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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. The past definitely leaves marks and effects It's a continuous motion in time Because we are bound by time That's from the perspective of the person prisoned in the body and the physical world And it's true not false it definitely is a continuous motion in time But if you go beyond time then all past present and future collapse into each other and merge and you go into the realm of timelessness Both are true from their own perspectives
  2. It is lack of perspective that we become unable to see the ultimate nature of reality which is Just and Fair It is only because the ultimate Truth is Just and Fair that we can think of concepts of justice and fairness otherwise we wouldn't even consider them at all We have an inclination and we can intuit justice and fairness only because the ultimate Truth is The Ultimate Justice and Fairness
  3. Well then that's what you want to do right now Just sit and wait at any given moment that you can
  4. It is moment to moment Your heart tells you in every moment what is best to do And also it tells you what is best to do for your purpose in life deep down you know it And if you're in the phase of discovery still deep down your heart knows everything it's just the layers of self discovery must be explored till death
  5. Listen to your heart That's the thing in you that never lies
  6. Non existence is not the destination Existence is also not the destination It is none of these two dualities It is something beyond existence and non existence Dual Mind cannot grasp it because it's beyond duality
  7. This is exactly what the Abrahamic Religions said from the beginning Adam and Eve were in heaven having no self consciousness then they ate the apple of knowledge or committed the first sin then they became aware of themselves or developed an ego or they became self conscious and they descended to earth. What do we try to do now in this spirituality work? We try to ascend back to heaven by destroying our ego and merging back to God Aka noself aka non existence
  8. My student is the one Who stands next to hell Whoever is sent to hell grabs their hand And send them to heaven instead of himself And he himself goes to hell instead of them Bayazid Bastami
  9. God Let everything die Let everything be destroyed Let the world die and be destroyed Let us all die and be destroyed Let everything be vanished Let everything disappear You stay God Let everything be destroyed and you stay.
  10. Mystic who's aware of the mystery of knowledge Is selfless from himself and is with God Negate yourself and prove Truth's existence This is the meaning of لا اله الی الله Sheykh Abu saeed Abul Kheir
  11. Heaven is hidden behind things we hate, Hell is hidden behind things we love. Rumi I see a pupil in every sky I see a sky in every pupil You who see two in one Unlike you I see one in two Rumi And if he (God) closes every door and path upon you He will show you a hidden door that nobody is aware of Rumi Tears are prayers too, they travel to God when you can't find the words. Rumi I said to God I will not die before I know you. God replied, He who knows me never dies. Rumi Be silent, only the hand of God can remove the burdens of your heart. Rumi I closed my mouth and spoke to you in a hundred silent ways. Rumi Only from the heart you can touch the sky. Rumi Our death is our wedding with eternity. Rumi Love is when God says to you I have created everything for you. And you say, I have left everything for you. Rumi When the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray. Rumi These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them. Rumi Once dust, you're now spirit, once ignorant, now wise. He who has led you so far, will guide you further. Rumi The world is a mountain, in which your words are echoed back to you. Rumi The closer I get the more I see how far I am. Rumi Wisdom is knowing what to ignore. Rumi
  12. It's like the world never was And the hereafter (eternity) always was Imam Hussein
  13. If you want to embrace the benevolent nature of religion's God then you should also embrace the Almighty and All powerful and authoritarian nature of it too and at the same time that you are hopeful of God's benevolent and mercy also be afraid of him and his power and authority over you. That's acceptence of the totality of Infinity.
  14. Non duality says Death is none Not void and not consciousness It is something in between Death is not life and not death it is the unity of these twos It is not waking and not sleeping It is something beyond both and not even that. It is not knowable and not unknowable. It is not being and not non being.
  15. To the human mind God's work can be mysterious. To the Godhead it's perfectly logical and reasonable. God sees things the limited human mind can't see which makes it mysterious for the human mind but not for God.
  16. You do not know what happens after suicide don't just think or assume it would all only be good after death.
  17. God is not without control God has the ultimate control over everything the ego is the one not having ultimate control and lacking it immensely; not God.
  18. I see a lot of people who come into the world of spirituality subscribing to the idea of not judging anything or anyone at all like it's the moral code of spirituality nowadays I myself am guilty of this in the past so I actually am not misjudging someone here to be above anyone But this notion of you should not judge anything or anyone including yourself at all is not right let me break it for you to see what I mean Suppose you say I should not judge let's see what you are doing here When you say I should not judge you are actually judging the act of judging itself You are judging the act of judgement Saying judgement is not right or it is bad You see? It is contradictory Now I'm not saying it's impossible to not judge of course it is possible you can do that but the thing is if you are against judging for life then it turns out to become a judgement itself so if you want to go full circle you should stop being against judging and not judge the act of judging itself Suppose you don't judge yourself at all then you can do whatever you want without any consequences sounds nice doesn't it? Exactly my point you could become a selfish devil always forgiving yourself for everything thinking you could do whatever and not taking responsibility for anything Yes you heard that right sometimes you should even blame yourself for your mistakes that's the way to grow from your mistakes You can only make righteous judgments when you take responsibility and for that you actually should even judge yourself like if you did something bad you shouldn't deny it you have to acknowledge it to be able to go beyond it; Self judgment and Self reflection is the key to Self knowledge And not only about yourself when your judgment becomes sharp and right you can see the consequences of everything better and judge others better and righteously too but you have to start with yourself the key to knowing others is also first knowing yourself I hope I was clear in this because the ability to make right and just judgement is very much needed in society today I feel like a lot of societies problems are because people have lost their ability to judge rightly as a result of subscribing to this non judgmental ideology but let's face it most of the times it's just an excuse for the one subscribing to this non judgmental ideology to think they are free to do whatever they want without any consequences it's actually a selfish and devilish motivation for the ego That's why I decided to talk about this and represent this idea of righteous judgment back What do you think?
  19. That's a high level of compassion right there you my friend are very lovely thank you
  20. @Yimpa Well sometimes rules are needed aren't they? otherwise we would have lived in a rule free world already by now People can't always be fully trusted specially when everybody has their little egos; The devil is working he's not resting
  21. @Leo Gura Of course Leo I'm saying sometimes we need to use it We don't have to always transcend it If we didn't have judgment at all we would do stupid things without considering the consequences of our actions; right judgment is what is making us wise But of course we sometimes have to transcend it too I'm with you on that I just want to present a balanced and realistic perspective As Persian sufi poets said every point has it's place and time
  22. @Keryo Koffa Have seen it great stuff exactly these kinds of videos led me to this text I've written here Because I had concluded in the past that judgment is no good and always must be transcended But when I let go of my conclusions about it and questioned my assumptions I reached yet again another new conclusion You could say a new more nuanced conclusion was born
  23. And God won't let you to get in until he asks who are you wanting to get in and you answer I'm you there is no me it's just you As Rumi once also said Two I's won't fit in one house