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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. Love you brother. Although one way to answer this is that we do not live in the same world. We have 8 billion people with 8 billion worlds in their minds. So the world is not out there but inside each of us and every world is different to the other to some extent.
  2. Yes I didn't answer anything that wasn't my intention. I wanted to rephrase sorry if I didn't answer anything I don't know the answer myself.
  3. You don't need to suffer to deserve happiness that's bad framing. A more suitable frame of mind would be happiness is there and if I'm not happy then I haven't had enough suffering yet to let go of all the suffering. Suffering is only there to remind us that we aren't doing something right.
  4. We have different opinions about what is right and good and what is wrong and bad. That's why we go on different roads and maybe even our roads are in conflict with each other and can't quite go together sometimes. Someone sees one road's end as harmful and dangerous and someone else sees the other road's end as harmful and dangerous, so the roads clash in an attempt of protection from the dangerous ends of the roads. It's a matter of cause and effect that we differ on. We see different causes and different effects so we have to go to war.
  5. I've done more than enough critical thinking than I should have. In the end it can become it's own trap if done all the time and then you have to accept what feels like Truth in your own heart and do not doubt it so much anymore.
  6. No please don't criticise everything. Don't create imaginary scenarios that hasn't happened. Just do as he says when you're suffering or even now when you're not suffering just grasp it, it's so simple and yet so profound. Go to your own Source inside as you are right now. That's it. No need to complicate things.
  7. Of course He knows Everything. Aren't you talking about GOD?
  8. Don't get me wrong all spiritual masters are good in some sense in my opinion and all of them have something new to teach I myself follow a lot of masters and respect and love them all But there's just something about Mooji that I never have been disappointed by him Whenever I went to him I felt embraced and loved and empowered His pointings are direct and he never goes to anything intellectual always feels like he's speaking from the heart and points you to your heart and your being with multiple languages and ways of saying My soul feels good whenever I listen him I feel more present whenever I listen to him
  9. Why not? Aren't all these practices practiced in all other religions as well? Praying, fasting and mantras? They're the same everywhere so they're legit for sure. Although fasting need not be only abstinence from food for the belly you can also do it with your words and do a silence fasting or with your thoughts or with anything you might need fasting from.
  10. That is not my intention here. Thank you.
  11. Wow amazing experiences you've shared. Thank you and again you're right. Peace.
  12. Then I think you'd like Mooji's first ever video on YouTube based on what you said about spiritual powers haha. But yes you're right; The title I've written for this thread is a bit misleading because whoever works for you is good for you there is no best in that sense yes for sure. I also don't only watch Mooji stuff; I also like myself some Sadhguru or Gurudev or Leo or Rupert or Eckhat or any other teacher you could mention that I know of, depends on my mood, so yes you're right in that sense.
  13. Ah yes. But aren't all the teachers pointing to that one same thing in the end? I think maybe others can complicate it so much for you but Mooji keeps it simple and to the point. Yes I agree that he can translate and transmit that to you very well I think maybe that's the reason he always can make me feel good and calm saying the same thing over and over again and again in different languages or different ways of saying it.
  14. Sure, and we might not have found Him yet or we are not worthy yet to find Him.
  15. Sufi Winds. Echoes of the Divine Meditation Ambient Music.
  16. Commentary on Allah (God): Imam Ali: He is but his isness is not from anything, He exists but his existence has not come from non existence, He is with everything but not in a way that is equal to them and He is not like anything but not in a way that is separate from them; He is Doer but not that he does anything and not that he uses any tools, He was Seer before there was any creation to be seen, He was One and Alone before there was anyone and anything that he would love or feel lonely from nothing existing. Imam Ali: Oneness is one that you don't imagine God. Imam Reza: First step towards worshipping God is knowing him and the ground of knowing his divine highness is knowing that he is one and his Oneness system is denying limitations from him; because intellects admit that any creature (created creation) is limited. Imam Ali: Allah means a deity that the creations are amazed about him and take refuge to him, the one who's covered from the eyes and cannot be contained in imagination. Imam Ali: Praise be to God who is first before any first and who is last after any last and because of him being first he must have no beginning and because of him being last he must have no end. Imam Ali: He will never be destroyed and he always was; before everything he was without having a beginning and after everything he will be without having an end; He is the beginning of every beginning and the end of every end. Imam Baqer: Almighty God was and there was nothing except him; He was a light without darkness, He was truthful without any lies, He was wise without any ignorance, He was alive without any death; Here and now he still is like this and forever will be. Imam Sadiq: God is a knowledge that no ignorance is in it, a life that no death is with it, and a light that no darkness is in it. Imam Kazem: God is not a living thing that life happened to him but he is alive by nature. Imam Baqer: Allah means a deity that all creations are amazed at what it is and how it is. Imam Kazem: Allah is dominant over every little and huge thing. Imam Ali: God gives you news and signs but not with tongue, and he hears but not with ears and tools of hearing, He talks but not by pronouncing anything, Knows everything but not with help of memory, if he wills for anything to be he says be and it will be but his saying is not with any sound that ears would hear but it is his deed. Imam Kazem: Objects are manifested by his will and desire, without any speech being spoken or any thought being thought. Prophet Muhammad: If you knew God the way He deserves to be known you would have walked on oceans and with your prayers the mountains would be shaken. Imam Ali: Little knowledge of God would make you detached from the world. Imam Ali: He who knows the greatness of God would not look to himself as great because the greatness of those who know God lies in their humbleness in front of God. Imam Ali: The most knowledgeable people about God are the ones who are most praying for help from Him. Hakim Ferdowsi: He is superior than imagination and thought and guessing, He isn't like anything in the world. Rumi: If my existential wheel stops from circulation he who circulates the sphere of existence will also circulate me. Shah Nematallah Vali: As they unveild the veils and showed themselves to us we saw that Beloved, Lover and Love are one being. Hafiz: Hafiz you are your own veil get out of yourself. Shams Tabrizi: Only if you deny yourself you'll find him (God). Saadi: All humans are limbs of one body In creation they are all from one gem (essence) If life brings pain to one limb All the other limbs would also be in pain This topic may be updated later.
  17. That's true. But Did you read his comment to the end? He still found a light in his situation. We don't even know if he's still alive today or the cancer got him. But he didn't give up on me and you and still found a way to encourage us to live a good life everyday. Now that's huge. That's a Hero in my opinion. I don't know what else it could be. But at the very least we can become inspired by this. Hope you're doing great btw.
  18. Live a good life everyday because the stage 4 cancer guy wants you to. Love you all❤️
  19. I feel you brother. It's okay. God knows we're needy creatures. He has created us after all.
  20. It is within you if there is any solitude or association To Where do you go out of yourself? The world is empty Bidel Dehlavi