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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. No it's not Love is only about love if a relationship is for Love There are some roles for men and women in relationships true but those even get destroyed for Love when needed if it's for love And also in this day and age you know that gender roles are blurring out so there's also that Nobody knows anymore what a man must do and what a woman must do in a relationship Gender equality is making the lines disappear as we go on So who knows anymore who is provider and who is receiver Although there are still some natural male and female instincts for males and females In the end if you want love it's worth compromising everything for your beloved and not overthinking or doubting much Try to do whatever she or he wants as best as you can
  2. There is no paradox everything is one actually
  3. Do you need a degree for understanding stuff? I mean isn't it possible to understand stuff without a degree? Sure is Specially in this day and age when you can find anything on the Internet for free
  4. How is this connected to being gay? Why? A straight guy can't understand women you think?
  5. You are the honored guest Do not weep like a beggar for pieces of the world Rumi
  6. The soul has been given it's own ears to hear things the mind does not understand Rumi
  7. Yes you are so am I so is everyone So cheer up
  8. It is painful for everyone Because we humans are not just objects of pleasure and don't like to be one We are not Objects and should not objectify ourselves If we do that we're reducing from our soul's greatness
  9. There is one being inside all of us Rumi
  10. Reality won't be like this above and below forever The wheel of fortune will make everyone sit in their right place due time Saeb Tabrizi
  11. Nothing can limit you from your enlightenment only you can limit yourself from that no other outer factor
  12. The impious thinks everyone is like him Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari
  13. Sure he can be only he could know what he actually wants
  14. I sensed some wanting from him I thought he still might want her But who knows only he himself knows that deep within
  15. The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space and they will come back to us due time Shams Tabrizi
  16. You show your worth by what you seek Rumi
  17. If you want her just tell her you want her and you don't want to see her with some other guy that's just it simple as that Your relationship It's already in a complicated situation make it simple for yourself and don't wait and beat around the Bush go on face her and find out the real answer for your own sake Demand a yes or no answer from her if she wants you or not If her answer is no do your self a favor and do not stay any longer at all and cut her from your life go on find someone else
  18. Feeling the presence of God is to feel fresh and new all the time Heaven is to feel fresh and new all the time
  19. Esteem is in satiety (having no need) from people And honor and freedom is obtained through the beam of contentment Imam Ali
  20. Knowledge is an invaluable heritage and courtesy is a lasting ornament and contemplation is a radiant mirror Imam Ali
  21. Say the best things about people that you want people to say about you Imam Ali
  22. Never At least be honest with yourself always and forever As honest as possible
  23. When you let go of who you are You become who you might be Rumi