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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. @Rokazulu oh ok thank you for the explanation ??
  2. @puporing Yeah I figured it even so early on into the relationship but denied it and went on with the relationship in the hopes of having sex in the end and become the closest two people can get together that is possible but it was just too hard to hold onto and hope for that image to happen
  3. @Rokazulu Yeah I've been having the same thought that when you are more conscious it's more difficult to find someone and more difficult having to be the way they want you to be and compromise with them and give them what they expect of you
  4. Hi this is just me writing this after a breakup that I just had with a girl whom I love very deeply and we were talking for about 6 months online and video calling each other almost every night and sleep together on the phone but we never met each other because we were cities apart and I was gonna see her in two weeks and we had planned a lot of things to do together and we dreamed about hugging and kissing each other when we saw each other and all these stuff But I saw in my interactions with her that she has a concept of love in her mind and that she has to be special for the one who loves her (I mean totally understandable and it's true to some degree) and she expects to see me prove to her that she's special for me in my heart (which she was actually) and I did that to some degree too but I saw myself craving for sex more and seeing the possibility of us having sex was the most important engine that drove me to continue with her but deep down I was also afraid of hurting her in the end so it went on and on till tonight that I decided to break up with her finally after realizing the fact that she had became attached to me way too much and I was afraid of letting it go further than this so I broke up with her and broke her heart but I'm having a hard time drawing a line between how to be straight up with girls about sex and how to show them that you also love them but not neglecting your wants to have sex with them because of the possibility of them not thinking that you only want them for sex and you actually also care about them so how do I do this in the future to have better relationships with my partners and also I'm very worried about her I told her to delete everything we had in our chats and not ever coming back to me and forgive me and herself for what happened and let go and go on and live her life lovingly and she said she hates me and blocked me but I'm worried about her broken heart because I had some similar experience in my own past with another girl that broke my heart and I even killed myself but didn't die so I'm worried for her not doing the same things that I did I know this is all just in my mind and I did some meditations and contemplations for letting it go and they helped a lot but still I'm worried I would love to see the feedbacks from this forum. Thank You
  5. This question has been in my mind in days and I don't know if actual nothing and no self is actually the same as when we are in deep sleep state and there is nothing not even an experiencer who is present to know of itself and conscious of its presence and being or it's different when we die and being and presence and consciousness are and there is a self which is just conscious of everything but it still is and is different from the deep sleep state which is actual nothing it's not even a thing it doesn't even have a self or an experiencer Is there a difference between the two? Are there stages in death and nothing is the final stage of it and is like deep sleep or not?
  6. I’ve been thinking about Oneness and the Universe which is what everything is and there is only the Universe happening everywhere and so on great but there is this one question that I can’t get any answer for which is If everything is the Universe and there is actually no separate “me” and there is only the Universe then the thoughts are the Universe too so then Why would the Universe create the thoughts of a separate “me” and trick itself why would it do that for what reason or there is no reason for it what’s the point??
  7. Just wanted to share this beautiful masterpiece here too Hope you enjoy it ❤️
  8. @Consept This is a good answer but it seems like a go to default answer to anything that's hard to answer sometimes
  9. @Brandon Nankivell Oh I've seen this before but I don't remember it very well maybe I should watch it again thank you
  10. Is there really a reason for our meditation and the doing of meditation or psychedelics or reason is only something that gets created when we think about it I don't really know ??
  11. I've had some awakening not so intense but like getting almost out of my body experience right before I sleep almost every night and sometimes in my sleep I suddenly become aware and realize that I'm awake now and get the same experience like it feels like I'm getting out of my body I wonder what's that about and how would I realize it better when it happens again thank you
  12. @noticeom Yeah it sounds like astral projection from what I know about astral projection but I don't know if I believe in that stuff in the end though it's not about the beliefs it's about the experience itself it definitely was like astral projection
  13. @Nahm You mean the thought of something leaving the body ? hmmm wow actually this was so helpful thank you
  14. @impulse9 Great I'm trying to let go of the resistance little by little thank you if it is what I think it is my mind just resists it cause of it's fear of dying
  15. @Nahm Yeah i guess there is a belief of a soul in the body which is not the body and is temporarily in the body and the mind it's none of them but it's the one that is creating both of them but it's like more than a belief to me not the word "soul" part but I experienced not feeling my body anymore before when I took 3 grams of mushrooms and meditated I was in some kind of void and saw a white light but didn't feel a body or gravity at all so to summarize it happens sometimes again if I concentrate after that experience that I had but I resist it happening when my body starts to become weightless I don't even know myself about my beliefs to be honest actually I mostly say to my mind nothing matters
  16. @Nahm I feel like I'm suddenly coming out of my body and I resist that