering were part of it and from a higher perspective, were as beautiful as the joy and the bliss. I felt a profound sense of loving everything exactly the way it is. I suspect I took too much. I'm tempted to do it again, but with a much smaller dose. However, from this one experience I much prefer LSD. It reliably takes me out of my ego and into unity consciousness. It just lasts too long and requires a full day to trip and another day to integrate before returning to normal life. I was thinking 5MeO could do it too but more directly and without the hallucinations and time commitment. This experience wasn't what I thought it would be. But I have only done it one time, and frankly my first LSD experience wasn't "spiritual" either. Any advice for a 5MeO newbie?