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Everything posted by Jannes

  1. @Kamo yeah I think we have the same mindset. It would be tragic to loose the comfort of protein shake It would be good to find out to which degree spirulina or charcoal prevent heavy metal intoxication. If it’s good enough I will just add a green shake after my morning protein shake.
  2. So basically I will just shit the toxins out instead of absorbing them? Does the spirulina or charcoal have to be consumed with a meal or is it okay to consume it once as a supplement in the morning?
  3. Depends how much money you have and it depends how much use you get out of it. Most people just use their phone for tictoc and whatsapp. A refurbished IPhone 8 would do that just fine.
  4. I heard that you need the combination of spirulina + chlorella to get heavy metals out because spirulina is responsible for binding the heavy metals and chlorella is responsible for getting it out of the system. Have you done research about it?
  5. How our ego intentions manage to appear to have power: Our ego intentions are working in a strange loopey way. For example if I want to be happy, that implies that I am not and that gets me exactly where I was before. But this principle is absolute. A fools interpretation could be „So I understand this principle and therefore I don’t try to try to be happy“ but this trying to not trying it still trying. Another example is desire. If I don’t want to desire that implies that I desire not to desire which means that I still desire so nothing fundamentally changes. So you only get this principle by really not getting it. "I get that I have to not get it“ is still trying to get it. You have no control in this matter at all. You don’t even have control to let go off control. So fundamentally you have to loose your mind. So if my force of will which only appears to have power but is actually trapped in a strange loop this bares the question then how does anything happen at all? This misunderstanding comes from our ego. Where could my intentions come from if not from me the ego asks. But even the ego intentions are a part of the whole, of what is going on naturally because the ego doenst exist as a separate entity, its just part of everything. The illusion that there is a difference that is the ego. And believing that intentions don’t occur naturally but from a different source then is my ego is also part of what is going on naturally. Fundamentally everything seems to arise from a mysterious source that we actively try not to see. By "we“ I of course also talk about the mysterious source. Intentions are a part of that hiding process because they give the illusion that it is us who has control in this world. My summary is the following: If something happens and even if it was my intention that it was happening it actually didn’t happen because of my intention, it happened naturally and my intention of it happening through me is just an illusion.
  6. An experience in which absolute truth is experienced is therefore a possibility. The experience truth is primary, a logical conclusion to it is secondary.
  7. objectivity vs absolute truth: Many people confuse these two. Objectivity is group thinking or in other words the common denominator which isn’t truth at all and absolute truth is actually truth. We all have our relative truths. When we say there is a tree and that tree is green and large we assume that this is absolute truth because other people see it as well. But it is actually objectively true because while other humans might see something similar, a dog or an alien might see different colours. And an ant or an elefant might not think the tree is way smaller or way larger. We chat with other humans all the time and forget that we all have the same biases to the point that we think that the universe has the same biases as us which it doenst have but also does have. It doesn’t have it because our perspective isn’t more important then other perspectives but it also has the same bias as us because we are part of the universe but that’s not what all the universe is. Absolute truth however is absolutely true. Direct experience is absolute truth because it can’t be doubted. You can’t doubt what is already happening.
  8. Verdrehung der Realität: „Du verdrehst ja die Realität“ sagen Menschen manchmal. Dabei war die Realität davor nie gerade. Es ist immer ein hin und herbiegen, es ist Auslegungssache. Und keine Interpretation ist objektiv besser als die andere, denn das wäre ebenfalls eine Auslegung. Könnte es aber relativ, also aus unseren persönlichen Ausrichtung bessere und schlechtere Ausrichtungen geben? Den meisten Ausrichtungen zu Folge sind kriminelle Aktivitäten schlecht. Es gibt aber auch Ausrichtungen die kriminelle Aktivitäten rechtfertigen würden. Alles was passiert ist von einer Ausrichtung gerechtfertigt. Obwohl absolut alles relativ ist, kann man sagen, dass manche Ausrichtungen mehr befürwortet werden als andere. Das was gerade befürwortet wird ist die Realität. Die Frage stellt sich dann natürlich, wie entsteht eine Auslegung? Eine Auslegung ist fest mit der eigenen Identität verknüpft, soviel kann man beobachten. Wenn ich beispielsweise glaube ein Mensch zu sein, dessen Ziel es ist zu reproduzieren, dann werde ich junge, "attraktive“ Frauen über anderen Frauen oder Tieren bevorzugen. Das auf einem ganz elementaren Level. Natürlich ist die Identität bei den meisten Menschen viel komplexer ausgeprägt und damit auch die Verbiegung der Realität. Wenn das der Fall ist, welche Ausrichtungen bzw. welche Identitäten sind wahrheitsgetreuer als andere? Da jegliche Identität ein hin und herbiegen bedeutet, heißt keine Identität auch kein hin und herbiegen und somit Wahrheit. Je mehr Identität also, desto mehr wird die Realität gebogen, also so weiter ist man von der Wahrheit weg und so weniger Identität desto dichter ist man an der Wahrheit.
  9. I have so much social anxiety and when I microdose almost all of it goes away. I act funny, likeable, creative it’s a total 180. But I feel like I am cheating. I feel like I don’t deserve the positive reactions to my behaviour and I am also scared that others find out that I microdose and that they think I am just a looser who uses dirty tricks because he can’t play fair.
  10. @vladorion Its an ego game. But that doesn’t solve the situation. I have an ego and other people who judge me have an ego. That’s a good point thank you.
  11. Psylocibin truffles and lsd.
  12. How omniscients could be possible: We often say that deep down we have a core. That there is a core deep in us that is really really authentically us. I don’t believe that this is the case. There are many outer layers of ourself that we obviously see as outwards conditioning and not our core. For example if I travel to a new place and after some time dress the same way as the people I surround myself with, then we say that this is not really us. But even the deeper levels aren’t really us either. Let’s take the same clothing example. If let’s say I move to a new place, find new people who have different clothes then me and I don’t change my style that doesn’t mean that this is me, because what I keep wearing is also something I was conditioned to wear at some point in my early life. It’s just a deeper level of conditioning and not a new quality. We are in a sense like an onion. An onion has many layers but no core. The potential fact that we don’t have a core would bring many implications. It would connect us existentially because it is the core that keeps us separated. It also means that we could potentially become omniscient because we could switch our coat of conditioning to manifest and therefore understand every object.
  13. Whatever I believe is true: Whatever I believe is true. If I believe that I need someone elses opinion then that is true not because I need someone elses opinion but because I said I need someone elses opinion. If I believe that I am ugly then that is true not because I am objectively ugly but because I said that I am ugly. If I say that not everything that I believe is true then that untruth is true because I said so. So if I could in theory believe whatever I want why don’t I do it? Why don’t I make myself believe the best thing possible? Do I want to limit myself?! Well maybe I don’t actually now what the best thing possible is. Or I already believe in the best thing possible and me thinking that I am not the best thing possible is part of being the best thing possible. Well that’s speculation that needs to be put under the test.
  14. How would that look like?
  15. But you have the control on how you interpret the bad taste. A sex slave loves to be whipped for example while a regular slave doenst. Also some of the concepts you create are so strong that you can’t deconstruct them as easily even though you are responsible for creating them. Death or the materialist paradigm for example can’t be deconstructed like that even though they are your creation. Maybe bad taste is just the consequence of some deeper concept you created. Maybe "bad taste“ is only bad because it is connected to the fear of death because if something tastes bad that means it brings you closer to death. At least that’s how our biology is designed to work. (Not speaking about sugar and junk of course which our biology didn’t adapt to yet)
  16. Our mind always tries to make us feel good about ourselves all the time. I know exactly that eating animal products isn’t good but because I am doing it my mind finds ways to justify my behaviour. If I can fool myself with little things like that then I probably fool myself with all other things as well. It’s reasonable to assume that I am one hell of a self justifying piece of shit.
  17. An ethical alternative experiment to veganism but why it unfortunately didnt work for me: I was an ethical vegan for 3 years. At some point I became really annoyed that it’s harder to socialize as a vegan and looked for solutions. I became conscious that I overvalued veganism to much and judged people based on their diet to much. In my mind some people were just "bad“ because they ate a lot of meat but that’s of course not all there is to a person. You can do a lot of good things in the world which can make up for bad things like eating meat. The solution I came up with was doing something good every time I purchased an animal based product. (I am still vegetarian) I started to introduce quark as my first animal based product. For every quark I bought I spent what I thought was an aquivalent amount of money on something good (charity) to balance the damage I dealt. It was 0,70€ for a quark which cost 0,79€. I calculated the amount of milk needed to create a quark and could calculate how much I would need to spent on milk and cheese as an aquivalent. I also introduced eggs and estimated the free range organic ones to cause little suffering. When I started this I felt bad at the beginning to purchase animal based products at all which is why it was relatively easy for me to spent the money to charity but as time went on I stopped feeling bad about it (and also got annoyed by the extra thinking work I had to do) and therefore got annoyed by the amount of money I had to spent extra. So at some point I stopped doing it. If products were sold who are marked with an integrated extra price which helps charity for example this could actually work.
  18. That’s not how I want to end up. It was the point when I said to myself "fuck philosophy, it won’t do shit for my experience of life anyway“. Saying I am not afraid of death because it doesn’t make sense to be afraid of it doesn’t work at all. You either become conscious about what death is and therefore loose your fear about it or you don’t and your fucked and you can’t do anything about it.
  19. Death is a concept Why do you think death is real? You say it’s obvious, we see people, animals and plants dying all the time so of course death is real. But death isn’t a body falling dead it’s the actual experience and the experience death is not a fact. The philosophical mind body problem would need to be solved for that. When I was a child the topic of introducing the concept of death wasn’t easy for my parents. My younger 3 year old sister at the time found a dead mouse once and my parents chatted about how this must have probably opened her to the possibility that death is a fact. That’s how death gets introduced. We see other dead creatures and wonder what we will experience if we ever fall dead. So death is a concept that we learn. Death is not an a priori fact about life. When we question our assumptions about death we learn that they are actually just assumptions and not reality. What death literally is for me is a combination of „lonely, cold, fear, dismal, oppressive, a bit of agoraphobia, uncomfortable, cold wind breathing through a terrible cave, heavy metal music, ..“. That’s what death literally is. These beliefs are of course laughable. We don’t think that this is what we mean when we talk about death but because we hold these beliefs unconscious and because these beliefs are so terrible that we don’t dare to make them conscious death seems super real for our entire life.
  20. How can you know that you want this and that right know and that this will make you happy? The only way to know if you want it is to have it because you can only experience it if you have it. But because you don’t have it, it’s impossible to know if you want it.
  21. The catridge of a pistol is lethal because of its speed of 700-900 m/s. If I would move of at a speed of 700-900 m/s and would move into a catridge that is just hanging on a band facing in my direction would there be a difference between that and being shot?
  22. I can’t remember names, I can’t remember street names, I can’t remember country locations, I can’t remember popular stars, I can’t remember song lyrics, I can’t remember the name of the buns that I am selling.. It’s not that my brain is disfuntional. For example I learned all Pokémon names, stats, attacks in no time or can learn the really necessary stuff like everybody else because I see it as something important. But I just can’t learn most of the stuff above because I am so incredible uninterested in it. It was always like that. I wanted to learn about the nature of reality and was always well aware that the labels aren’t the real thing. Does anybody have similar experiences?
  23. Imagine Flash trying to stop a bullet that flies with 3000 km/h with a finger while running 2990 .. 2980 .. 2970 .. 20 .. 10 km/h. If he would stop abruptly his finger would get blasted.
  24. 700 to 900 m/s ist 2520 to 3240 km/h. A military jet can fly 1930 km/h. Now everything makes sense.
  25. @Inliytened1 @Ulax I can remember the names of important people in my life. My point was that I am amazed of how little names of people or things I remember because I don’t care about it. And I wonder if it’s because of a higher state of consciousness in which I see things more abstract and less specific which would lead to not being able to name everything or if I am just having brain fog ?.