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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. The impious thinks everyone is like him Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari
  2. Sure he can be only he could know what he actually wants
  3. I sensed some wanting from him I thought he still might want her But who knows only he himself knows that deep within
  4. The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space and they will come back to us due time Shams Tabrizi
  5. You show your worth by what you seek Rumi
  6. If you want her just tell her you want her and you don't want to see her with some other guy that's just it simple as that Your relationship It's already in a complicated situation make it simple for yourself and don't wait and beat around the Bush go on face her and find out the real answer for your own sake Demand a yes or no answer from her if she wants you or not If her answer is no do your self a favor and do not stay any longer at all and cut her from your life go on find someone else
  7. Feeling the presence of God is to feel fresh and new all the time Heaven is to feel fresh and new all the time
  8. Esteem is in satiety (having no need) from people And honor and freedom is obtained through the beam of contentment Imam Ali
  9. Knowledge is an invaluable heritage and courtesy is a lasting ornament and contemplation is a radiant mirror Imam Ali
  10. Say the best things about people that you want people to say about you Imam Ali
  11. Never At least be honest with yourself always and forever As honest as possible
  12. When you let go of who you are You become who you might be Rumi
  13. I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being. Rumi
  14. If everything around seems dark Look again You may be the light Rumi
  15. Dude don't just end your life for some money or some university or some success Be a failure what's wrong with that? There's more to life it's not just about these things Just contemplate on what else you can do in your life if all that you're doing right now fails so be it what else can you do with your life without them Just trust that if you can't get what you want you will get something better in the long run if you're patient you have to have that trust in God or the Universe Think about all the things that you love about life not the things that's driving you to end it Think about the things that make you wanna live Just know that God needs you Existence needs you Life needs you that's why you were born and that's why you're still alive and not dead We all need you to be alive that is the ultimate reason that you are still alive the whole Universe needs you alive otherwise you'd already be dead Don't do it we all literally need you to be alive for sure Something in the puzzle of the whole Universe will be missing if you weren't alive Just stay alive and wait the time for death will come itself when the Universe fulfilled the destiny it was planning for you So you just wait and be alive till then For all of us
  16. What hurts you blesses you Darkness is your candle Rumi
  17. Do you really think that God is stupid and makes mistakes? Creation wasn't a mistake it had to happen Don't think less than infinite intelligence about God My point was it's all love Wanting to include another as yourself Not out of need but out of Love for them This is the reason behind relationships And also the reason behind creation If you know that your only distraction from Liberation is women then just cut them off But if you can't as much as you try to then maybe you just shouldn't and maybe your path must involve women in it also
  18. If God is complete and whole and not needy then what is the point of creation?
  19. Put the floodwater of non-being in my being For I have gotten dusty in my heart from the soil of being Saadi
  20. If you're achieving perfection it will pass If you're thinking of opportunities it will pass The whole world is a dream a dream Whatever kind of dream you're dreaming it will pass Vahshi
  21. We can do that by believing levels and depths to existence On the deepest level The God Head is still and without any movement or time whatsoever full and ready to manifest and explode everything into existence And then movement happens time happens apparent existence also happens (the surface level) And why does that happen out of nowhere? Because of Love Only because of Love it happens Not because God needs something to happen Just Because God is Love and thus Love bursts into existence And if you only see the Absolute time and movement would also stop for you But we are caught up in apparent world
  22. Whoever became able to see the truth Saw this world as dead Rumi
  23. Why would an Eternal Being be incapable of anything? If there is such a thing as time then only an Eternal being can be responsible for it's creation because time must come from something outside of itself
  24. Non duality implies that reality is not something and it is not nothing Not this not that