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About melchangelo

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  • Birthday 12/11/1997

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  1. I'm sure the framework, mindset and the systems are good, but she also talks about selling courses on teaching people to be online gurus, which to me sounds a bit misleading and not teaching people how to actually create genuine value in the world. She herself states she make a million in 18 months, how? Probably by selling courses that are worth thousands. Isn't the devil a trickster who thinks he is actually doing good and helping others when in reality he is misleading others.
  2. I think this TedX talk is very misleading, how did she even get on TedX? Don't they filter fake gurus haha
  3. What I’ve found is that feeling into your emotions is the most important. Really allow yourself to suffer from there the difference between pain and pleasure dissolves
  4. I see potentially an online guru, just selling the dream that you can make millions of dollars online and not providing genuine value.
  5. If you don't have the intention when cold approaching to get numbers and dates why would you approach at all?. Obviously it's important to be detached and not worry about the outcome. But Like what Leo says as well, know what you want and go for it with no qualms.
  6. Yeah that's what I mean, so I have to know and be comfortable with myself and when I approach from that authentic self I will get better results
  7. So I don't necessarily have to be witty and funny then. It's about being comfortable being yourself and also making the girl comfortable during the approach. If I'm comfortable with myself then anything could work, whether it's being emotional and funny or being chill and laid back.
  8. Hello guys, I’ve been doing weekly day time cold approaches for around a year now and am starting to get more and more IGs from girls/phone numbers. The flake rate is quite high though and ones that do reply I am having trouble setting up dates, they do speak to me but are unwilling to meet up. I believe the reason for this is because my approaches are way too logical like an interview and not emotional enough to create attraction. How do I practice making my approaches more emotional? Should I be making assumptions about her and riffing off of that? Another thing is that I live in Asia, mainly in between Taiwan and Japan and the culture is quite different from the west so a lot of times girls have a fear of strangers. I speak both languages so there’s no language barrier but girls here have a subconscious wall towards strangers that I have difficulty breaking through. Anyone experienced in day game that could give me some advise?
  9. Raw milk helped me grow an inch at 25
  10. I've found to self discipline to bring about magic, sweetness and inner peace in life.