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Everything posted by Matthew85

  1. @integral lol. Well, ask her would she rather have a guy who talked about desires he was having or suppressed them and ended up frustrated and resentful. I am not saying they will handle it well, but in the long run I feel being able to have honest discussions is vital for a healthy long term relationship.
  2. @Forza21 This is a very individual thing. Of course you can be happy without children. Many people have children not out a genuine desire, but because of social conditioning. Honor what is authentic for you.
  3. @Asayake This is a common desire we fall into when we discover something that benefits us. I would just lightly plant some seeds or share information and drop it. Everyone is on their own journey. If there isn't an openness or seeking you will waste a lot of time.
  4. @NoN-RaTiOnAL If you having an open discussion about this with her ends the relationship then it wasn't going to last anyway. Where people create a lot of problems is they don't discuss anything. Resentments build or they start cheating and lying, then eventually it all comes out and you break up.
  5. @patricknotstar Desire is the fuel for creativity and creation. The goal is not to be in a desireless passionless state about life. I would suggest you begin to take a close look at the limiting beliefs and assumptions you have adopted as true.
  6. I don't closely follow his work, but if this is his perspective I wouldn't agree. It's a mistake to speak in generalizations like this, which often happens with people who are passionate about spirituality or enlightenment. If there is one thing God desires it's immense diversity of experiences. Just observe the world and universe.
  7. @Austin Actualizing The ability to focus your mind. Most people have no control over their thoughts, which causes a lot of mental suffering. Also, in addition to what you listed I would add healing trauma, having a life purpose you are passionate about and cultivating a community of like minded people to be a part of. Physical fitness is vital too, but it sounds like that is already part of your routine.
  8. @Leo Gura Thank you! Your insights have inspired me to keep seeking. For example at a certain point in my spiritual practices I began having spontaneous OBE's. At first this was alarming and I often thought I may have died. These experiences were very valuable in answering many questions I had at the time and I was able to validate they were "real". But now I am beginning to see it's just another layer of the dream.
  9. @Andromeda Different teachers will resonate with you depending on where you at in your development. A couple of my favorites who I feel have a high level of integrity are David R Hawkins and Michael Beckwith.
  10. @Leo Gura I don't know about eating liver being regenerative magic, but there is some validity to what this is pointing to. I know people who have benefitted from glandular therapy. And many claim to have seen improved health by consuming certain organ meats.
  11. @NoN-RaTiOnAL This comes down to having the courage to have open honest communication. Suppressing what you are feeling isn't a good solution. You may not be ready for a monogamous serious relationship now.
  12. @Ruth This is something I have also thought about often throughout my life. It's hard for me to understand how most people are not interested in this. I can't think of anything more fascinating. "Do people really go through their whole lives never wondering what's actually going on?" Yes, most people seem content to be lost in the dream. There isn't anything wrong with that. They are just choosing a different experience. I imagine at some point everyone will get the urge to wake up. Consciousness is in a cycle of going deeply asleep and then awakening out of it.
  13. I would be very interested in an episode on states of consciousness. I'm not sure how much Leo has explored and experimented with deliberately adopting new states, but I am fascinated by this. We are always embodying a state. It's not a static thing and every state we embody has built in beliefs and corresponding experiences. One method to change your experience of reality is simply to adopt or embody a new state.
  14. I am sure this is the reality he is experiencing. Your beliefs, assumptions and expectations become self fulfilling. I would suggest you stop consuming content that doesn't represent what you want to experience.
  15. Healing is a complex subject. There are many variables in every situation as to why someone will or won't heal from illness. Yes, belief that you can or will be healed is a major factor. It's not as simple as just being close-minded though. One example. There might be an instance where the higher mind manifests illness as a catalyst to move you in a new direction or expand your consciousness. So what appears as "negative" is serving something you desire.
  16. I have observed this as well. Over the last 16 years when I began to deeply explore expanding my consciousness my sensitivity to foods and toxins increased significantly.
  17. I am getting closer. I have had glimpses. What I was referring to is the feeling of being alone. That human emotion didn't exist for me in my most awakened states.
  18. @Leo Gura Could you expand on this? In my most awakened states the concept of alone didn't exist for me.
  19. @Leo Gura During some of my oneness experiences I became other people and they became me. I perceived their unique expressions were also God. I perceived them to be conscious as well. This could simply be because I was imagining this. But, if I as God am infinite then I would have the ability to imagine or create other conscious beings right? In my experience in exploring the nature of God you run into paradoxes. Like how could something be one and an infinite many simultaneously? Well, if God is infinite, that means it can literally create anything. So, if I as God enjoy the idea that you Leo, are having your own conscious experience of exploring the universe while at the same time also being me, I could create that.
  20. I was recently contemplating the inherent challenges of using our finite minds to explore and understand God or consciousness. How can something finite ever fully comprehend something that is infinite? Is this even possible? It seems at best, we could only achieve a partial understanding while we are still limited in our human form. What are your thoughts on this?
  21. @Jacob Morres Jacob, the only way to get better at communication is by doing it. Start talking with more people. Look for opportunities wherever you are. Find some seniors to talk with. There are a lot of lonely seniors who would love someone to talk with. You will be less nervous then you would be with a girl your own age and it will help you develop your communication skills. Get off your electronic devices and interact more with people in the real world.
  22. @Ineedanswers You are making an assumption that psychedelics and death of our physical body produce the same experience.
  23. @Illusory Self What social activities do you enjoy? Some of my most fulfilling relationships came from me following my interests. Not necessarily trying to meet people. Just pursuing different things I was interested in.