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Everything posted by Jannes

  1. @Stovo So basically your ONLY point is that you say that „I feel good on red meat, therefore it’s good for humans?“ First of all you can bullshit yourself to a pretty large extend if you want something to be true. For example you could think that you can only be loved if you are different and you feel special being on a different diet or you heard something on the internet that red meat is the magic pill for your health and therefore solves all of your problems because health in connected to all other areas of your life. I did a pretty dumb raw vegan diet for some time because that were my motivations. I didn’t feel good on it but I wanted it to be the solutions for all my problems so bad because my problems were so overwhelming for me that I lied to myself. Not saying that is you of course but it just makes me cautious that not everybody who says they feel great on xyz is actually honest with himself. But secondly this is just your subjective point of view. How can you claim that red meat is good for other people then ? You don’t know anything about science, you ONLY have your own experience.
  2. Dude you don’t make noticeable progress in 3 weeks unless you are an absolute beginner. Your body looks different throughout the day so maybe you are just carbed up and hold less water. You definetly stand closer to the camera which helps and you are probably more pumped from all the training.
  3. Yeah I think the best thing is to focus on yourself. If you are in love with life and passionate about what you do, you will provide value automatically. Balance between what? Career and free time, Good and Evil, practical and spiritual? I am really looking at the ethical side of this. The more we act out our devil the easier survival becomes right ? Getting money, sex, status, … is all easier if you are a devil. But you need at least a bit of devil because you want to survive. If you surpress these things because you want to act like a saint then you will act your devil out in unconscious ways which is far worse. So what is a good middle ground between devil and saint and how do you find it ?
  4. So if we would act completely unselfish we couldn’t even manifest ourself in reality but if we only act selfish we might be really “successful“ be we would have rotten souls and no love. We have to find a compromise. Where is that compromise and how do you find it? I think many philosopher don’t get the necessity for the devil. As if you just had the choice to always act unselfish and so if you do act in a selfish way then that’s on you, you are a terrible person! Instead of seeing that the person was just acting out of fear. And in not acknowledging that we are very limited many fall into various traps when it comes to ethical behaviour. They overestimate their capacity to act good and surpress their devilish emotions. But now they do even more damage because they act out their devil in an unconscious way. And because they act better then they can handle they need validation from others. It’s not genuine. So I feel like what philosopher of ethic and also what society is teaching is to act "nice“ but that’s not authentic because it lacks the devil. My conclusion so far is that you should only act as good as you can be. And that means listening to your authentic feelings. Your rational mind (also rational ethic) won’t help you with that because you can justify every behaviour rationally. You should be encouraged to put a lot of effort into yourself to satisfy your own needs. Only from that place can you genuinely help others and won’t act as devilish because you don’t need anything from others. And ethical behaviour shouldn’t be taught as something you do for others but as something you do for yourself, for your own soul. Only that is genuine. What are your thoughts on that? Also how far can you push it with spirituality?
  5. I would agree that MMA probably isn’t that healthy because of the punches and kicks on the head depending on how serious you do it. I did kickboxing for some time (enough to get my first belt at least) and there was a lot of toxic masculinity definetly. I was so inexperienced and got hit at the head hard so often that I got afraid to do anything basically. You should avoid these people and set boundaries. If someone is to aggressive you shouldn’t be ashamed to say that you only want to fight with easy contact (no real punches). But my place was probably more toxic then other gyms I would imagine. That being said I will never forget the feeling in the ring once when I was sparing and something just clicked. My movement suddenly made sense and I know exactly how I did a turning kick to create space and really felt my power in how in how I could manipulate the environment with my hands and feet. I felt like a threat. I felt like a lion, like my root chakra just opened or something. So it can definetly be extremely satisfying. If you have to integrate some stage red values it’s also great. I wanted to get back at it but didn’t find another kickboxing gym and was also a bit afraid of doing it again … I think wrestling is a great alternative though. You have to tap into all of your aggressiveness and masculine energy but you can’t really hurt others or be hurt by others so thats just great. If you want to transition to MMA you could easily do that because MMA is also a lot about wrestling.
  6. what is your source on that ?
  7. @ValiantSalvatore From what I heard Trustpilot isn’t legit. (Lots of deleted reviews and fake reviews) Dont know where else to look for reviews though. On Reddit you aren’t allowed to talk about sourcing. I also found 2 sites with 5meo-malt which both might be scams and like 10 sites with 5meo-dmt.
  8. I also wanted to comment but I mean this is about the ideal girlfriend so it doesn’t have to be realistic.
  9. Physically I like brown hair, brown eyes and and white skin with a bit of brownness to it and also a touch or orange/redness in it. 5.9feet (I am 6.1). Healthy body fat and a surpreme booty and general athletic (nothing crazy) look from working out. Middle size tits with a good shape to it. I definetly want her to feel attracted to me and that I bring value to her life. Authenticity is my number one trait. I want us to eye gaize all the time and find energy through that deep connection. Maybe a shared tiredness of human bullshit and the relief that we can be completely ourself and talk about our deepest guilt, shame, … when we are together and know that we accept ourself for it because we see ourself in each other and we of course now that we are limited ourself. Generally at least a bit of access to tier 2 thinking. A bit of interest in real spirituality. Maybe just an intuition that there is some higher force that although you can’t really grasp it you also can’t deny it. You can’t see it but it is the realist thing there is. (that’s me lol ?) Or maybe she could even be really advanced in spirituality but there needs to be something at least. I think some balance between strong and independent and caring and dependent is good for me. Good social skills but not interested to do something with people everyday. Vivid energy but also chill time. Of course humor, sexy feminine energy, creativity, cuteness, healthy lifestyle, .. hmm don’t know what else right now but I am a bit tired and can’t think so good.
  10. @SelfHelpGuy no problem. They can be experienced by themself. That absolute truth and infinite love are the same thing is another awakening. At least thats what I heard from Leo. I didnt have the experience myself yet.
  11. Every psychedelic can get you to a god realization. 5meo dmt and 5meo malt but also regular dmt are especially suited for that. I heard that 5meo malt is especially great for infinite love and 5meo dmt especially great for absolute truth. So its great to take different types of psychedelics for different insights. Leo took a wide range of psychedelics so this explanation probably doenst come from one psychedelic in particular.
  12. Then you can definitely build muscle on a diet. Especially when you also increase your protein. I would encourage you to still workout though. Loose fat while building muscle. You probably don’t have a huge amount of muscle after training for 5 months unless you are very genetically gifted when it comes to packing on muscle. And you will become slimmer so if you want curves you need more muscles for that plus you burn more calories just from more muscle alone. But it’s your choice. If you want to just keep the muscle you can just not increase the amount of protein that you eat and maybe train a bit less.
  13. Yes! Yes! The more advanced you are (the more muscle and less fat) the more likely it is that you loose muscle. Yeah but you can’t compensate optimally obviously. At some point you definetly need a diet break where you eat enough calories to just maintain your bodyweight and recover your body (lower cravings, reboot metabolism, lower stress, ..). If you feel extremely tired on your diet you are pushing it to hard. Up the calories a bit or do a break. You cant gain a lot of muscle on a diet or definetly less then compared to when you would eat at maintenance or in a calorie surplus. For how long have you been training ?
  14. I can’t quote that so I will answer this way. 3) It depends on how seriously you want to be. I would just integrate high protein food in my diet. Maybe count it at the beginning to get a feel for it. If you want to maximize muscle growth you should eat protein every 4 hours but I wouldn’t worry about that if you develope unhealthy eating patterns as a consequence of following this rule. You can still make good process if you just have protein rich food in your diet and don’t look at specific timing. 4) You will always look more fat and less muscular at the beginning of the diet because your glycogen stores in your muscles will deplete (making them smaller) because of the lack of calories. It could also be because of salt intake. You could make the experiment of eating a bit above maintenance for 2 days where most calories come from carbs. Your muscles will be more full and will seem less fat. Then you could make a comparison to before. But it’s of course possible that you lost muscle. The more calories you eat the more likely it is to build muscle and the less calories you eat the more likely it is that you loose muscle. If you train then you probably won’t loose muscle if the caloric deficit isn’t to big. How big the deficit can be if you want to recomp (build muscle and loose fat) really depends on how muscular and fat you are. If you never trained in your life and are like 50% bodyfat you could make insane muscle gains in a 1500 calorie deficit. If you trained for 10 years and want to go 20% bodyfat to 15% bodyfat (female) then there is basically no way you won’t loose some muscle even on a 300 calorie deficit and professional training. Protein helps to build/keep muscle. If there are two people dieting. Both with same calorie deficit but Person A with a 0.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight intake and Person B with a 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight intake, Person B will keep SIGNIFICANTLY more muscle. I can’t quote a study right now but it is A LOT more muscle that person B kept. AND protein is the best macro for satiety by far. Many people diet on lean protein and veggies only. Of course you said you don’t want to restrict but maybe there are some recipes that you might like. Protein and fiber is quite a combo for dieting! 5) girls are always so scared about looking big. I think most guys don’t mind if a girl has some muscle. Actually if a girl is a bit chubby but has some curves because of her muscle and especially some well developed glutes that can compensate a lot But that’s just my view on things. If you want a less bulkier look then go for it. When you are in a calorie deficit you won’t have as energy and your training will suffer a bit, that’s normal. But you can compensate with a few things: -be well rested before the training -have a pre workout (or coffee) -have some fast digesting carbs like a bit of dried fruit before the workout for energy -train more often but shorter -do your really hard moves at the beginning. (for example start with squats first and then go for chest, back, shoulder exercises…)
  15. Honestly it gives me a warm feeling in my heart. It’s very sweet. And I think although Connor Murphy caused a lot of damage for people who only have a shallow understanding of spirituality he also did a lot of good for people who were open enough. I loved his insane videos where he just broke all the rules of society. He definetly increased my consciousness through that. It’s just that he was to far gone and misunderstood a lot about spirituality. If Leo becomes a bit more “crazy“ but in a somewhat socially calibrated way then I would welcome that.
  16. @Michael569 agree. Although @Someone here said he is above 20% bodyfat. So recomp (Building muscle while losing fat) is definetly possible. If you are also a beginner when it comes to weight training you can ABSOLUTELY build a good amount of muscle while slowly loosing fat.
  17. Today I was dreaming that I had a dream of a god realization. I was in a big circular room. The ceiling was incredible high. Aesthetic wood on the floor. On top of me was something that was something similar to a giant chandelier but instead of the lights there were just some kind of square wood hanging down. The "chandelier“ was circling and I was circling with it in kind of a hypnotic way. And then I looked at one side of the room. Suddenly there was an enormous statue out of stone of probably some spiritual or religious figure. I couldn’t get a clover look at it because just it’s emission of sublimity triggered in me the realization that god exists. It wasn’t like that I saw god and that he proved to me that he exists or that I even had a grasp of god it was just out of nowhere this unquestionable certainty that god exists. And I just woke up (into another dream) with a shock. Similar to how you wake up from a bad dream with a shock. Heart racing and just a feeling of being completely overwhelmed. Just felt like sharing this. I had something similar many years ago when I wanted my third eye to open really bad and dreamed about opening it with the cosmic energy and everything in great detail. Does anybody have similar experiences ?
  18. Yes The calorie surplus and protein comes from food. When you fast you don’t eat. Protein powder is food. You will just rebound. Your body will make you super hungry, you relationship with food will be unhealthy because you treat yourself so extreme. If you don’t know exactly what you are doing you can wreck your health with this. Water fasting is dangerous especially when done so long. You can seriously damage your digestive system. And while the fast itself is only mildly dangerous, the break of the fast can be even more dangerous if you don’t slowly ease into little easily digestible food. I am not saying it doesn’t have its uses but you have to be clever about it. I had a friend who thought that water fasting was the solution for everything. He could make an 1 hour Ted talk about how great water fasting it, how it repairs his cells and how his hormones grow super anabolic in that time allowing him to build insane muscle. Just mindlessly repeating shit he heard from the internet. Well he blacked out in school once at the "peak“ of his health He never got jacked, he never got a healthy relationship with food and he actually stayed skinny fat over the years. He told me some time ago that he wanted to get back into fitness and that he wanted to start with a water fast for a week and I just cringed. He wants a magic pill because he isn’t motivated enough to do the work. So. Do you eat healthy? Do you eat a good amount of fruits and veggies? Are your proteins mostly from lean sources? Just ease into a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle and become aware of how much better your body and mind feels because of it. You need around 3 weeks I think until things become a habit. So when you can follow through for that long with a healthier lifestyle then it becomes easier. The longer you do it the easier it becomes.
  19. I limited my time on YouTube but I got it on audible.
  20. No.. I probably would have forgotten about it. There is a quote from Alan Watts that I really love and that kinda fit here „You own it to other people to be as selfish as you are.“ So don’t say stuff just to make other people happy that isn’t true because they will rely on you. I am just scared to not please other people I guess.
  21. Water fast is not the magic pill that will help you to your dream physique. You will only get there with time and consistency. (weight training, healthy diet with enough protein and calorie reduction).
  22. Would it be a problem if we link sites that just talk about sourcing ?
  23. Dude why so emotional ? I put 1000 calories of each into Cronometer. Yes the food you suggested is incredible nutritious but what’s the point in going above 100%? For some nutrients especially when it’s an animal source that’s actually unhealthy. You see it when it’s marked red. This whole grain wheat bread looks pretty nutritious to me if the goal is to reach 100% in every nutrient. Plant sources never give you the "full package“ but mix it with food from other food categories and you are good to go.