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Everything posted by Matthew85

  1. @Leo Gura Leo, in a recent post you discussed seeing the perfection in all political events during expanded states of consciousness. Would you consider sharing some of your insights on this? I'm sure many would find it very interesting. From limited states of awareness its very challenging to see this.
  2. @Batman What I have observed in people I have known that solely rely on psychedelics is they often are missing the embodiment aspect. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to bypass the time and dedication of regular spiritual practices to achieve permanent shits in consciousness. Psychedelics are a very useful tool and will provide profound insights, but you will still have to do a lot of work to embody and sustain those expanded states they offer.
  3. @JuliusCaesar Good point! At some point we have to draw a conclusion based on our experience and analysis. They could be. I am open to the possibility it's just more sophisticated levels of dreaming.
  4. @JuliusCaesar With the wake back to bed method. Although sometimes they just happen on their own.
  5. My own investigations, analysis and direct experiences lead me to conclude they are not the same. I believe it is very likely there are consensus created realities and independent created realities.
  6. @Leo Gura Leo, do you ever contemplate things like the Trump presidency, the pandemic or the war in Ukraine in expanded states of consciousness? If you have, I would be very interested in hearing any insights you may have received.
  7. @Leo Gura You have talked a lot about our perceptual field being all that exists and there being nothing outside of it. But your above comment seems to suggest people and things do exist when we don't see or perceive them. Can you clarify? Thank you!
  8. @Benton I am very conscious of that. I appreciate your insights. This is something I have to awaken deeper to fully understand.
  9. @Benton It sounds like you have a different perspective than Leo. His awakenings have revealed to him over and over his mind is the only mind that exists and you and I are projections his mind is imagining. Very paradoxically your mind is the only mind that exists and when you interact with me or Leo you are only interacting with a projection your mind is imagining. What I can't grasp is if we both expanded to the God head level it wouldn't be you and I existing there together. It would only be me and you would be only be a part of my mind and for you it would only be you and I would be something your mind had imagined. I don't think we can grasp this without a much deeper awakening and very expanded awareness.
  10. @JuliusCaesar I always appreciate reading your perspective. Even with my own direct experiences I haven't been able to grasp this yet. Deeper awakenings are required. Leo often expands and expands his consciousness to realize you, me all the forum members, his family, etc are only projections of his mind til he is the only being left that exists. But you could awaken to the same insight. That Leo, me, the forum members, your family are all projections of your mind and you are the only being that exists. My human mind can't understand how we can all reach the same insight of being the only being that exists imagining each other. It's quite the mindfck.
  11. @Benton Leo's deepest awakenings have revealed to him there aren't infinite simultaneous incarnations existing. There is only your field of perception. If you are not currently perceiving it, it doesn't exist.
  12. @Aaron p Anything that potentially expands your awareness, be it psychedelics or spiritual practices can radically shift your priorities and goals in life. That is one of the inherent affects of expanding your consciousness. If you don't want that, you may want to hold off until later in life after you have achieved some of your goals.
  13. @Benton You still run into paradoxes that are very challenging for our human mind to grasp. Leo has awakened to realize he is the only conscious being in existence, but then I am also the only conscious being in existence. So is Leo imagining me or am I imagining Leo, or are we both imagining versions of each other? Lets say I went to Las Vegas and Leo and I took 5-Meo together. Would Leo eventually collapse into me as a projection of my mind or would I collapse into Leo's mind or paradoxically would we both collapse into each others minds? This would be a fascinating experiment to conduct.
  14. Very interesting topic! I have a few experiences not involving psychedelics. One I will share was of a woman I know who was attacked by a dog when she was young. It left her with a fear of dogs and a scars on her skin. She decided to have a quantum hypnosis healing session in the hope of overcoming her fear of dogs. During the consultation the therapist suggested the option of revising the incident so it never occurred. So that is what she decided to do. Under deep hypnosis the therapist took her back to the day of the attack and they revised the day so she never encountered the dog. The first thing she noticed after the session was her fear of dogs was gone. She could interact with them easily which she wasn't able to do before. Even the sight of a dog would cause a lot of fear in her. What was even more astonishing was over the next few weeks after her session the scars on her skin from the attack faded and disappeared. I saw this for myself. This was amazing. It confirmed a few things. Time is an illusion. We are creating our past in the now, it's not some fixed thing that can't be changed. We are also continually recreating our bodies in the now. Once she changed the memory of the past, her body changed to reflect her new past.
  15. @Leo Gura I am sure you have contemplated the paradox of this. How is it that everyone who explores consciousness deep enough can discover the insight of being the only thing that exits?
  16. @Leo Gura I like this description. The ego is God believing the dream it is orchestrating that it is finite and limited. It never resonates with me when I read about killing the ego. I have always felt the ego needs to wake up and expand.
  17. @CuriousityIsKey As someone who has spent many years researching this subject and extensively experimenting with conscious deliberate creation, let me offer you some advice. Do not accept others opinions on the subject. Research it and conduct your own experiments. Through your own direct experience you will discover and validate for yourself the answer.
  18. @Zeroguy This can happen but it doesn't seem to be what happens most of the time. I would be careful drawing conclusions about physical death from psychedelic trips. Based on what I have experienced they are very different. Keep in mind that psychedelics radically alter your consciousness. This does not automatically happen upon death. So true! Isn't it interesting that one of things people fear the most is actually something wonderful.
  19. @Prana_y4na There isn't one answer to your question. Consciousness is an infinite mind that can imagine anything. I will offer one perspective based on hundreds of out of body experiences I have had. Several years ago in my pursuit of awakening I was receiving energy work and doing different spiritual practices when I began having spontaneous out of body experiences. At first it was very alarming and often I thought I may have died. It's very frightening to unexpectedly find yourself outside of your body. Once I realized I was ok and hadn't died, I was able to relax more. As I became accustomed to it happening frequently, I felt more confident to begin leaving my house and exploring other worlds and talking with different people I encountered, some who had once lived on earth. I was fascinated with what happens after we die, where we go and what our lives are like, so this was an incredible opportunity to answer many questions I had. Every time I encountered someone from earth I would ask them what their transition was like after they died and what their life is like now. I could write a book based on all my experiences. The general themes I found after interviewing many people is most people after what we call death find themselves in a world almost identical to the world and culture they just left. They have a body that is just as real and physical to them as their body on earth. They have all the same senses they had on earth but sometimes these are enhanced, like 360 degree vision. Many describe death like waking up from a dream. Some have a slightly expanded awareness, but I came across others that were exactly the same in personality and awareness. I even met some who had no idea they had even died. Their environment was so identical to their life on earth, they were completely unaware they had passed. I don't claim to be an expert on the after-life or have all the answers, I'm just offering one perspective based on my own direct experiences. You really don't need to fear death. You are an eternal consciousness that can never die. You will have all the same perceptions after death and most likely enhanced perceptions. Based on what I have seen and heard what we call death is actually something to look forward to. It's just the next chapter in an endless journey of exploration.
  20. @Leo Gura Good video topic Leo. I recently made a post about the trap of thinking the ego mind is the totality of God and imagining all of reality and other people. I see some pursuing this work falling into this trap. Another fairly common trap I see is a kind of spiritual arrogance in people seeking awakening often holding judgments about people who are not interested in it. One of the most prevalent ones I see is people giving up their sovereignty and authority to teachers and gurus. You covered this in past videos but it's worth mentioning again.
  21. @Ry4n Thank you for sharing your experience. What style of yoga has been most effective for you in reaching the God state?
  22. @Leo Gura During any of your awakenings, did you ever receive insight about a very challenging person in your life and the reason you imagined them that way?
  23. @Leo Gura Good point! The social matrix we construct is a big part of staying lost in the dream. There must be a part of us as God who wants it to be difficult to awaken, otherwise why would we construct such an elaborate social matrix to keep us from discovering truth. I'm working to get more and more to a place of non judgment of either pursuit. We can find joy and interesting experiences in either exploration, whether it's awakening or staying lost in the dream. I know people who have no interest in awakening and are quite happy being lost in the game. When we are passionate about awakening it's easy to fall into judgment about people who are asleep and uninterested in awakening.
  24. @halfknots Looking forward to hearing about your recent trips.