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Man I thought so many types how could real life righting robots would be and didnt realize this existed the whole time. It could be a lot crazier in my opinion though.
No, thats why I am asking.
Do you know in which frequency Joe posts and what his usual reaction to it is?
That would be akward as heck and bad for Leos reputation.
Well maybe its foreseeable that some spiritual topics could be abused more then others. If such a calculated frame is set from the beginning damage could potentially be controlled. But its a question of if there are such spiritual topics which can be abused less idk.
Yeah Tesla imports into germany halfed because of it. I think its great that the people have this political instrument in choosing what to buy and what not to pressure companies.
The test gives you insights into the workings of your mind. Whenever I thought a lot like "I will click as soon as I see green, as soon as I see green.." I was slower then when I didnt. And when I tried hard my reaction was often slower. Sometimes my mind thought "I am trying so little right now, my next reaction will be bad" and then I got a record. When I was very aware in a way of not ego trying hard, just aware I was better then when I was half asleep though.
The prefire click-trick is old now. Haha this thread is accidently a good way to expose lyers.
Love to see it. You are very skilled. Haha today it inspired me to drive around a skate park on my way with a bike.
You can make a lot of prefires in a row to get a better average as well.
Trumps polocies will effect the whole world, other counries to a lesser degree perhaps. But in terms of war it could even be worse. USA doesnt have much to fear because it is that strong but other smaller countries do. But the world is still somewhat in tact, maybe its a good idea to leave when its clearer to see how things will play out. I think for some people in the US like students or scientist who get their funding cut, or trans people its a good idea.
I think its an ego, macho, stage red, liking to feel powerful kind of thing which you grow out of at stage green.
Somehow I can imagine that pretty well.
Now dont make the mistake of reading the comments a third time!
Pistol squats arent easy. If you cant do like 20 in a row then doing 5 every waking hour on every day seems like overtraining. Whats your goal with it? I get like an afterglow the whole day when I exercised in the morning, I dont have to do it all day.
Read a few comments. Maybe 1/5th of the comments mention the actualized symbol looking like the pedophile symbol. Most comments criticize that take, saying that its nonsense and that Joe took to many drugs. A few find it insightful and a few compare it to other religions.
Leo makes a lot of "crazy and outlandish" claims but this one seems especially so. Seems like Joe quoted that because it gave him a kick. So if Joe invited Leo and Leo would deliver on that, that would create a lot of pupularity for Leo for better or for worse.
Hey, I have adhd as well. Your brain is what it is. You can change your environement and develop tactics though to cope with the symptoms of adhd a lot. This forum will only give you shallow answers, if you have serious problems with adhd reading or listening to audio books about adhd will be some of the best time investment you can possibly make. I can highly recommend this. Its available as an audio book: https://www.amazon.de/ADHD-2-0-Essential-Strategies-Distraction-ebook/dp/B0871LK27X/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=11N1XWFIQCO3S&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OOxr0mLEb0T4bPXsmIyPqn8BeI_pmwf7jhT_ZTyRXSlRJzrzlz8GiGjz3pFa_WHOzycyAzCj9hk6X_p8o4BP607jDhsZ_kpnVP2R4qYeoWH3xzervN8gQXZB2LAXsy6PVVtaHYvQDP-gUDHxdxzvlkhIc09vqDcJ1JlnP_eQ5adRiam-MbGvCAaIJD0zUxTrMuv1D9WWVA283Y8_F0wW68-W9vuq1PzS5mXymJKV44I.etZP72kQUhQ4y7UgN9egZc6Bc9UdAxcOMpeXP4sjKZg&dib_tag=se&keywords=adhd+2.0&qid=1742589746&sprefix=adhd+2.0%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1
On a self care afternoon I went to IKEA and found something I absolutely loved. This customizable wall. I got one in a little smaller. You can add all kinds of hooks, pins, shelves, rubber bands... to it. I got all kinds of stuff to keep as an option. This 1) speaks directly to me. Its analogous to how I want to live my life, in a self customized way and 2) exactly what I need for organization. I barely took my omega3 when I had to take it based on memory, but then I got a simple pill box that I fill up every week easily like dog food and I never forget it. Some easy fixes can help me immensily. So I will buy a magnetic white table and will do my organization based on the Eisenhower Matrix. And then this customizable wall is right at the side and parellel to a given task on a paper I can put the tools to complete the task on the customizable wall. For example, if I need to bring a parcel somewhere, I can put it in a bag and hang it on a hook on the customizable wall, ready to pick up - like an Appetizer, you dont have to grab deep into the refrigerator. Lets see how this goes, I am looking forward.
I just finished the LP course a few days ago. I have been thinking about this moment for quite a while as I started this course more then 2 years ago. Not that I get all the missing answers here but maybe some advice from more experienced folks who are already living their LP. I am 25 now and I live in germany. I have got inattentive adhd which made many things very difficult for me like concentration, dealing with emotions and social problems which indirectly also made other things difficult like finding study partners or getting help with emotional distress difficult. So basically I was always an emotional mess/ overtaxed/ semi depressed while getting nothing done and not understanding what was wrong with me. As a result I had difficulties answering many questions in the life purpose course because I experienced relatively little concrete success so far because I couldnt really take part in life as much. I feel like I have got as close to it as what would be possible with my blockades but I feel like the very thing that is my LP is something I cant see right now. I take meds now and it seems like many things are clearing up rapidly but and I do make quite the transformation. I feel more capable but not necessarily upgraded. The stars become less interesting and I see more immediate tasks ahead. I become a lot more concrete instead of abstract. Thats the best way I can describe it. I seem to manifest myself in reality. I was always very reflected and stuff but was like a wave without its own will it can force onto the world. I develop a sense of self now. It sounds pretty unconscious I know and I made the point myself that adhd (at least the inattentive type that I experience) makes you more conscious. But in taking my meds I can deal with reality at least. If I got emotional support/ grounding maybe I could do it without meds but currently I can only do it this way. So this situation is quite confusing atm. In terms of my career so far: teaching: I am in 10th semester of studying math and philosophy for middle school but only have enough points to complete like 4 semesters (you need 10 semesters in total) because of the emotional distress I was always in. I could probably do better with the meds now so it really isnt hopeless. I decided to study teaching though because I did some internship to see what I like and teaching was okay for a moment and I couldnt deal with the pain of being in a situation of uncertainty so I did the best thing I found at the moment which wasn't the most conscious choice. Also there is a bit of buffer as with this graduation I can do other things as well. Teaching isnt directly my Life Purpose I am pretty sure about that. But I would earn a lot of money per hour, can do it part time, have a lot of holidays and a class in school gives you many direct information to observe which can inspire you. A school class is basically a mirror of society, all the kids are just mini versions of what's to come. So that can help me understand society and psychology more which would deepen whatever I create with my LP. I already thought a little and am also teaching 5 hours per week atm and it's an okay job. So it wouldnt be my LP but it would have a good base to comfortable pursue my real LP. acting: Over the last two years I have been doing a lot of acting as a hobby which is a lot of fun but it took a lot of time and I am also thinking about doing this as a career path. It would give me a relatively unstable base though and it would probably just miss my LP. Learning to act itself is incredible fun but it can also be emotionally challenging which I might not be capable to do. My Life Purpose is generally a bit unclear to me. Being a critical thinker is very much part of my authentic self and I have also got a very creative mind because of my adhd. On their own or even combined they dont really give me a life purpose that I find meaningful. For example I always think critically but I dont see where this practically leads to. And I often come up with new start up ideas because as I love the creative process but when it isnt connected to something meaningful I loose interest in it. The closest I could with these two is working on series like Rick&Morty which comes close to feeling like a LP. But I think there is a last component, a last value that is blocked from my mind. Besides these top two values I also care about empathy, goodness, authenticity, but not enough about any of them to make a LP in combination with the two about them I think. I sometimes look in my past to where the last puzzle piece might be. I developed a very profound even mystical happiness as a kid as I think that I had mystical experiences in kindergarden. I really vibed with Jesus in that time as well. I felt like it would virtually be impossible to break my spirit because I was connected to something unbreakable. I even felt like I needed to go through some real shit, to be lost, to come out of it and from that place be authentically able to help other people. I had a feeling of calling back then. Well I am not quite back to my inner garden of roses yet. I did about 20 trips of psychedelics and never realized a mystical experience because I was in too much shit mentally I think. (interestingly never had a really bad trip either though) I formulated my LP rather vague. I couldnt find any formulation that deeply inspired because as I said I think there is some authentic part of me missing. Taking my reflection about my past and moments of reflection I feel like it has to do with healing, bliss, profound love, existential (healing), spirituality. But I cant completely make out if these things interest me because I feel like I have a lack of them (negative motivation) or if it is authentic. To make my LP more concrete I could reformulate it like this for example (but I am not sure about it): - giving people blissful spiritual experiences to make them more loving and conscious. - finding existential beauty and meaning in fucked up situations to make people more hopeful So with all of this I have no clear direction of where to go and I found out new things about myself/ unblock blockades and this is probably going on for months and years to come. All ways would help me move forwards. If I study to become a teacher that would be an acceptable path which would allow me to do lots of other stuff (LP) I am interested in as well but then I could never study to become a serious actor because I would be too old at this point. I would need to become more clear about myself and my values to see what I value most. A side thought is also to experiment with start ups (for money) as I have lots of ideas for them. Right now I am thinking of continue studying while giving myself time to process and I can on the side apply to acting schools. Chances of getting accepted are pretty low anyways and if I get accepted that would be a sign that I am quite talented. Design ohne Titel.pdf
The Adhd self help group last time wasn’t that good. That’s the first time. Luckily I have it today again. I don’t think I spoke about anything even but other people seemed to spoke about important things on their heart. The girl in this group I had a certain connection with also didn’t come this time. It makes me think that adhd people can also don’t just understand themselves easily. I saw a study that showed that two adhd people are usually a worse couple then one adhd person and a neurotypical person. This hits me a bit. If two adhd people would understand each other perfectly then one could argue that adhd isn’t that much of a sickness because it wouldn’t create double standards, because if they need a person without adhd that seems like they need someone to balance them out. Two healthy people can get along, two toxic people dont. I am thinking about strategies on how to deal with my adhd currently. A big one seems to be that it’s hard to get out of the emotional state into the prefrontal cortex for doing tasks because the brain lacks dopamine. It suggests that whenever you get into the emotional soup, you should take ACTION to get out of there, dealing with your emotions by feeling through them doenst work because the brain never has the dopamine to win the fight and get out. But then on the other hand am I not surpressing emotions? It’s a difficult balance to strike. I feel like a combination of both worlds would be to talk to someone. Working on finding someone for that.. All of that taking action thing and other events in my life got me into socializing a lot again. Its often in patterns, I try to do it a lot, get exhausted and crawl back into my shelf until it too lonely. I see pros and cons to socializing, on the one hand I actually feel more emotionally in touch with myself especially in my belly area, on the other hand I could go insane from all the bullshit of other people. Today I thought about theraphy again like: "omg what am doing with my life. I am wasting years being unsucessful because I barely get by emotionally. Everything falls because I am not in my power. I need to stop everything I am doing and go to theraphy. Afterwards I can enjoy life again." I liked Leos analogy of trying to change a conservative like trying to change a biting dog who is so fucked up so that he instinctively becomes agressives when one tries to change/ come close to him. Thats me when I am emotionally ungrounded. Of course I dont actually become agressive but act out in ways that builts a distance.
I feel weird posting pictures of his profile, even if I make them anonymous so I rather describe them: 1) Normal selfie, 2) Another selfie, 3) picture of himself in underwear from a distance with his meat quite pronounced, 4) picture in a bathtub with naked upper body, 5) picture of him sitting with shorts and a shirt and visible (through the shorts) boner. So normally on tinder the top picks are exclusively girl. This guy was apparently liked so much that he managed to get a place at the top picks in my city. His face is handsome but not quite model material. I live in Germany btw. I saw this profile maybe a year ago and I still cant get over this. There are so many fantasies in my mind about what women want and which mind games have to be played and this fucking guy just shows off his dick and gets massive likes. The shock will never end.. But when I think about it does make sense. He is has the balls and strategy to pull off this straightforward presentation and (some who are up for casual sex) women want exactly that. And while he is very clear about what he wants (he also uses the 👻 emoji in his bio btw.) he isnt super pushy about it, like he doesnt do a sex pose or writes in his bio that he wants sex and his photos do look chill and somewhat classy. He is like the Mr.Beast of tinder - figured out how this works (for sex) perfectly.
What still counts as a child and what doesnt is a social construct. The decision to put it a few years past the biological milestone puberty is reasonable imo because girls that age just arent that mature yet and we have the luxury to affort it. Historicaly in many countries girls were allowed to marry as young as 12 years old though. I think biologically it makes sense to also be attracted to pubescent women below the age of 18 but there are good reasons (besides legal reasons) to not entertain that idea to deeply because women below 18 just arent very mature.
There are expensive microwaves with real steaming options not just imitations. They have an extra water tank and cost at least 500 dollars. Does anyone have it? How is the steaming option compared to normal steamers? How practical is it?