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Everything posted by Matthew85

  1. There is no universal answer to this because everyone has a different definition of what success is. It's a diverse evolving thing. What did success mean to you as a toddler or teenager versus now? Mine has evolved many times.
  2. @machinegun Thank you for the clarification. You may be interpreting your stage correctly. That is something only you can intuitively know. In my opinion I don't think we can accurately categorize all music from a record company as being in a specific category. There are just too many factors that go into creating music. These different scales of consciousness people come up with are interesting, but I wouldn't use them in a rigid way. More as a general guide or outline.
  3. @machinegun I would take this as an indication that you may not be interpreting your stage of development accurately. Either that or whoever is categorizing the music into stages isn't evaluating it correctly. What is their method of testing the music?
  4. I enjoy mindfulness practices because I can incorporate them into my daily activities. Every day I find as many things as I can to appreciate. If you only did that, your life would change in profound ways.
  5. What is ironic is eventually you become aware you are only arguing, debating or ridiculing yourself. Continue playing that game if it amuses you, or not. Ultimately, it makes no difference.
  6. @justfortoday Thank you for sharing this! It is challenging to articulate an experience like this, but you did an excellent job.
  7. @The0Self The difference between gratitude and appreciation is subtle. It depends on your definitions and how you are expressing it. Both will elevate your state. I just prefer the energy of appreciation.
  8. Yes, I noticed this one day when I was writing things I was thankful for. I thought, wait a minute, who am I thanking? That is when I decided to focus more on appreciation.
  9. @Leo Gura I agree. Gratitude or thanking someone can sometimes have a little lack of deservability in it. I prefer appreciation. Appreciation is recognizing the beauty, wonder and value of something.
  10. @Flowerfaeiry Me too! Many blessings, insights and fun synchronicities unfolded in my life once I began to make appreciation a daily focus.
  11. @Flowerfaeiry Cultivating appreciation is a simple but very powerful practice. That practice by itself can transform your life in profound ways.
  12. @itachi uchiha Once you see the truth and the illusion of reality, this becomes a tricky thing for someone in Leo's position to navigate. Even your belief that it's dangerous. This is just a belief you are holding. If you believe it is dangerous, that will be your experience. For example, I have no fear of physical death anymore. I know what we call death is an illusion. So my viewpoint on suicides or someone passing is very different from the majority of people. We are all free to explore to varying extremes what we desire as long as we are not hurting others. In many ways this human game we are playing is about exploring extremes.
  13. @BeHereNow Profound experience. What do you attribute your shift in perspective to?
  14. @Focus This article explains a simple 4 step process that will help you start to change your beliefs.
  15. @Illusory Self This game is masterfully designed for you to forget you are god. Even if you awaken it will continually attempt to draw you back into falling asleep. I see people limiting belief's or distorted concepts of god as just part of the game.
  16. @Focus You need to find out why you are giving so much credibility to the distorted perceptions other people have labeled you with. Would you buy a painting and then ask a blind person their opinion of it? Of course not. Don't look for others to see or acknowledge your beauty. They can't see it.
  17. @blessedlion1993 Yes, I have had this experience. I always recommend everyone investigate and verify the truth for themselves. In my opinion it is foolish to blindly accept beliefs or information from any spiritual teacher.
  18. @Virgo That is wonderful. There is a lot of benefit that comes from being in the field of highly conscious beings. I have attended many satang's and received shaktipat. The energy field of David Hawkins was one of the most powerful I experienced. My entire body would be buzzing and I had the most intense vivid dreams all night long.
  19. @isabel Yes. I first noticed this when I was very young while I was relaxing or trying to fall asleep. My mind had a dialog and images just running on it's own. I could step in and stop the process with my own thought, but as soon as I would let go it was off and running again. The good news is with spiritual practices you can dramatically tame the monkey mind. I often experience a still mind with no thoughts now. It just takes discipline and focus.
  20. @Kshantivadin At the root of jealousy is fear of not having or losing something. When you eventually see this is an illusion, the jealousies will fall away.
  21. @Raphael The common meaning would be a person who has acquired a lot of knowledge. It doesn't mean the person is conscious or wise. Knowledge is just human made up concepts and information. It has nothing to do with truth.
  22. A much better podcast for Leo would be someone like Aubrey Marcus. He is a serious truth seeker and advocate of holistic living. That would be an insightful interview I would enjoy.
  23. At Joe Rogan's current level of consciousness, going on his podcast wouldn't be the best use of Leo's time. In my opinion, the types of questions Joe would ask wouldn't provide many profound deep insights or truths.
  24. @kag101 The distortion in your thinking is that you view these things as flaws. The distortion is in the negative judgments you attach to these aspects of being a human. If you learn to reframe them, you will begin to enjoy your human experience more.
  25. @Vision I agree. I have had a insatiable curiosity to realize truth since I was young. The majority of people seem content being lost in their dream though. I use to be very surprised by this. How could they not care to understand the deeper meanings of life? They are just exploring something else. Enjoying the game of forgetting they are god and getting lost in their creations.