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Everything posted by wildflower

  1. Interesting I have done ketamine maybe 500-1000 times in the past 15 years but never 5 meo dmt. How does it compare? The thing is, I have had so many crazy insightful experiences on these substances, but I dont draw any metaphysical claims like Leo - but I also don't equivocate like him, so maybe thats the answer
  2. @Mason Riggle I am speaking to Leo - your equivocaiton isnt needed or helpful
  3. @Leo Gura are you saying before you were born, did anything else exist? did the earth exist before Leos birth - why are you so reluctant to make your position explicit
  4. @Leo Gura a fun hypothetical [please be nice, relaxed and kind], do you think in the future, humans could realize Love to the degree, that none of them reproduce, and we have a fully harmonious symbiotic generation - but that's the last
  5. Yeah no idea how anyone could possibly listen to this dude, he's a caricature saying nothing of importance or value, and he's just shouting
  6. It can't be hard to concisely articulate your position? You live in equivocation and opaqueness Who is God? me or you or both? are you talking about my ego perspective, your ego perspective or the transcendental whole that contains us both? Why is it so hard to make explicit the context you are speaking? When you say 'you' 'your' who are what are you referring to at what level?
  7. Your position isn't of cosmopsychism which is what your kinda of inferring. Your position is Leo Gura == God and everyone else is a figment of your mind. You don't recognize your experience as being the same relative as mine and everyone elses; we don't even have an experience.
  8. How does all this not apply to you: You are dreaming Frank Yang to keep yourself asleep You are dreaming wildflower too All of your teachers are imaginary etc etc can you see the ridiculousness of what your saying or even more, the lack of value in it
  9. Nope no dogma, you can and should verify it in your own direct experience. Thats like saying 'psychedelic dogma' lol, either you want to achieve the most profound states of consciousness i.e. Jhana, and do the work to get there, or not, the choice is yours
  10. No I'm not talking about jnanas, Im talking about Jhanas, they are completely different. Jnanas are knowledges that lead to cessation, and Jhanas are states of conciousness more profound then psychedelics, Ive told you this several times but your not listening
  11. There is the duality of unconcious vs concious, there is the duality of here vs there, there is the duality of journey vs destination (merging into infinity), The removal of all dualities, leaves you right here in this moment, not doing, going, saying or trying to merge with anyone anything anywhere, as there is nowhere to go, nothing to merge with lol
  12. You never even started reasoning with me, Im not a Buddhist either. As well as your spiritual work have you ever considered working on communication and social skills?
  13. No boss, I have achieved the first Jhana in retreats, and can 100% confirm that by practicing to become nothing (renunciation, selflessness (no self)) directly correlates with joy happiness and Love, but sustainable, not peak like psychedelics. I dont speak about that which I do not know
  14. It's not a Buddhist student, is a student of training to embodying and becoming Nothingness (which is Infinity which is God), this is what the Buddha taught, you know the destination now, when do you start the journey boss?
  15. That's why Buddhism is the best system of embodiment, as it literally systematically trains no-self, no identity, renunciation etc
  16. Here let me see if we can get on a level, Im trying to articulate your position fully for others: Everything in your direct conscious experience is you, the ego/pysche/self is just an arbitrary imposition inside of this bubble on part of the objects of this bubble that is has identified with, based on a paradigm of utility for its ego own survival. This identification is ultimately arbitrary and imaginary
  17. You assume there is somewhere else to go, this is it baby, this is infinity this is perfection, you just can't see it yet
  18. Depends on what level we are communicating. To say what I think you want to say, you couldn't actually speak at all, as to speak is to by definition miscommunicating the message, you haven't realized this yet
  19. What is the point of all this, God realized or not, it's just a temporary state, and the end goal of people merging into you for infinity also makes no sense, why would you go anywhere other than here, what is wrong with here
  20. No this is incorrect, God imagined both of us equally, you are getting tricked by putting one finite perspective over the other
  21. No its super simplistic, and an obvious position, 'if a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound' -- does the tree even exist at all when not directly conscious of it? Sure solipsism can't be falsified - you can never know anything outside your direct conscious experience, and everything in your conscious experience is a figment of your own mind. - there is nothing new in this a metaphysically (solipsistic) position, its been around for centuries, and no one disagrees it's impossible to falsify. But you don't behave or act like this is true, nor do you truly believe it, so what is the point of speaking about it or throwing it around as the answer to every question
  22. IF you follow what Leo is saying to the word, only you can be God realized, talking about others being God realized makes 0 sense, Leo being on this forum helping others get God realized makes 0 sense, and contradicts everything he espouses
  23. No I understand everything, it's just your communication is atrocious, you can't even articulate basic points. When you say 'you' are you referring to the ego-wildflower, or the Absolute Conciousness that is the substrata of the whole of reality. Can't you make a modicum of effort to articulate yourself in a clear way? It's like intellectual dishonesty, feels like your constantly just playing games for the sake of it
  24. I understand, but does the consciousness that is singular and absolute pertain to only Leo perspective, or does it encompass all the perspectives of all agents ------ what is your position, why aren't you being explicit, what do you gain from equivocation? A singular absolute conscious says nothing about a multiplicity of perspectives that inhibit it
  25. Leo, you speak so absolutely on topics your ignorant on. You haven't attained or mentioned half of buddhist meditation: Jhana. They have the 6th and 7th Jhana: The mind base of infinity consciousness, and mind base of nothingness. Pretty much the whole Theravada practices these from the Visiddhumagga . Jhana has no duality. There is no Leo left, that dies before you even enter the first Jhana. You have never had the competency or experience in meditation to even know what your talking about. All your pyschedelic experiences still exist a duality, and Leo still exists. In real Jhana which plenty of monks (ajahn brahm) have achieved, there is no self or duality, it's full absorption into nimitta, you die at the first stage and go through 8 . Have you ever thought of studying and learning about this stuff, before making such ignorant comments? Just because your incompetent in this area, what type of integrity do you have. It's the same as people discounting psychedelics; either you achieve infinite consciousness via jhana, or don't speak about it, cos your deluding yourself and misleading people like a devil.