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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. Silence is the language of God All else is poor translation Rumi
  2. Yeah and that is the attitude of Islamic Republic of Iran also the leader of the revolution Ayatollah Khomeini as I've read in a course in university which is a must for everyone to pass called testimonts of Imam Khomeini had that same logical conclusion He believed that God as a final message sent His final messenger Prophet Muhammad so that he could show the people of the world the perfection of everything which also included the perfect government and that is why he was assigned unlike other prophets to become the ruler of Saudi Arabia to show everyone how to rule righteously The Olama or people of knowledge who are basically Islamic gurus differ on this subject but most of them in the Islamic Republic follow the same logic and justifications for rulling and politics with the late leader of the revolution So yeah with this logic Islam always wants to show the world how to rule justly and righteously they will not separate the mosque and the state if you will for that matter and become secular Although other Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia the birthplace of islam itself are becoming more west like but some like Iran are still very strict with their religious beliefs
  3. I think it's because Prophet Muhammad had some conflicts and wars with the Jews and they didn't accept him and they fought it is even in the Quran that jews were enemies of islam when prophet wanted to preach the new religion they were hostile towards him and islam so I think that's another reason for the hostile attitude Although I don't think these stories are the main reasons for all the hostility but I guess they play a huge role as well But yeah God is the same for all Abrahamic Religions and the war between them all is really really crazy in the sense that all they ever preached was worshipping God and being united not divided as we are all creations of God The ultimate message of them all
  4. Here's another conspiracy theory famous in Iran against Jews They say Jews are in touch with Jinns (higher dimensional beings named jinns in Islam which muslims are not allowed to get in touch with according to the Quran) and that's why they have so much power and wealth and technological advances because they did not listen to God and got in touch with occult and jinns which God forbade because they were activities for worldly purposes And also jinns are actually demons made from fire according to the Quran
  5. Maybe that's why this conspiracy theory exists that America is in control of Israel
  6. There is a conspiracy theory in Iran specially from those who are enemies with Zionists which says America is controlled by Jews basically they say Jews are in the power in America I don't know the truth just thought to share this conspiracy theory
  7. Lol Iran can't even be the next dubai itself It's under lots of sanctions we are dying in terms of ecology here and under lots of pressure just to make a living what are you talking about
  8. Never understood why they do that though Is it because they want to protect the region from wars by their troops Or is it because they want to conquer other regions and have empirialistic agendas to start a war and gain profits by selling arms I don't know maybe both are true at the same time
  9. It's escalating but I don't think Iran is ready for a full on war anytime now Because the state doesn't have the support of most of the people inside the country
  10. I live in Iran and in here the state is hugely pro Palestine and also hugely critical of some other Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and their contributions with the west Here the state is an enemy with the west and Israel and pro Palestine and Yemen But the people of the country are mostly against the state and Love the enemies of the state to win for them to get rid of the state in rule also there are other people in the country who are completely behind the rulling state policies and whatever it does so there is a kind of internal war here also about that
  11. Lol yeah pretty much what he said
  12. This topic needs to watch or rewatch Attack On Titan to understand war and how each side sees the other as devils and both sides have rights and are ignorant of the other side's miseries and oppression and right to self defense It's very nuanced and complicated situation in war we get lost why it all even started and why it can't end and why do so many people have to suffer in this process and why can't we live in peace It is so complicated yet so simple everyone knows they want to stop the war but both sides are afraid of each other and is worried if I back down now the other side will attack me and they might So there is no clear answer anywhere It's sometimes just hopeless from my perspective unless individuals take responsibility and sacrifice themselves and their and their people's agendas for the sake of peace which is easy to say and very hard to do in reality especially when a lot of people and close people to you whom you care about expect you to be on their side and not feel for their enemies
  13. There is no self to be Ish or less about it So you can be whatever is good in the moment then
  14. Told ya If you liked him you should also watch these performances
  15. Morals come from a recognition of the unity of being When we recognise we are the same and not different I am you and you are actually me then it's only natural to want the best for you as I want the best for myself
  16. Yeah maybe that's for the best😂
  17. Oh you have no idea how many times I do it in a day then lmao
  18. This is Dimash Let me know your opinion about him I just love him He's a God amongst men
  19. This is Dimash Let me know your opinion about him I just love him He's a God amongst men