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Everything posted by Jannes

  1. yeah I feel you there. It’s almost like you put all your focus into a myserie that lasts as long as possible. If you are healthy you attract people with better energy. If you feel like shit and look like shit from all the junk you will also attract people who don’t respect themself. So I would still say that nutrition is very important and actually supports emotional health but you just shouldn’t be so neurotic about it. And if you eat some junk sometimes it really doesn’t hurt you all that much. I like the gym. I have kind of an body high after going to the gym and your body gives you all sorts of hormones that make you happy. You feel comfortable in your body not just because you look better but because your body feels so much better. Even if I wouldn’t benefit from going to the gym in terms of health I would probably still go to the gym. Maybe find a trainings partner or do some sport that you enjoy more. Being fit is fun… idk I don’t like alcohol at all. I can have some fun that day but it’s not like it makes everything radically better. just a bit and I don’t like the feeling the next day. It’s expensive you can get addicted to it… Idk I don’t agree. Having a drink SOMETIMES probably doesn’t make you a lot less healthier but still a good chunk less. I mean you literally drink poison. Eating some junk in comparison is a lot healthier. Some people might say that you don’t appreciate life by consuming junk. But culture is also a part of reality and there is a lot of beauty in it. I want to eat some Coca Cola icecream or the next vegan burger at McDonald’s when it comes out goddamit ? but again moderation. You should probably keep it mostly as a social event.
  2. @Razard86 If you smoke, eat only chips and other garbage and never exercise then yes this is the likely outcome. But if you eat mostly clean, exercise and are emotionally healthy I don’t think you have to worry about having horrible sicknesses when you are older when you enjoyed some ice cream with your friends when you were young. But still most people eat like trash and 70-80 years old. Of course the life quality isn’t good but it’s still impressive.
  3. @ValiantSalvatore Good price and I don’t have anything against soy. At their website they say that the eu-food legislation demands certain standards like low levels of heavy metals and they pass all these tests. But if every product sold in in the eu has to follow that then that wouldn’t bring anything extra. ??‍♂️ Or is that something many companies don’t follow ? A protein shake makes things just so unstressful. I just have a big protein shake in the morning with a bit of fruit and it’s just perfect. You are full because of the protein and it only takes 1 minute to make.
  4. In the fridge in a vacuum container.
  5. You need protein to build new cells. It’s not just muscle repair but also hair, nails, immune system, … If you aren’t physically active at least 10% of your diet should consist of protein. If you are physically active you need more. Also most people benefit from eating more protein then is required because you body composition automatically changes for the better (more muscle less fat). Why do you think protein is bad ?
  6. That’s like 13g of protein… minimum for me is like 60g but I also hit the gym so 160g would be ideal (My weight is 78kg).
  7. I wanted to test if my standpoint is valid. „… change my mind“ Is there a good summary? I mean it pretty much just boils down to having a healthy weight, exercise and a mostly unprocessed diet with a lot of variation. Right? So idk why you should put that much time into it. Your time is limited after all. And all the other aspects like „Social life, passion, sleep, stress, beliefs, trauma, … need time and attention too and contribute to a healthy body.
  8. @flowboy alright thanks! Next week is the last week before semester break so I will just see her once more and that will be it.
  9. So I would like to know how a female friend feels about me. My strategy for getting girls right know is a bit of a mix of social circle and cold approach. I study philosophy and I try to make sure that I always have a female friend on my side for status. So at the beginning of the semester I approached a girl and got her number. I made it casually about college. So we went to seminars together and I quickly found out that she had a boyfriend so she wasn’t a dating option but at least I had a girl on my side. So at the beginning there were really good vibes between us but then came a pretty sudden change in her behaviour towards me. The vibes were kinda gone and she was even pretty harsh towards me sometimes pointing out negative things about me. I always acted really confident and there were two girls who were often looking and probably talking about us. One of them is a friend of a friend of mine. I was a lot less social a year ago and maybe that surprised her and she found the situation interesting. But for my female friend it maybe could have looked like I had something with these girls so maybe she was scared to look like my next sex object. But that’s speculation. Anyways there is girl that is sitting next to us in our seminar and she seems interested in me. I texted my female friend if she knows what her name is. She told me the name and asked why. I told her that I am looking for a gf. That was her response: „Uhm, I don’t think she is interested, but okay ?.“ My female friend doesn’t really know her. They talked once in private I think so maybe she knows more but I think she doesn’t like that I am looking for other girls. But I am not completely sure. Oh and my response was: „Yes I think so, in the worst case scenario I just show her my Pokémon card collection.“ (to keep it light and humorous) What do you think? I need some grounding.
  10. @flowboy I am not an health expert so I can’t debate you when it comes to details. This channel and my body are mostly my authority sources when it comes to health.
  11. Okay we will both write a house work in this seminar so there is plenty of reason to exchange numbers for inspiration, etc. I can probably only talk to her in the seminar and asking her that directly in there would probably not be cool. My female friend wasn’t even sure if the was she gave me was correct. So they are almost strangers to each other. And if she had that insights she would probably tell me them right ? I mean if she doesn’t want me to approach other girls she would tell me all the reasons why I shouldn’t and if she wanted the best for me she would also tell me everything she knew. So in every case I feel like she would tell me…
  12. Are you sure ? There are so many detox articles talking about spirulina. And as a personal experience I always got bitter lips from consuming it which might be because of it. Leo talked in his how to detoxify yourself from heavy metal video about not taking spirulina while doing his strict detox programm because it might intervene. But let’s say it’s just food. How do you consume it ? I imagine it would be hard to eat more then let’s say 5g of powder in your smoothie. And that’s like 3-4g of protein which is nothing really.
  13. I definetly want to eat more clean again. But what do you mean exactly with poisonous food? I mean every natural food has some poison in it so you don’t overeat it. And our body is adapted to deal with that with our detox organs. And on the "unnatural“ side: There are studies of people drinking a shitton of artificially sweetened soda every day and there were pretty much no negative health outcomes. I wouldn’t drink or eat that much junk myself but it just shows that your body can deal with a lot. But a lot of junk actually isn’t full of “toxins“. Sugar for example. I would bet wheat flower also. Okay trans fats are definetly bad for you. But most junk with little to no trans fats is just empty calories and again if you supplement and eat a lot of nutritious food as a base I don’t think you damage yourself that much. I don’t want to say you should eat more junk. Less is definetly better. But you also won’t kill yourself with a bit. I just want a more holistic approach to health. Loneliness is super unhealthy, No passion is super unhealthy, lack of physical activity is super unhealthy, Stress, Sleep, Beliefs, … So when you say that it’s important to go from 80% clean to 98% clean you would pretty much need to be really good in all the other aspects otherwise your priorities aren’t well sorted.
  14. Yeah I should probably switch to milk protein. I don’t have good experience with spirulina. It think it is good at solving all kinds of toxins from your body but it doesn’t take it out so these toxins do even more damage to your body.
  15. You can’t be dominant and recessive at the same time as an example but is it possible to develope male and female traits individually and then throw them together in one adjustable character so that you don’t end up in the middle but with both strengths ? Also what do women think of men that integrate women traits in their personality. Is it okay as long as he has enough male traits as well ?
  16. That’s a weightgainer and not a protein shake.
  17. I live in Germany so I would need to buy these online. Body Fortress seems really expensive and Pure Protein I can’t find. Do you know how expensive they are at Walmart ? Maybe I haven’t looked enough. I didn’t do any heavy metal detox yet or even tested myself. What’s your experience with that ?
  18. When I was vegan I learned that. It was super easy to say no at some point. But still I felt left out. Everyone having a moment together enjoying their meal and looking at me with pity… And I have a lot of problems with feeling that I don’t belong.
  19. If I eat a lot of raw fruits and veggies I still feel good eating up to 40% junk I would say. But I get what you are saying and when I eat clean but not with so much fruits and veggies I definetly feel the negative health effects. I was extremely health conscious at one point in my life. Actually very neurotic. And it stressed me out. I had a lot of issues I couldn’t deal with and health and fitness were the two things that kind of worked and where I got some feelings of success. So instead of then focusing on other things I tried to reach perfection in my health. Because I was so conscious of every little thing that could be unhealthy I talked myself into being super unhealthy and in big need of a detox. But it were mostly my thoughts that toxified me. I honestly think I am more healthy eaten 50% junk because then I don’t think about health and have a healthier mind which produces a healthier body. I don’t know if I ever met a person that was serious about health ? I motivated my whole family and most of my friends to become more health conscious but there is just so much resistance.
  20. yeah me too, that’s why I treated him the same even though I wasn’t feeling it. Yeah that’s a heated topic. The thing is just that as an adult you can’t turn your body around as well as in young teenage years. But your mind also isn’t fully developed so you aren’t ready to make these long lasting decisions. I don’t think this problem can really be solved.
  21. Most of society still has a lot of old fashioned ideas about what a men is or what a women is. So a boy or a girl who doesn’t want to act in his/her genderspecifik way has it really hard in society. A friend of mine recently started wearing dresses and make-up and even though I don’t have a strong masculine ego and I would say I am a pretty open person that was still really hard to accept for me. It was really hard for me to look him in his eyes. I even told him that this sudden change just really messes with me but that he can be sure that I won’t treat him any differently. And he told me that I was pretty much the most accepting person in his friend group. So there is just SO MUCH pressure still in society that we have to act a certain way when we are a boy or a girl. So what many people might think is „the only way I will be able to express myself in a masculine/feminine way is when I change my physical appearance“. Because they think if they look like a guy/girl they are also allowed to act that way. Which is sexist itself. So if all the sexist ideas would go away and a boy would feel free to act like a girl and a girl would feel free to act like a boy would there be a need to change yourself physically ? I don’t want to spread transgender hate. I accept transgender people just as much as other people. But it’s simply a fact that having a lot of operations done to your body and taking a lot of hormones isn’t good for your body so if these physical interventions don’t need to take place it would be better imo. Would love to hear your opinion.
  22. You can get cheap protein powder at myprotein or bulkpowders for less then 10€/kg ( ≈5$/pound I think). Milk products are getting more expensive, meat is unethical and legumes make you fart and are time consuming to prepare. It’s hard ?
  23. Focusing on one thing over the over would be my definition for selfishness. So when you destroy a computer and a cat for example even though both fundamentally have the same worth it’s still not good to destroy a cat but it’s okay to destroy a computer because a cat has feelings while a computer doesn’t ? I don’t think I get it ?
  24. Look I am really trying hard to understand trans people. And I am not perfect of course. I try to be as open minded as possible but when you grow up in a society that has traditional values you can’t help but take most of that mindset with you. So sorry if I sound like an ape to you because I still am. And I am sorry to hear that it’s hard for you in society. Do you live in a stage green place ? If not you may have a better time there.. I would still love to hear your opinion on that matter.
  25. My friend was always a bit soft. Meaning he was always pretty agreeable non confrontational and pretty emotional. He said that the idea of becoming more “girly“ grew in him for many years but he was to afraid to let act it out until a year ego. (So with recently I mean a year ago which isn’t really that recent I know) I think he found himself though. He says he likes being a straight dude but likes to wear dresses and makes his nails. Maybe there is a lot of aggression in his shadow, maybe not idk.