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Everything posted by mememe

  1. this is creating discrimination, within trauma. the reaction you impute into the traumatized female body are part of your inner mechanism justifying fantasies of rape rather than the actual trauma of rape. what makes you different than a perpetrator? you ask that? not anything, nothink makes you not/different from a perpetrator. you just try to outsource the underlying problematic to the victim.
  2. that’s not really true, the trick here is to create conscious processes with a mindful approach - even boring tasks can become fun if the process is adapted. the truth is if the process is very drudging even a result can be less pleasurable and feels just like a relief which can build up inner aversions. its probably a bit a question of what type a person is, process oriented vs goal oriented. its important to get into the task, which approach ever. maybe a combination is the best approach (with the wrong process your goal might not be achieved) its this path is the goal vs goal is the goal.
  3. if more people would have gotten vaccinated earlier and we would have supported countries where new strains develop because of population density with enough vaccines (as much as possible) it would have been a game changer. and it maybe even has, some people hope for it starting to get an endemic, which means it developing into a less harmful strain while the old variation thinns out. for a lot of people it had a bridging effect and saved a lot of lifes. people sometimes think pharma is like taking a pill and everything is better, or they completely condemn it and don’t take it - if you make pharma responsible in both cases, what should anybody say? it’s a button pusher mentality we are confronted with, in ourselves the same as the world surrounding us, while the world stays highly complex and gets more complex every day.
  4. @ElenaO hi sorry to write here again. i really want to help you both and i read again a bit. so the common selfhelp recommendations are: ruling out cow milk allergies and other allergies in the nutrition of the mother which are transported through the milk (you probably already tested on that) i‘d read about that more if i was you (what is supportive nutrition, like herbal teas etc) upright position of the child after food for extended period 30mins at least hasty drinking is not supportive so as less bottle feeding as possible (thats a tough one probably) and if bottle as less as possible air in the area of the bottlehead so the child does not swallow so much air on the philips website they have an article about baby reflux (i know but still) they recommended putting some rice cereal or milk thickener into the bottled milk and as its often happening in the night - it might help to get a special mattress for babies where the baby does not lie flat but more upright with support that‘s the basics i could find - i so hope you find a solution. there is also a book about reflux problems with babies.
  5. you know this is selfdeception with huge confirmation bias. i got covid before the vaccination it was not life threatening but enough that i didn’t want to get it a second time. you also have to consider that you probably got the omicron strain which is much more infective but often less severe than the delta for example. when was your last vaccination - if longer than six month you would be already up for a booster, because the protection fades a bit. so be happy you didn’t get it full dose, it would probably be much harder on you.
  6. super surprised, i did not know that in india they put in the marriage contract the woman has to be virgin if not the marriage is nullified. and how is this with product returns after testing? i mean for example cosmetics.
  7. @Bobby_2021 the situation is not as complex as you make it. women in your country seem to be further developed than males. just because mainstream males are having backwards perspectives and are stuck in a blue mindset does not make your perspective openminded. if virginity is more valuable than the person you like, you are an a*****! from not only a western perspective. like most guys around here you only listen to what you want to hear anyways. better let her be free. i really feel third party embarassed for her, regarding the way you talked furher up, talking about prefering a virgin, so she’s a cow on the market? you probably also slept with her. i’m just shocked about the level of selfdeception and scapegoat mentality towards women. i’d really hope you had more respect for yourself and trust in your choices, or maybe in the end it’s you betraying her with a virgin.
  8. @Knowledge Hoarder no it’s not a stupid generalization. people use their media devices in a totally unconscious way and the device industry and social media industry has reached a level of cigarette and sugar industry of the 50ies to 90ies in their level of denial.
  9. @Amannl3in if you go to business school, marketing is probably the closest you can get to designers. you could go there with the goal of creating a graphic design/matketing company, then gather enough designers so you can make some money but have also spare time to study more design on your own (or you found a school in your town where you can learn yourself). the thing is, ask yourself what is your goal with design? is it that you want to do it all by yourself? or is it enough to be part of the process? by the way it’s also not said that the business school you want to go to is specialized on marketing - might be you go there and don’t learn much about what you want to learn. you are confronted by the problem that art is not the same as art. very difficult decision. why would you take up a loan for business school and not for online graphic design?
  10. he’s the bull and the red flag - no wonder she’s asking for trust. @Bobby_2021 at this level of mistrust you will make yourself and her unhappy. psychotic obsessive stuff like that is the best material to fuck it up from your brain. what should she think when you are away for 4 month as a guy? chances are statistically higher, that you are not to trust.
  11. @ElenaO you can do much more wrong with the pharmaceutical than with the herbs. from what i read you could even mix in camomile tea in your breast milk in the bottle. some children are very sensitive. maybe you both are even a bit similar if he is very fussy, maybe really try to wrap him once like they do when pucking a child but less tight. i‘m not sure about it either. you also need to give him time to accomodate to stuff he is not used to at first - it’s just basic stuff i can read about, some children really like it when they feel all tucked, and i really don’t know if that works, i‘m not a mom. its just stuff i would try, it sounds so easy if still self confident doesn’t it i know how nerve wrecking it can get though. and he doesn’t give you much other options than trying everything that gives you a bit of rest. and ofc you only try what you want to try, i don’t want to give you extra stress. its supposed to be help, might be i’m overdoing it a bit. good luck you both
  12. @zunnyman would you become a muslim for her if that would give you the chance to be with her again? your question for me is very much related to your own experiences - the point of life is for so many people a different one and for some it changes in the course of a lifetime maybe even several times. some seek truth, some hedonism, some seek money, some seek freedom, and for many people love is one of the most seeked but also most challenged aspects of life. i sometimes am surprised that we live in the 21 century and still have all these rules that keep us from free choices - but even if you are that open minded and able to love without prejudice and find someone who is the same as you, it does not mean the whole world arrived with you in 21 century. you might need to time travel for that or change religion. if you really want to be with her - if that’s your point of life. i don’t know if her parents would accept you then or what your parents would say - but maybe you would gain freedom within another religion. regarding the point of life, i guess it’s life itself. so many people have realized that through experiencing suffering for a better future, but those who reach that future sometimes seem to miss that challenge.
  13. i don’t think it’s just a procrastination problem. they def go hand in hand at the beginning. usually people with media addiction have more than one medium they use but many have one which they favour, like in alkoholism. of course if you limit abstinence to the one medium they favour, they start to use another one as replacement or find ways to cheat. media addiction or internet addiction is often sth that happens in inattentive moments. its probably because in the beginning you start using it everytime you wait somewhere, in the bus, train, at the doctors, when you want to relax and ofc compensate. there are studies about media addiction or gaming addiction connected to dopamine response. its a legit substance abuse, just your dealer is your perception.
  14. all about love by bell hooks „the word love is most often defined as a noun, yet… we would all love better if we used it as a verb,“
  15. oh, is it only carrier or do you also have a sling? with a sling you can experiment more with different methods and head support. in asia they oftentimes don’t have carriages at all and only carriers and slings, so i suppose the babies get used to it after a while. the positive thing about it that he‘s upright which might help with the reflux. i lived with a friend and her baby for a while, and it’s all a lot of try and error stuff on a very sensible level, i know. every mom does it the first time and has no clue. especially because every baby is also very different - i don’t think you mess your child up, it sounds more like you are a bit insecure, and are very attentive, too, which makes you worry. but they cry and have problems no matter what, you can just find out how to soothe some of their issues, and for a lot of issues it’s good enough that you are there, at that moment you can’t do more than that. i read in this book that they sometimes apply herbal meds as a pack on the breast just before brestfeading, so the child gets something like a homeopathic dose of the meds, you could try camomile and fennel (the camomille could also soothe your other issues). they also recommend mothers to after foods chew on half a teaspoon of fennel, ajuwan, dill seeds and cumin seeds 10g each mixture against any stomach issues. unfortunately they didn’t say anything about reflux. don’t know if this helps, wish you good luck with finding the source for the reflux. you will find methods that fit you both over time - anyways how long do you know each other for ? you just met, and already most of your time is invested in learning to know each other, some starting difficulties are pretty normal, i guess.
  16. if there are three apples on a tree, one is eaten by a bird, one is eaten by a worm and one gets eaten by a deer after it fell to the ground. if you can calculate that, did you have a metaphysical breakthrough? if you are still hungry, could you say you solved anything?
  17. @peanutspathtotruth so i‘m not sure if its the colour, in that setting, i could bet its the font giving that feeling. generally i‘m surprised how well both fonts work together (logo). i must confess i don’t like them both. but in a weird way they fit together, so i‘m not sure if i would change it - except for the logo maybe, because you want that to be standing alone in some cases and its very eighties/nineties the other one is even nice for the headings but less for the body text, it’s a bit to difficult to read and the letters seem to jump. there are people who study that stuff to earn money with perfecting that, i would also probably let someone professional look into it even so i‘m from the same background, so like for a really good photograph, it makes a huge difference if you pay a bit for a nice font and typeface. i suppose you didn’t (as i said its astonishingly ok). so you can leave it like that - but it’s not perfect. i‘m happy its not comic sans and i like that you didn't take mainstream fonts, it has a warm and personal touch. it might seem harsh but its harsher for those who do that job professionally for a living (you might not count it into science but it is). edit: it might also seem less harsh if you consider that some people get a professional photographer for a tinder pic.
  18. because gestaltpsychology is part of perceptual psychology and if you confuse a salad with a fork maybe there would be an answer on how to change that back in perceptual psychology - maybe it’s reversible, at least s*he could explain what’s going on.
  19. and what if most people understand it to a point but not let themselves be hung up on it? do you have an answer for every question or a question for every question? get clean of your addictions, focus on survival - you already reached that point where it’s automatically getting difficult, it does not mean you have to lack on any other aspects of your life. you can live in a van and go to college or learn a more practical craft but you will have to work parttime probably without other income. you yourself already scream at yourself to wake up and get yourself together. in some sense you are in a better position than some people who are only metaphorically close to stage beige and not physically. your choices are already limited. you will not prove anything to anyone if you go on denying the existence of society. there is also the possibility to start to help others get out of addictions and develop a practical program to get real, but you need to get your shit together for stuff like that. if you are an enigma then use it wisely.
  20. @Loving Radiance hope you find back your senses. practical approaches are really good for any „matrix“ related issues. really, take something veg not meat from the kitchen, put it under a glas and wait until it stinks, then you cut it open and ask yourself, who would construct it that way for any reason? and why are two not the same? and don’t eat it. realize, you can’t eat a fork - even if there are probably eatable forks already. and your salad does not grow in the kitchen drawer. touch as many materials as possible. do as many practical works as you can. leave the house more often. no psychedelics for time being - and if the distortions go on, meet a psychologist/psychatrist who has experiences with psylicibin induced issues, maybe also with gestalt psychology.
  21. +sanity and maybe in a more spiritual sense, duality of any kind might cost you oneness.
  22. unfortunately in a lot of cases not. you just want to assemble it correctly. lol
  23. and what about the difference between functional/not surviving and unfunctional/surviving? did you also think about that?
  24. @ElenaO did you try all the relax stuff which is usually recommended for babies? like there is this baby floating tank where they get a intrauterine feeling it’s some kind of bucket. bathing in general would probably be relaxing before sleeping. babymassage is like heaven for all his muscles which constantly cramp if he’s crying a lot, he’s not trained yet to relax from his mind, so somato motoric/sensoric short circuits are much more relevant. massage is also nice for his inner organs and bloating. and overall skin contact is relaxing. he might cry in the beginning. how do you carry him around? did you try carrying him close to you for the whole day yet in a babycarrier? and the last thing is did you try to puc him? there are also loose puc sleeping bags which are not as tight - maybe it’s at least sth to try for the night. do you listen to music together, how are your rituals? do you dance? do baby sports? sing? supposing you use the journal mainly for stress release you might not talk about that stuff and you both probably have some fun inbetween. good luck you both, you probably are a really good mom, finding out about the bottles and stuff,you already solved so many problems.