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Everything posted by mememe

  1. ofc i have experienced situations like that - metaphorically speaking it’s what he does with the life purpose course. and i did psychedelics until i was 18. but yeah for you it might not be direct experience.
  2. no literally i saw people who got beaten and living on the streets because they couldn’t come down anymore. for a long time i thought it was a good alternative to other drugs, which is why i didn’t speak up against it, much more. but it’s not ok if more and more think it’s a way out of their personal melancholia/trauma/psychosis not having touched any drugs before in their life at all.
  3. @Nahm one of the reasons i got hooked by is because of the lax psychedelics policy. i know plenty of people who messed up their psyche with drugs - i know plenty who didn’t, only some can take them repeatedly while staying sane to a point. i doubt its the best choice for a forum who has a section about depression and psychological issues. there is one case of suicide connected to the forum where someone tried to heal himself using psychedelics instead of seeking psychological, psychatrical help. psychedelics further create confusion while some people need more clarity. its mainly for people who already had a stick up their a** and not exactly for creative people with already issues getting along with reality. if someone is already floating in space sober, you don’t tell them to let go of security lines, because then the experience would be so much more exciting. worst case scenario after letting go, flying away with the spaceship, because there are other exciting realities to explore. @FlyingLotus leo doesn’t teach much about psychedelics in the videos, it’s not the reason why people start writing in the forum. most do because they have some issues to deal with, or because they made the step to buy the life purpose course.
  4. @Neph you could strart with yoga and chakra work. go to a kundalini class. maybe you‘ll find a guru along the way. stay careful about who you then completely trust, a lot of teachers plus one you then maybe one day find, who you favor, is better than trusting one.
  5. you can’t compare what leo is doing with the most of these people mentioned. most of them have „an additional“ web presence. some of them probably have many more followers than leo has, with a much broader publicity. the dalai lama is an approved head of a traditional ethnical spiritual school which teaches since centuries, without him leo and you maybe wouldn’t even know how eastern spirituality can be practiced. maybe wouldn’t know what high energetic vibes are or how they feel.
  6. @Nahm especially the one with the lamas, lol. lamas spit.
  7. well he could take down some of the videos claiming stuff like enlightenment and omniscience. because clearly if he’s distant he’s just/still a man in the clouds with a beard.
  8. you don’t have to agree, with the op for his reality to be true. the same as other realities with worse outcomes.
  9. @FlyingLotus you might be flying but not a lotus - maybe teflon. namaste
  10. @FlyingLotus not the same, jackie chan does not teach spirituality, did not use nlp methods in his videos and did not have a hoard of followers drawing people into their own subconsciousness by making them question their beliefs and substitute with his/theirs. you know why people over and over say it‘s a cult - even if he countered it by talking about cults and warning from cults. a lot of people with these issues start out with experiencing solipsism, not all because they are drawn to it, some because they are curious. some of leos videos are manipulative. and he most certainly sometimes talks about stuff he didn’t master yet, or just started to learn himself. and then some months later abandoned from his repertoire. reason: it’s just not his‘s. if not backed by him the devaluation phenomenon soon sets in. this is blue/red even purple leadership, not turquoise. i mean ofc it’s educative, to what price?
  11. if anyone teaches truth the best method to find out what kind of truth it is, is to find out who’s truth it is. (well in some sense you‘ll most certainly find out over time) oneness sometimes seems to not concern truth, even though it does.
  12. yes, it’s important to have more open discourse about it. here a historical quote which describes it pretty good: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.“ pastor martin niemöller
  13. if she does or does not i really cannot say, but the holocaust was also about cinty and romans and about anarchists, socialists and communists, in fact also people who were involved with these groups. to make it a genocide alone is not fair for the minorities who died, too. not to speak of psychologically ill and disabled people.
  14. because racism has had a revival the recent years? and maybe because its not that one racism can be evalidated against another one, but still victmized ethnicities often stick to themselves with their fights against it because its also often treated ethnocentristic. i doubt she wanted to say one racism is less worse than another one. they were talking about how political correctness has become sth like a hurdle to communicate about the underlying problem, which she addressed as condition of men. i mean they were talking about the future of children who feel psychologically affected by the past of their grand- or grand-grandparents who probably got more traumatized by reality than a book would do. while in the 60ies 70ies 80ies people fought for equal rights, discussing these topics quite openly.
  15. @inFlow did you rest after the vaccination? whatever it is, you should go see a specialist, don’t do sports until that, because you probably would worsen the outcome, if you really have something going on like inflammation/myocarditis. absolutely do not do sports after vaxxination or during any kind of flue especially with a high fever, or if you already think there might be a myocarditis! myocarditis after respiratory illnesses is a sideffect of the heart being overly stressed, while the body needs rest. if you want your symptoms to be noticed you need medical prove and gather enough people with the same symptoms to demand further investigations. it’s one thing to claim, another to gather medical evidence. anti vaxxers don’t see how they make it much more difficult for evidence based/biased research. its a bit like the peter and the wolves syndrom.
  16. you might want to separate your own emotions from the ones of a kkk member, don’t you? also the gods chosen people part you mentioned earlier not namely was used throughout history in many cultures to justify suppression. (ofc there are a lot of jewish extraordinary people in history, the reason for it is maybe not genetically, but hypothetically because being outsiders of society they thought differently: religion, literacy, mathematics, networking and traveling + justice perspective. think about it) also how you line up how women have advantages before males with sex and dating in the two first mentioned words is biased, maybe they don’t value these before being taken seriously or allowed to be decisionmakers. its a bit reducing towards social skills and the drive of males towards them. no offence, think about it.
  17. mhhh - the topic of the show at that moment was on childrens books and how political correctness now goes as far as hiding historical truths because of sensitivities. its kind of a weird principle. i‘m pro political correctness but if it leads to the point of almost codependent silencing of the past, taking out books from school programs so children don’t have to deal with harsh history, it seems to me counterproductive, too. the phenomenon will not go away because no one talks about it, it might be much more happening in silence. political correctness should not stand against a healthy political discourse, in which a well meant comment gets interpreted as problematic. there is also the truth to it that what happened in europe happened in europe, what happened in the usa happened in the usa. for a lot of afro american descendants racial discrimination in reality is very much tied to skin colour and this until the 50ies, 60ies segregationaly, while jewish people were accepted as whites. so the comment about whites among whites might be a bias because european racism is not directly us-american history. i also don’t think she overemphasized on this.
  18. well in the middle ages they were not allowed to do jobs christians were doing and so they did „dirty“ jobs no one wanted to do - which made some of them rich. they found a niche, it was not that they were stealing jobs it was really that they weren’t doing so bad. jellousy probably. why does a „second class“ human do better than a „first class human“? but there were enough poor and middle class jews, it’s biased. its a projection, the same as the stealing jobs myth.
  19. @Yali because of jesus you know. don’t ask why people need a reason to hate each other.
  20. its because many jews are european, or at least, too. its difficult because it’s not only about genetic material but also about religion sometimes historically. when i was on bienale some years ago the israeli pavilion had a theme of injustice in israel, one of the topics were discrimination between european jews and african jews for example. people in europe at that time were preoccupied with a phenotype. as if all germans were blond - but nazis still claimed on that.
  21. it would be probably a really good opportunity to watch the movie „the colour purple“, i love whoopi as a comedian but i also love her in this drama/tragedy. all these discriminatory fights - we don’t only bring these upon others, but also upon ourselfs - what is the difference between religious discrimination and race discrimination and political didcrimination and domestic discrimination? for the victim, what’s the difference? is one victim more entitled to justice than another one? or maybe it’s the only setting where it’s possible to talk about it openly if we are entitled? by what? genetics? and what does that make us? don‘t get me wrong there is still a choice.
  22. @OBEler in some sense yes it’s true healing trauma is about confrontation,too. but like in phobia therapy, usually the exposure to fears is slowly and never without guidance. its a step by step process with exposure + talking therapy. chances are that without a therapist she is going through the same emotions of helplessness and loneliness as the moment she got traumatized are relatively high, which could also make it worse (panic attacks are somatic level already) a therapist would show her ways of coaping she maybe can’t resource from her own repertoire.
  23. @OBEler yes but confrontation is like poison, it’s only an antidote if it is survived and better in small doses. don’t know, ask her how long she thinks she can stand it like that - if she really doesnt want to get out of the situation. might be that she also feels safe at her home. therapy would be recommendable as soon as possible.