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Everything posted by Jannes

  1. I am vegetarian to that’s great ? Never even thought of making curry in it, don’t know why. Should I also eat raw veggies? I just can’t believe that veggies turned into soup have all the vitamins as fresh ones. Some of them get destroyed in heat and I feel like in an instant pot they get super destroyed. Is that even healthy ? ? It’s definetly a nieche and I actually haven’t found that much. Thanks for the tips. What’s your yt channel ?
  2. @Michael569 I trained for 7 years now and can only do 6 pull ups. I do them very strict though and I have long noodle arms but still ? Genetics I guess. So the possibility that these movements become to easy at one point didnt accure to me. If your setup is a bit more then just the minimalistic stuff you will never be to strong for it though. Just think of Ring flies or archer pull ups/ single arm pull ups..
  3. Agree with everything except that. Calisthenics can definetly make you bigger upper body wise. I mean you can train most of the upper body muscles in the hypertrophic range. Maybe something like the neck or side delts are a bit hard to hit though but most muscles can be trained well with only calisthenics.
  4. Yes but I only remember it very vaguely. One of the key parts was that you can grow your wisdom infinetely even if you have low iq right. In wisdom is what actually is important.
  5. I have that. That’s where the compliments came from. And I wouldn’t trade it for a high iq. I am also not to worried about my intelligence because of that but still enough to write a thread about it I guess. You can compensate a lot from having a deep holistic intelligence but some “actual“ intelligence also plays a minor part imo. But you might be right with finding your passion. I am definetly doing the life purpose course in semester break.
  6. Yes ?? you could probably do a trial training at a few gyms in your area and then see how you like it. Would be a waste of money if you don’t like it. Push ups and pull up variations are great but I prefer the gym for a boarder range of leg exercises and the ability to isolate certain muscles without much effort (side delts, arms, ..). But honestly if you are just starting it doesn’t need to be perfect because it’s already a big improvement compared to doing nothing. The renaissanceperiodization YouTube Channel is number one on fitness imo but is doesn’t cover calisthenics a lot unfortunately. The yt Channel called calisthenics movement is pretty good. Maybe look up a beginner Programm from there.
  7. I live in Germany. Yeah I also get way better vibes from people when I am outside of Germany. ?
  8. That’s a shitton of almonds (300g at least right) so I would probably feel pretty sick. But I think I would digest it okay. Obviously it wouldn’t feel great ?
  9. @integral Have you talked with a doctor about it ? You could maybe go for smooth nut butter, olive oil, avocado, .. ?
  10. What is your digestive issue exactly? The body can just absorb animal products better. So maybe if you fix that you don’t need eggs. The fats in the egg change if it is organic or not. Organic has a good amount of omega 3, eggs from factory farming dont. You could take a vegan omega 3 supplement with nuts, seeds, avocado. I would eat as least 0.4g of fat per pound of bodyweight. Muscle fullness ? Eggs have protein. Protein builds muscle. Do you mean that? Maybe you don’t get enough from vegan sources.
  11. It’s just that protein powder can make you diet SO much easier when you are into fitness (and also vegetarian). So I wonder if that is true for all protein powders because there are so many different ones (whey, casein, pea&rice, soy, eaas, high quality ones with digestive enzymes, eggwhite protein powder, …) its time for artificial meat to come out ?
  12. Do you include products that are made out of flower like pasta or bread no matter what kind ?
  13. If you take more then the trip also lasts longer. But it’s not like a linear dose to time ratio. 2g won’t last twice as long as 1g. Maybe it will last an hour longer… For my magic truffle trips the time of the trip never changed that much when I changed the dose and I experimented witch 0.5g dried to 13g dried.
  14. @Leo Gura yeah the greatest things can’t come easy. It just doesn’t make sense. I get that. Okay then 5meo malt it is.
  15. @OBEler I think these calculators are for magic mushrooms. They loose a lot more weight then magic truffles. Although not in a drying machine I dried my truffles for really long to be sure and they didn’t loose that much weight.
  16. @OBEler 1-5g is low, 5-10g is medium, 10-15g is high (all fresh). My highest was 13g dried (around 18g fresh) and I was acting like a crazy person (sweating, shaking, making weird sounds, couldn’t even move without putting all energy I had into it) I looked at a glass and somehow I knew that the only way that I perceive it is that I AM that glass. I couldn’t really think clearly and it wasn’t like rapid thoughts that were going through my head it was just my sanity hardcore battling with something and I didn’t even know what it was. It wasn’t really a bad trip because I didn’t battle being insane but it was still pretty hard and I didn’t want to repeat that again. If that got out of hand and I got depressed for example I couldn’t put myself together because I was so far gone and that would have been literal hell. At the peak I always contemplated a lot about different things. I asked myself what death is and for me there is a whole category of thoughts that all describe what death is in great detail which was really funny ?. Or I got the idea that fire is the perfect analogy for relative love and I wrote a little poem about it. Or that fear is manifestation. Or that we all do things with great fear in us and that fear is death. Or that the self can’t grasp itself because it is it. Or that the more something manifests (masculinity for example) the stronger it pulls it’s opposites (female energy in this example) to itself to become one. Stuff like that. But after 1-3 hours the trip wasn’t strong enough for these things and I naturally thought about survival stuff which was also great and I will definitely benefit hardcore from these trips. But there is just a big hunger in me to get absolutely mindfucked. And magic truffles isn’t the way to go. I heard that 5meo malt is very deep but not that aggressive you might say. It has a feminine energy to it. And you stay in the non dual state pretty long. That’s what I heard. Is that also your experience ? I also thought about dmt because it is the weakest of the three. But if I could just take a slightly weaker dose of 5meo malt for example I could negate that potential downside.
  17. 4 times I think. All in a row without break just compensating the after sensitive pain with horniness ? My thing was so swollen the next day it probably had 2-3 times the size. I pretty much only stopped masturbating when I hurt myself. Which happened a lot because I beat my meat quite aggressively. ? God are u watching ? How are you feeling about this ? Oh wait I am God.
  18. Idk what enlightenment really means anymore. At the beginning it sounded easy, enlightenment is ego transcendence. But now with all the other facets of god, infinity, infinite love, … it’s all a bit overwhelming. Is a person like sadghuru really enlightened for example and if he isn’t completely enlightened is he at least more enlightened or is he just a normal dude? Other side questions you could cover in that video. -What teacher are worth following (besides you Leo) if everybody is “enlightened“? -Is there an endpoint in enlightenment or is it more of an enlightenment spectrum? -What mystical experiences would you need to be enlightened or at a high place in the enlightenment spectrum? -Do you need all the highest facets of enlightenment (god, infinity, …) to be happy or is something like an ego death maybe something better to settle for for most people? -What enlightenment experiences are really worth pursuing? -Can you be constantly enlightened or is the enlightenment experience more of a "Hintergedanke“ that you can take through your life which makes everything less heavy ? (you really know that you don’t die for example) -Do you reach long term enlightened states only with sober exercise (without psychedelics)? -Are your old videos where you talk about spending 1000 - 10000 hours of self inquiry to get enlightened trash? -Remake: How to get ”enlightened“?
  19. Is it really about the fiber though ? There are just some foods that make your poop hard like whole grain bread, banana, stuff like that. Most vegetables don’t make it harder they actually make it less hard. Also enough fat intake and hydration is important for smooth poop.
  20. Names are just symbols and symbols are the map and not the territory. If the diet coke experience is the same as the regular coke experience then yes I would say they are the same.
  21. I probably went more then a year once without eating a gramm of regular sugar I was that dedicated. For me it’s more about finding a way in which I can eat clean but without being neurotic about it.
  22. You can probably also feel that right ? When I eat a lot of raw veggies my body just feels like is just jammed with nutrients and any more raw veggies don’t give me anything extra and they don’t even taste healthy anymore they are just boring to eat. Then a chocolate bar for example tastes amazing and it doesn’t feel like it’s hurting me in any way and I think it really doesn’t because my body is still full with nutrients. But if I eat to much junk and not enough healthy stuff for some time my body just craves the healthy stuff like raw veggies and they taste amazing and healthy again.