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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. Humble yourself. You will grow greater than the world. Your self will be revealed to you without you. Rumi
  2. Of course It would be ignorant to think we are forever limited by our habits and can't change them if we want to It's just a self imprisonment act if we think this way
  3. But what are we trying to align with when our values keep changing as we grow and evolve? The secret to lasting relationships is not compatibility it's just love If you love anyone enough you'll compromise everything for them Love works in mysterious ways No two people can be compatible on every level Although if it's important to you it's fine looking for a more compatible partner for less resistance
  4. Formless Non physical No-thing No-time No-space No-existance
  5. I was just saying that for the solipsists to understand better and not feel lonely Because the ego deceives us hugely all the time It's better to separate God from yourself for that matter In these cases it is better this way at least it was for me
  6. Why are you so busy with this or that or good or bad? Pay attention to how things blend Rumi
  7. It's simple just don't say I built every TV on the planet Say God did And don't think of yourself as God say God also built me Take God as your Creator and The Creator of the world and do not identify as God yourself Just give credit to God for creation That makes things so much easier to understand
  8. The more scientifically minded people will use the terms of frequency and vibration and quantum mechanics they are all good and logical terms for scientifically minded people But in the end it's all the same thing it doesn't contradict spirituality it's just a physical model for better understanding spirituality for scientifically minded people And it's a very good and valid model for the scientific world we're living in As Nicholas Tesla firstly said If you want to understand the secrets of the Universe you gotta think in terms of energy, frequency, vibration
  9. In the house of lovers, the music never stops, the walls are made of songs, and the floor dances. Rumi
  10. This world and the other world and Everything that There Is All are but a drop thirsty for Your Ocean Cause there is no other than You in both worlds Who is in both worlds who's anything like You? Attar
  11. Trust the infinite intelligence of God He definitely has reasons and purposes for your creation in this particular time and space
  12. I'd say everything is predetermined within the field of infinite possibilities So determinism and free will both become true this way
  13. All Authority is His. And to Him you will "all" Be returned. Quran 28:70
  14. You are not enlightened my friend And it's okay I'm not either But you are not just enlightened don't think this was it and you got it No it's not it enlightenment does not mean being lonely forever it does not mean feeling lonely forever On the contrary you must feel more deeply connected to everyone else It's totally the opposite of feeling lonely ever
  15. It's best to not manipulate But in some contexts maybe I don't know I just don't want to talk absolutism In moral issues Morality is a hard road to walk on sometimes But as long as we can It's best that we don't manipulate cause it won't be real for them
  16. He is nearer to you than yourself. Rumi
  17. Allah is the best guardian and He is the most merciful of the merciful. Quran 12:54 They planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners. Quran 8:30 Your Lord has not abandoned you, nor has He become hateful of you. Quran 93:3 And He is the best of all judges. Quran 12:80 My Lord is certainly with me, He will guide me. Quran 26:62 And with Allah rests the outcome of all affairs. Quran 31:22 He is the All-Hearing, All-knowing. Quran 6:115 Indeed Allah's help is always near. Quran 2:214 My Lord is indeed the Hearer of all prayers. Quran 14:39 Surely with hardship comes ease. Quran 94:6 Allah does not charge a soul except with that within it's capacity. Quran 2:286 All it takes when He wills something to be, is simply to say to it "Be" And it is. Quran 36:82 Did He not find you unguided then guided you? Quran 93:7 Blessed is the One in Whose Hands rests all authority. And He is Most Capable of everything. Quran 67:1 He surely knows best what is "hidden" in the heart. Quran 67:13 Your Lord has proclaimed, "Call upon Me, I will respond to you." Quran 40:60 And Allah is All-Seeing of what you do. Quran 33:9 And be patient until Allah passes His judgment. For He is the Best of Judges. Quran 10:109 And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He "alone" is sufficient for them. Quran 65:3
  18. Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. Rumi Whether one moves slowly or with speed. The one who is a seeker will be a finder. Rumi Appear as you are or Be as you Appear. Rumi The wailing of the broken hearts is the doorway to God. Rumi This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief. Rumi
  19. If you have no other way but to fall Then fall The person you are going to become will catch you Rumi
  20. Yes and that's actually the best thing about life that all of us die eventually nothing to be sad about here In fact it's very comforting for me to think about it Because nothing will be lost when we die actually Everything will remain There is nowhere for anything in the Universe to be lost Where would anything go to say that it's lost? Nothing will be going anywhere there is nowhere for anything to go So there is nothing to be sad about ever
  21. If you split the heart of any particle You will see a burning light inside of it Hatef Esfehani
  22. Oh okay I understand just expression and writing what's on your brain is also good sometimes I don't know anything about your situation but I know one thing as long as we are alive we can find meaning in anything and have ourselves fulfilled in those things Even it could be some post on a forum just to talk with others there;) Wish you the bests
  23. Well if you don't explain it how best can anybody help you with it? You should at least try to share what you think about it yourself and it's root cause is