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Everything posted by Matthew85

  1. You don't think that an infinite mind can hold more than the perspective of what is within your very limited human perception simultaneously?
  2. @Inliytened1 I am very intuitive as well. You are free to assume whatever you choose, it doesn't mean it is correct.
  3. @Juan Should be an interesting interview. Thank you for sharing!
  4. @Inliytened1 I would never make the assumption that another is not awake. Something you should contemplate.
  5. @Inliytened1 I have to stay with my direct experiences and they don't match with what you are saying. Everyone has to find the truth for themselves.
  6. I don't agree. This is assuming that your very limited finite human perception is the totality of all that exists. God is able to hold infinite realities and perspective's all simultaneously.
  7. @Leo Gura I agree. Where my perspective is different is I feel all aspects of Gods creations have awareness. Think about it. God can only create out of what it is. This alone implies that its creations would inherently have the qualities of what it was made from.
  8. @Leo Gura Yes, but this doesn't mean the others you create are not conscious and aware. God can imbue his creations with any qualities it desires.
  9. @Breakingthewall True. Everything only exists in your mind. But in my attempt to understand the truth of reality I reflect on my direct experiences. For example during several of my out of body experiences I was shown how all of my actions positive and negative affect others and ripple out. If others have no conscious awareness this would make no sense. Why would my higher mind show this to me? But it goes way beyond this. If you honestly can't feel the aliveness and awareness in other life forms, you still have a lot of work to do.
  10. @Leo Gura True. But if everyone is self which you teach about, why do you feel other aspects of self cannot be conscious and aware?
  11. @Breakingthewall True, but to say other life forms do not have awareness doesn't resonate as true with me me or my direct experiences.
  12. @Leo Gura I love and admire you Leo. You are a true pioneer. But I have to go with my direct experience. To say other life forms do not have awareness is false.
  13. @Leo Gura I agree. But I feel some of your teachings need more context otherwise they can confuse people. At the highest level, yes I am the only conscious thing that exists, but that doesn't mean that others are not conscious and aware. To say they are not would be putting a limit on what God can create and God is unlimited.
  14. @Leo Gura Where my direct experience may be different then yours is I became aware that every aspect of God is conscious and has awareness.
  15. @Inliytened1 Well, when you achieve this please let all of us know how.
  16. @puporing I agree. It still troubles me that there seems to be so much being orchestrated from beyond our conscious awareness.
  17. @Inliytened1 I'm not sure. Perhaps it's not possible to achieve freedom while being in a physical form. The joy and freedom I have experienced during my OBE's is so incredible. Coming back to the this dense reality was always very challenging. Why would I choose this when there are so many other options? I'm not sure. I haven't discovered the answer yet. It reminds me of one of Leo's recent posts where he became an alien mouse. He said nothing would give him more joy then to remain in the state of the that alien mouse, but here is is back being very limited human Leo with all his challenges? Why? Who is doing the choosing?
  18. I am not seeking happiness but understanding. Also freedom. I think our true nature is freedom.
  19. @puporing You bring up a very valid point. Do you feel waking reality is a reflection of yours and other individuated consciousness's or only yours? "If I were to be at a different level of consciousness I would likely be in a different world within consciousness." I agree. Sometimes I contemplate if what we call physical death isn't just consciousness outgrowing it's current reality.
  20. @Inliytened1 Is has nothing to do with greed or power. You are missing the point I am making.
  21. I have heard this argument many times and I don't feel it is an adequate explanation. There are endless levels you could create between omniscience and extreme limitation with no awareness of what will occur. It way oversimplifies the topic.
  22. @puporing Not at all. Thank you. I just don't like feeling like a puppet. So much of this current experience seems to be orchestrated from levels that our way beyond our awareness. I want to understand why.
  23. @puporing I often wonder why all this seems to be occurring at such deep levels that are beyond our awareness? Is this really what we want? To feel such a lack of control. For example if I were to ask you what will your dream tonight when fall asleep, you have no idea. You will fall into a succession of dream narratives and landscapes and be taken for a ride with no idea of what will happen. I am still puzzled by this.
  24. @Ninja_pig In reading your experience I wonder how much of it may have been affected and influenced by all of the concepts you had filled your mind with. It reminds me of how near death experiences always reflect the belief's and concepts held in the mind of the individual. I think we should be careful to not assume that psychedelics always provide some ultimate truth. They can be a very useful tool but they also just reveal what is in your mind.