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Everything posted by pogspartan

  1. Very interesting, thanks. This basically all translates to the question of whether one wants to build a family or not and sees it as the step to take in his life, which is a very interesting and tough question i think
  2. I'm currently having my first romantic interactions with a woman, I've made it clear that I'm uncertain where things are going to go and that I just want to take in the present enjoyment. I'm wondering if LTRs can add to the fullfilment one gets out of life and the present moment, as the passion starts to die down, even if you love your partner wouldn't it be worth considering moving on to reignite that passion with someone else and maybe with that previous partner down the road who knows ? And beyond the passion for a romantic relationship, keeping that fire and that passion for life and all that love surrounding you at all times seems like one of the most sensibles way one may live his life, I guess you could still feel that in a LTR, I'm just afraid that the expectations and the territory that comes with such a relationship would make it more difficult. I'm guessing it's a matter of trade-off and everybody may find what he recognizes himself in the most ? What do you guys think of this ?
  3. True but suffering does not prevent truth and love once one is awaken to it, romantic relationships are very interesting imo because they have the power to bring passion that is hard to find elsewhere, would chasing this passion bring you further from true awakening, peace and love, that is supposedly something even more transcending that one can experience ?
  4. How far do you maintain these relationships is my question, well rather where I’d ask for some opinions as it is interesting. It’s easy to get stuck with the programming society fed us that you need to find the one, build a family with children and spend the rest of your life in that situation. In the end this might be the most sensible and fullfilling life choice for many people but I do think it’s interesting and worth debating that it may not be, especially in today’s society where bonds don’t seem to be as strong and where the social pressure to actually stay with one partner is almost non existent (in the west)