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Everything posted by Matthew85

  1. @RMQualtrough I like your ocean analogy. Thank you for sharing it. Have you worked with 5-Meo at all? A friend of mine has been exploring consciousness and reality using it and has reached some of the same insights Leo has. He has seen how he is constructing all the people in his life and that he is the only conscious being. This is a very strange phenomena. I hope more people will explore using 5-Meo with a partner or in group settings to help uncover the mystery of this. I've had a deep passion for understanding reality and consciousness since I was young, but don't want to fall into delusion, which can happen. For instance, believing I created and all the content there. Leo would say I did, but we could also say you did. And where does that leave Leo? What about all his years of research, thousands of hours of work and deep contemplation he put into creating his amazing insightful content? Do we just say that never happened? It gets very paradoxical. When Leo goes deep enough he sees how he is imagining all of us and and we can each reach this same awareness for one another. How many creators of are there? I am hesitant to accept that I am creating it until it's my direct experience.
  2. @Alta Fantastic report! Appreciate you sharing it.
  3. @Consilience What is your perspective on the realization that there aren't other beings? You are the only conscious being that exists? Have you reached this insight in any of your awakenings?
  4. @puporing Our persona may be an illusion but our conscious awareness isn't. What puzzles me is if I went deep enough you would only be a character I am imagining and I would be the same for you. But I am not just an NPC character. The Matthew persona may be a character, but the conscious awareness observing is real. So who is imagining who here? A friend of mine on 5-Meo, like Leo realized he was constructing his family and everyone in his life. Eventually he went so deep he was all alone. The only conscious being that exists. I'm encouraging him to do some 5-Meo trips with a partner to hopefully get some insights into this paradox. I suspect if they both break through they will realize they are both God constructing each other. That will be quite the mindfck. It could provide some interesting insights. Leo would say I am the only conscious being that exists. I created him,, this forum, etc. I feel hesitant to accept this as true. That would deny that Leo could be this amazing conscious being that worked hard creating all this fantastic insightful content. It may be the truth, I don't know. I just don't want to delude myself with false belief's. The only way I will find the answer is to awaken deeper.
  5. @puporing Have you had any insights that helped you understand the paradox of how each of us who goes deep enough can awaken to realize we are the only singular God?
  6. I have continued with my flotation tank meditations. They have been very deep with some profound insights. I recommend it. Added some mushrooms to my last one. Had an insight of the current moment and experience being all that existed. I found myself doubting it the next day though. This seems to be very common among trip reports I read. People awaken to very profound insights and then later doubt the validity of them. Personally I think I have a concern about adopting a false or deluded belief. I have seen how my mind can deceive me, so that also creates doubt. I don't trust my mind to always reveal truth. How do you deal with doubt about your insights that can often come later?
  7. @BlueOak Perhaps easier for some. Some would find it more challenging to hate. I feel a big part of it is related to your dominant state and habitual thought patterns. Your dominant state and habitual thought patterns have a momentum to them. It's always going to be easier for you to think and feel in the regular patterns you are accustomed to.
  8. @eTorro Are you saying since your awakening you don't feel the same sexual attraction or chemistry with your girlfriend anymore?
  9. @Leo Gura When you have time will you clarify what you meant here? You have taught in past episodes that the idea there are others who can awaken or we can help awaken is a deep illusion that many people and teachers fall into.
  10. @Leo Gura I would love if you would share more on this on the forum or future videos. It seems like we are all sovereign Gods projecting our own bubbles of reality that will cease to exist once we stop imagining them. We appear to be interacting with each other, but maybe that is just an illusion.
  11. @puporing Very true. We are masters at creating limitation. I am not interested in proving anything or convincing anyone of anything. I have seen and experienced enough to know we are capable of much more than most of us are demonstrating. We haven't even scratched the surface yet. I would recommend people not adopt limited belief's and opinion's of others and instead test it out for themselves with an open mind and see what happens.
  12. @Leo Gura Good point. What I'm trying to convey is there are endless degree's of limitation to explore after this human experience before you get to unlimited God mode. It's not only God mode or limited human. I have explored some of them during OBE's. I have to say the tremendous feeling of freedom and joy you feel from shedding this very dense physical body makes it very difficult to come back to this reality. I guess we want to experience a diverse spectrum of limitation. Leo during any of your awakenings did you ever get insight into why you created your specific life with it's unique challenges?
  13. This is a perspective I have heard many times. The question and argument I have is unlimited God mode and extreme limitation are not the only options available to an infinite mind. There are many degree's in between these two that could be explored.
  14. @puporing The way solipsism is often discussed on this forum I intuitively feel is incomplete. Perhaps it's the holographic nature of consciousness that leads people to the insight of I am the only thing that exists, but I feel it's more complex than this. I intuitively felt this again recently while meditating on a camping trip under the night sky gazing at the infinite universe. I just feel there is something more to be discovered. Just wanted to add that.
  15. @puporing No not being a hermit. I'm talking about the opposite of that. Unplugging from the all the digital interaction and getting out enjoying and living life. You do what works best for you. I just have observed in myself and others when we spend too much time plugged into electronic interaction it isn't good for our mental health.
  16. @puporing You're welcome! I highly recommend taking breaks from being plugged in. Often I will spend an entire day without my phone or the internet. I always feel better. Technology is wonderful but I don't think it's good for our mental health to be plugged in all the time.
  17. @puporing It might be good to take a break for awhile and just enjoy life. Explore your other interests and hobbies. Are you creative at all? If so, spend time on that. Often when we are interested in exploring consciousness it can become almost an obsession. We are too much in our heads thinking and analyzing. Try taking a break and get off the internet and forums. That always helps me.
  18. @Leo Gura What is your current perspective on waking reality being a collective dream of many sub minds? In your latest episode, which was excellent btw, you mentioned your legacy a couple times. In the past you have discussed that if one awakens deep enough or dies, this reality and everything in it will cease to exist. If that is true, isn't thinking about our legacy kind of pointless? Unless, it's a collective consensus reality that continues even if one sub mind awakens or "dies".
  19. @Grant6 Really enjoyed reading this Grant. Thank you for posting it!
  20. I am very intrigued in the amazing potential psychedelics can offer us in our work exploring consciousness and reality. But I would be interested to hear from my fellow psychonauts how you go about discerning the truth and validity of the insights and revelations you receive? I have seen examples of people gaining profound truths and others becoming very deluded. Obviously there are many factors that could contribute to either scenario.
  21. @SourceCodo Great question! My experience has shown me my mind can be deceptive. This presents challenges when trying to use mind to comprehend mind.
  22. @Carl-Richard What is the Chinese room experiment?
  23. @BenG True. I have often had profound insights on low doses of psychedelics where friends will have a fun trip but that's all. Great advice!
  24. @JuliusCaesar I love this. How many of us do this? I do really well with this one. I'm very open minded but also skeptical. I never blindly follow or believe. Important to develop critical independent thinking. Good advice! I agree. I lean more toward my own direct experience only because others are often deluded. Or offer a mix of truth with other distorted ideas. Thank you for sharing your method!
  25. @Leo Gura Perhaps we have different perspectives on this. Yes, others are me, but I don't agree they don't have awareness just as I Matthew have. In my normal limited state of Matthew I have blocked my ability to perceive this. But in expanded states you can become aware of the other fragments of your consciousness. Or using the tree example. The tree is me and has awareness. But in a limited state I won't be able to perceive that. Leo you yourself have written how in expanded states you can experience what sex feels like from your girlfriends or women's point of view. That shows you these aspects of your mind are conscious and are feeling as you are.