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Everything posted by Jannes

  1. Well if you go back in time with the knowledge you have now you haven't gotten back in time as there is the future mind then in the past body. That could be incredibly weird. Like I am way more mature now then 10 years ago and I think people would notice. But when you look at it less realistically - on the one I pissed away so many good years and I could have had so many great experiences but on the other hand I dont know how I would have turned out without difficulties. It's a mystery at the end of the day.
  2. I get it. I dont know if I would feel very different. It's just that I feel like this is such an ego and illusory thing believing that you own somebody that I think there has to be a valuable spiritual lesson if you deconstruct that - maybe like a harsh 5meo trip.
  3. @Ampresus Oh this is so funny. He just got a week of ptsd, he is fine now and still in love with his girl it's all good. You just have to let it go. Eventually you can get to the level of the guy at 14:04
  4. That triggers two things in me. 1) an absolute terrible feeling like seeing a bunch of carnivores devour a corps of someone you love. That thumbnail captures it perfectly. (thanks nilsi) 2) potentially a very beautiful non egoistical love. Imagine you like to see your girl get gang banged by other people because it makes her happy and she is happy that it makes you happy that it makes her happy. It's a thing.
  5. These are good points. Sacrificing for one person creates a special place. There is definitely a place for that. I dont feel grounded enough for a poly relationship and I crave romance right now. But it's something I wanna try at some point.
  6. It's not like someone invented all these ideas from zero. It started with simple technical ideas which got taught over generations. Bright minds could then invent inventions on top of the existing inventions. Thats how technology slowly progressed. Of course nobody got the idea that by bending metal a certain way you could invent chat gpt that was only possible through the process so far.
  7. If you have any concerns regarding my argumentation please tell them otherwise thanks I guess.
  8. It doesnt really matter how good the partner is is the same pussy after 3 years honestly still exciting? It's just honest. Deceiving someone in this matter isnt actually respectful but morally respectful imo. It's real when people naturally come back to each other even though they have other options. I think if you talk about it in a mature way resentment and hatred can be minimized but I haven't experienced it myself Thats a very good point. Well the point is that "the voices" come from different sources. One is a need/ craving the other one is a fear. The first cant really be overcome with discipline. You cant really discipline yourself to go on a diet for example it usually leads to backlash. On the other hand when you expose yourself to your fear it gets smaller and smaller. Thats the point of exposure therapy for example. I haven't tried them either. But I heard people report that it fullfills them and I am open minded to that so thats why I opened this thread.
  9. Because on the other side you might get something more real. Something that maintains its existence naturally and not through artificial rules. Well the impulses are simply there. We say that repressing the impulses is the most mature thing as it gets the best outcome. But what if not repressing your impulses and dealing with them in a mature way would even get better outcomes?
  10. Interesting. How did the 5-meo-dmt trips improve your practical life? I am wondering because the trips are often metaphysical in nature and therefore not so much directly practical.
  11. Have open relationships vs polyamorous relationships be compared? I think open relationships might be simpler as you just need to emotionally manage one person.
  12. @Adrian colby I love that. I like to freely exchange moments of love with random people which is as free as air. Often it's through eye contact. It's like very consciously watching a great sunset and after the moment is gone you dont hold onto it you just naturally let it be. Not because it wasn't real but because it actually was real you just cant hold onto real love. Well few people get it. I take medication for adhd (inattentive) now and it seems to reduce that free love exchange.
  13. Depends what development means for you and how much you tripped already. Low and Mid doses of Truffles are great for reflecting on your life and goals and for therapy. 5meo might be more for purely spiritual goals but I might be wrong on that as I haven't done it a lot.
  14. You didnt ask me but it's an interesting question to answer. I dont think I could have a completely unsymmetrical polyamorous relationship as thats too much responsibility on my part. Also I dont like the idea of sharing a girl with another dude. I could imagine a polyamorous relationship with a bi girl who has another girl though.
  15. Indeed. Just know that you risk destroying your current relationship if it doesnt work out.
  16. It's way more important that you have very high emotional intelligence so no one feels let down. One relationship is hard enough as it is. Have you considered the downsides of having multiple girlfriends?
  17. This are all models which makes the hair pretty unimportant.
  18. - Given that a flap of a butterly will effect the whole lore of the cosmos through domino effect the sound of a tree falling will also effect the rest of the world in the same way - and you can notice that, although you might not be conscious of the whole picture. - There is no tree falling without someone noticing. If you think of a tree falling without someone noticing you a thinking about a tree falling without someone noticing. So wait Yes! - you can think about a tree falling without someone noticing even though you notice but self deception is absolute truth!
  19. Okay so this take doesnt have enough substance behind it to be posted in another section but it's a fun take. Appearently Johnny Depp has a deep fear of clowns. He is kind of a clown himself as he can tap into a kind of consciousness so unbound by the rules and structures of everyday thinking to create a role such as Jack Sparrow. (Johnny Depp created Jack Sparrow not the other way around) Maybe thats why he has a fear of clowns because he is so close to becoming insane and he fears becoming insane.
  20. I now think of it as a different distribution of consciousness. You are super aware of some things and not so aware of other things.
  21. I even had a bad dream today which is really rare. I was in fear of myself because I didnt know who the fuck I suddenly was. My behavior and way of thinking changed so drastically over the last week.
  22. I have taken adhd medication consistently for more than a week now. I feel very anchored in this dream and kind of lost interest in spirituality. My freudinian it takes charges. My belly chakra suddenly feels activated. I just realized how much it was repressed before.
  23. Probably most people do it out of desperation for money. In a country where the lower class has a good standard of living this might be the most exceptable because no one would do it out of complete desperation. I mean there is the possibility that somebody just loves pleasuring lonely people and it would be sad if they couldnt make money with their passion. I cant tell if realistically someone would think that way.
  24. I dont think that is true. I think other women care with whom you sleep if they have feelings for you. Not to the same extend perhaps. Partly also because I dont think that you can disconnect sex with feelings completely. Not in my experience at least it would make things easier. Well I think it probably has to do with evolution. If a guy cheats with other women but has feeling for his partner then he will care more for her and her kids then the other women. But I am no expert in evolutionary psychology.