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Everything posted by Matthew85

  1. @BenG I agree. I just want to be mindful to not get too reliant on any one method as being THE WAY and negate other ones. Often I see people doing this. Direct experience and cultivating keen intuition are the best ways to discern I have found. I also wonder how much peoples belief systems impact the insights they have on psychedelics. I see patterns of this in both near death experiences and psychedelic trips. Peoples culture and belief's always seem to color the experience to different degrees.
  2. @amanen You articulated this very well. Thank you for posting this!
  3. @Zaise Welcome to the forum. What a beautiful experience! Thank you for sharing it!
  4. Could it be a mistake to view psychedelics as always leading us to truthful insights? I've noticed that many of us who explore consciousness via psychedelics have a belief that they always lead to truthful insights. But what if that isn't the case? What if they could also lead you to some distorted or deluded beliefs? We have to be open to that possibility. How would you discern? Maybe it's not wise to place all your eggs to awakening in one basket. If you love psychedelics, you don't want to consider this, but if you genuinely care about truth, we should consider it.
  5. @PenguinPablo He hasn't realized he is the absolute. He views the absolute as the creator of the Gods and the Gods as the creator of him.
  6. Interesting interview. Seems like he has had some deep insights and is trying to be of service. Leo would say he needs to awaken deeper and realize he is the absolute and those other 12 Gods he discovered are only part of his mind.
  7. @Mason Riggle Anyone with any expanded degree of awareness would know tree's are conscious and aware. When I read on the forum people describing others as NPC characters, not having awareness, feelings and experiences, it's obvious they are confused. Eventually they will awaken and feel everything they have ever caused another to feel, the good and bad. Then they will realize the oneness and conscious awareness of everything.
  8. @Mason Riggle Very well said. Where I feel some are getting confused is in believing that only I am conscious, feeling and experiencing. This is not what my direct experience and insights have revealed. Everything has awareness. The type of awareness may be different, but there is still awareness.
  9. @Leo Gura Yes, but for example if I use my consciousness to create a tree. The tree is made of my consciousness and is also me and has awareness. Or to use the example of this thread AI. I feel it's more accurate to say AI is conscious, it's just another part of your larger consciousness.
  10. @bambi What I have observed is we are always experiencing a reflection of our state of consciousness. That is what will determine what you experience in your next dream. So called karma is created by you.
  11. @Leo Gura Leo, what is your definition of conscious in this context? Everything is made of consciousness and has different types of awareness.
  12. Music, hiking, beaches, exercise, food, sex, uplifting conversation with highly conscious people. New Actualized videos about reality and consciousness. So many things, these are just a few.
  13. @Kalki Avatar This has been happening to me often for many years. I have an incredible dream life. I look forward to going to sleep excited for what adventures await me. I think there are many different things that occur during sleep but yes, I would say one of those is experiencing other realties.
  14. I have had several lucid dreams recently and used the opportunity to investigate the similarities and differences between sleeping and waking reality. All of my senses are the same or even enhanced. For example I have better vision. It's like everything is Hi Def. The laws of physics are often the same too, although sometimes I can fly or levitate objects. There are people, beaches, nature, cities, buildings, cars, food etc all the same as waking reality. Where things begin to fall apart and it becomes obvious it's all my own mind is when I interview someone and ask them a lot of probing questions. Their answers become incoherent or nonsensical and it becomes obvious they are not conscious in the same way I am. An interesting aspect of this is they are much more coherent and believable when I am asleep in the dream but not after I become lucid and examine them closely. Also, it's often very easy for me to manipulate them to do whatever I want. Sort of like a stage hypnotist. Also, the worlds are often not as stable and consistent as waking reality. My lucid dreams are very enjoyable, it's like the best virtual reality. But upon investigation I do realize it's all being created by my mind. An interesting side note is during OBE's I have had, the realties were just as stable and consistent as our waking earth reality. Conversations with people were exactly the same as conversations in our waking reality here. This leads to a couple speculations about waking reality. Waking reality is a consensus created shared dream with other conscious beings. When we interact with another, we are interacting with another consciousness, not a NPC. Perhaps there are consensus created realities and realities that are only our independent mind. Or it is still all being generated by our mind, but it's a much more sophisticatedly deigned game to fool us. Have any of you explored lucid dreaming? If so, what did you discover?
  15. @AMTO Trying experimenting with changing your state and see if it affects your environment.
  16. @AMTO That is an interesting phenomena. Once I become lucid and interview people I don't find them very intelligent and often they become nonsensical. I have brought back some great pieces of wisdom from dream characters but they were not from lucid dreams. Exploring and investigating dreams is so interesting.
  17. @AMTO You mean if you become lucid in your dream and try to tell people this is a dream they look at you like you are mental? I've haven't experienced that. When I become lucid I play along when talking with others like I don't know I am in a dream. Haven't had light switches not working but I have noticed writing being hard to read or letters and numbers changing. Not sure why that happens.
  18. @Leo Gura Thank you! I will reflect on this. So should I look at the war as just as aspect on an overall contrasting dream to awaken from, rather than the war being a specific catalyst for myself? I am not personally in a war. In my dream it is a distant sub plotline, not my personal experience. I guess I still don't quite understand why someone like myself who has such a passion to awaken would need a lot of contrasting drama to awaken. At times it almost seems counterproductive. I devote more time to awakening when life is calmer. Would it be accurate to view my experience of the world as my own personal dream?
  19. Another very interesting phenomena I have observed during lucid dreams is the state I am in has a direct affect on the environment and my interactions with people. I can dramatically alter the environment and my experiences interacting with others by deliberately shifting my emotions and state. I feel the higher mind is communicating something important with this. A similar thing is occurring in this reality too, but we don't make the connection because we don't see an immediate change in the environment the way we do in our sleeping dream realties.
  20. @Leo Gura Thank you! That is good to know. I wasn't aware of that. I usually eat them
  21. @Leo Gura So are these events for the sub minds of consciousness that make up humanity to awaken, or only for me to awaken? In some of your videos you talk about the collective consciousness of humanity, but in more recent awakenings you are saying it's only you or me. All others are only projections of my mind. If it's only me, then that would mean I imagined the war in the Ukraine to awaken myself. I'm not sure that would be a good catalyst for me. I'm much more likely to awaken from encountering a teacher like yourself than another war. Based on your insights that it's only me and all others are only projections of my mind, if I awakened I should theoretically be able to elevate all of humanity with my awakening. I would love for that to be true Leo, but it feels incredibly egoistical to think I have that much power and influence. I don't want to delude myself by thinking I could transform the entire world with only my awakening.
  22. @Sebiwert Thank you for sharing your experience!
  23. @Leo Gura Have you had any insights about our sleeping dreams during your awakenings? Do you feel the higher mind is imagining both our sleeping and waking realties? What if any distinctions or differences would you make between the two?
  24. @Leo Gura So you didn't become aware of any purpose behind these events that we don't see from a limited state?
  25. @Jordan Very interesting. Thank you for sharing Jordan. I haven't experimented with dry fasting yet. I will look into it more.