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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. @Husseinisdoingfine I Love your signature BTW its fucking hilarious Leo Rasul Allah 😂
  2. All Religions are great I Love every bit of all of their wisdoms Islam and specially sufism has a special place in my heart also not because I Live in a Muslim country (Iran) but because of my own researchs and becoming interested in it, in fact I Have been against it and hated it and all Religions and religious people in general specially Islam and muslims for the most of 25 years of my life because it was the religion of our government, regime and the whole country But now my views are different about Islam and religion in general
  3. Suffering is a gift, in it is a hidden mercy. Rumi
  4. We are already dead bodies in the grave From the point of view of God
  5. You just gotta keep your heart clean Actions may vary from one action to another The important thing is keeping your heart clean
  6. You pray for yourself but if I do it I wouldn't say it to you though
  7. The only explanation left is Love Just contemplate on that
  8. People who commit suicide just don't find any meaning in living anymore it's as simple as that I know it because I've committed suicide myself so in that case I should know it better than anyone I'm experienced in this field
  9. God did not create everything out of boredom What kind of God is that who gets bored God cannot get bored What kind of being who is full on every scale possible can ever get bored? That's a stupid idea to think God just created everything because He was bored That means you don't understand what you are talking about when you say God
  10. God's nature or what He is is not explainable so let it just be a mystery because He is never going to be explainable
  11. You will always find what you want if you are patient Imam Ali Only Judge yourself do not judge others Imam Ali After death you will live forever Imam Ali What you chase will avoid you and what you avoid will chase you Imam Ali The ignorant are proud of doing the things which the wise are ashamed of Imam Ali
  12. Perfectly in line with this short YouTube video that just came up on my notifications
  13. Ignore what doesn't concern you Imam Ali
  14. I didn't deny what sadhguru said I denied what you paraphrased from Leo Although not to talk absolutism but one still needs to be careful with their ego always Unless they don't have any ego and they are God himself incarnate in physical reality in which case they must be perfect and not have any mistakes in anything they do And I said my reasons for it Lol yes you guys saw different people denying here
  15. I can see now Who denied what sadhguru said? Actually I didn't see anybody denying what sadhguru said I don't know what you guys saw
  16. No there I don't agree Leo could say whatever He wants sorry😁 Trying to make God and ego one and the same is always a dangerous act You are underestimating your ego if you carelessly just do that
  17. It depends on what we mean by solipsism If we mean that we as a little human ego are the only thing that exists Or if we mean that God is the only thing that exists The first one is going to make you feel lonely The second one is going to make you feel connected to everyone and everything the opposite of lonely In the first one you can't see anything beyond your ego self a separation factor In the second one you can see God in everything a unifying factor Although solipsism means the first one generally but here in this forum I think it means the second definition But I myself think it's better to say God instead of saying you for the most of the time cause when we say you it can be deceiving and our ego could take it and deceive itself with that
  18. I like that very much😁 Because it reminds me that I'm not just this body and flesh and I'm something bigger than this whole physical world Something bigger than this whole show
  19. It's okay if you talk to others to not feel lonely or if you think nobody can understand you it's okay to talk to God about it He will definitely understand because He is closer to you than you are to yourself Just trust God that is all I have to say to you friend
  20. Leave some room to play as an other if it comes to that And all the other times when you want to be loving towards your partner see them as yourself not some other Or even see them as someone lovely why not leave some room for that also
  21. Well of course God does whatever He wants It's God for God's sake No one can argue with God telling Him you should have done it some other way this way or that way No It's God and He does whatever He wants End of story