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Everything posted by Atb210201

  1. My body has become all tears and my eyes wept In your Love one should live with no-body There can't be found a trace of me what is this Love As I have become wholly the beloved then who is the lover? Abu Saeed Abul Kheir
  2. The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you Rumi
  3. Knock, And He'll open the door Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything Rumi
  4. Gratitude is the wine for the soul Go on Get drunk Rumi
  5. You know what you want every moment
  6. If you can't let go don't let go Go after what you want Just do what you want
  7. The last thing I judge is my judgement itself The last thing I'm ashamed of is shame itself The last thing I feel guilty about is feeling guilty itself The last thing I fear is fear itself Do you also see these within yourself?
  8. The fact that you love your girlfriend is enough and you don't need to feel ashamed or guilty for your past Because you love her and that's something Love is enough just focus on the fact that you love her with all your heart Do not overthink or doubt much about yourself Just be in that space of certainty that you love her That's all that is needed friend
  9. Sorry I guess I made this topic in the wrong place Move it to spirituality if you may thank you sorry again
  10. Sorry for commenting maybe it's none of my business commenting here But why anyone would need to heal shame? If I am ashamed of something then I let myself be ashamed there is no shame for me for feeling ashamed
  11. God's plan is Love Love Love Love Beautiful Loveeeee
  12. How is acceptance different from letting go? Oh I see Maybe acceptance is let it be And letting go is let it not be Somehow that makes sense to me now Then again maybe there is not that much of a difference at all between them is there? I don't know
  13. Who needs pleasantness Let me suffer if I must Why not Also I myself don't encourage psychedelics anymore to anyone And I don't use them myself anymore I don't reject it also but just don't want to encourage it too
  14. It is from us whatever is happening to us Persian Proverb
  15. From whatever hand you give you shall take from the same hand Persian Proverb
  16. Judge yourself before you judge anyone else Imam Ali
  17. If you want to get rid of what you think is your insecurities just don't want to get rid of them and let them be there so what?
  18. Have deep trust in God And do whatever you wish having that trust in God
  19. It depends only on you You find any value in it good You find no value in it good It depends on you actually
  20. Who knows It's a mindfuck A Mystery Wow
  21. And if He (God) puts all of us to Hell He knows better if we deserve that Attar
  22. You have within you more love than you could ever understand Rumi
  23. If there was no Intelligence at all how could anything be possible? Everything is possible because there is an Intelligence behind everything behind the world behind creation
  24. Falling in love is never obvious to the ones falling in love It just happens suddenly You never know and never could know if you will fall in love Somehow out of the blue you find yourself being in love with someone for no reason at all Because love doesn't follow reason You can't put your finger on it You just are in love and it's not by your will anymore