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Everything posted by wildflower

  1. Well actually he can, because when he awakens fully, we all awaken, as we are all one, you haven't understood the teachings
  2. He also continually states you need to die to embody the truth he has discovered for himself and is teaching, but he is quite clearly alive, how does he explain this contradiction?
  3. Also again he makes the following hardcore solipsistic claim - can someone confirm whether he still actually believes that none of us exist when hes looking or speaking to us, as he's mostly ignored or equivocated: you're not looking at your child that 55:05 child exists as infinity as nothingness 55:08 when you're not looking at elephant it's 55:10 infinity its nothingness we're not 55:12 looking at your house it's infinity it's 55:13 nothingness 55:18 that's what it is that's also what you 55:22
  4. If we are being honest Leo in a lot of videos adds to it this insinuation of attainments, that end up confusing and contradicting himself. He will claim to have been conscious of things no other humans have, reached levels of conciousness that no one else has, and that the things he was conscious of, if you too become concious it will literally kill you, and end the whole of reality. That obviously doesn't make any sense, as he's still alive, and reality still exists
  5. Im not arguing with myself, I am showing myself how to interact with myself
  6. No, this is actually going to shock you. I believe that God is everything in the universe, including me and you, and I've been espousing this since my teens (over 20 years). I also believe in nonduality, and have extensive meditation and psychedelic experience... not what you was wanting to read... right?
  7. No you are doing it unintentionally because your ability to speak to humans in this human domain is cripplingly poor, such that you will just turn everyone else away, as you are borderline satire, Im just trying to help you see this
  8. You haven't fully realized the Truth, if you did you would die, don't you understand?
  9. No you haven't realized God, you don't understand, when you realize your God properly, you will die and so will the whole universe, but your scared of the Truth, why are you so scared??
  10. You're fighting it and deluding yourself, please face the Truth, you are God, why are you fighting it? We are all projections of your mind, you need to find the strength to face the Truth
  11. Nope this means your getting further away from enlightenment and God, every time you respond on this forum, you are not realizing your oneness, and are running from the Truth!! Stop running from the Truth @Inliytened1 can't you see we are all trying to help you??
  12. No, continually telling other people to awaken to the fact their God, and that they're afraid of absolute Truth is completely insane, because it insinuates and you both have awakened to it.. but you obviously havent. So before you start preaching and advising others, why not take your own advice?
  13. Why do you not awaken yourself before continually preaching and scolding everyone else? Have you considered that option? Literally if you awakened, we all do..... you're acting insane
  14. When one day you realize your are stuck in this finite incarnation in the material world until death, and you want some friends to talk about dealing with this, and other topics that interest you, in a friendly supportive way. We will all be waiting for ya
  15. I'm going to say something that is completely against the zeitgeist of this forum and community, but enlightenment is completely orthognal to smoking DMT, experiencing God-conciousness so you can become a God in the material world and do whatever you want, it's literally he opposite. It's understanding who you are is completely dependent and in relationship to the intentions, actions, behaviors and mindfullness you actualize in everyday life, and that ultimately all selfish actions lead to suffering, or negative states of conciousness. It's about embodying and living in line with the fundamental laws and truths of reality like karma and emptiness (sunyata). For an enlightened person this is easy and effortless, for an unenlightened person it's the hardest thing in the world.
  16. Because we are humans being human, we are being social and talking about topics that we find interesting in a social way
  17. Lol you seem like a genuinely nice person, but surely just repeating for people to smoke DMT and experience infinite God verbatim on repeat gets boring? And at some point counter productive to any other type of conversation? The answer to every single possible conversational thread or topic, can not just be to smoke DMT and realize God conciousness?
  18. We are all being groomed by the universe, so nothing crazy about that. Essentially he posted raw videos after experimenting hardcore with psychedelics, so you can cut him some slack. I've had crazy perspectives (hardcore solipsism, all alone, need to awaken for the whole universe) after I've done a lot of psychedelics continuously (did ketamine everyday for 5 months) and contemplation/meditation. But that all change when you go sober. Obviously Leo could be more humble, easier to speak to and get along with (he's quite prickly on the forums), but I guess no ones perfect. He seems nice and friendly on some of his videos The biggest issue is the community on this forums, the solipsistic God rhetoric is scary at times
  19. What do you class as 'wake up' , can you give me your definition
  20. But we've been around this circular discussion before. Ego exists right now in this relative domain we are all operating and communicating at. If you want to actualize one-ness go to the Absolute domain. Otherwise, accept you exist in the relative and should communicate and behave as such: try to be kind to others, be selfless, be compassionate, be honest, be genuine and authentic etc etc
  21. I think there has to be distinctions when using the word 'you', it cannot be used interchangeably and conflated constantly between relative and absolute, it doesn't make sense, it literally is just poor use of language to convey a message or meaning. Ego-you && (absolute-you||god-you) would for example clear all confusion
  22. Great post. I also studied Wittgenstein Tractatus when younger, not only does it should the limitations of an objective framework absolutely being true (it's contextual and relative, and if we try to reduce it to a logical propisition (atomize it) it becomes useless tautologies), (similiar to Godels), but also shows the inherent limitations of language to describe that which exists or is the case. I noticed Leo uses some of Ludwigs terminology so Im assuming he's also read it This forum has some of the weirdest misuse of language I've ever come across, it's perplexing and bizarre
  23. Great post, so many people talk in this literal solipsistic paradigm that everyone else are unconscious NPCs in their dream, it's really scary and deluded, and has tons of ethical ramifications. I hope Leo makes a video about this I think he needs to make his position on things clear, else he can end up misleading a lot of susceptible people
  24. Whats a feature not a bug? No you still don't understand. You can literally say 'you are god, you are the entire universe and you are consciousness, you are creating this moment' to every single post on the internet. but you don't becuase that would be pointless and stupid. You guys don't understand what contexts to speak like this, that's the only problem. If I speak to my friend about where to go for dinner, is it appropriate for him to reply with 'you are god, you are the entire universe and you are consciousness, you are creating this moment' ???