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Everything posted by mememe

  1. traumas often are connected to acute traumatic events - people change, stuff happens, prevention is difficult if a parent doesn’t want to be neurotic or even comes from a home or cultural past which was maybe rougher than what we live through today, but in sense of morals and technology also different. probably with a really good support, it might be easier for parents today to resolve traumas, as information and discourse about psychology is much more available than it was during the last centuries. i think much more people are emotionally receptive/sensitive to parenting demands today than they were in the last centuries. but yeah its probably possible to not traumatize a child depending on the circumstances, although a preventive divorce can also be traumatizing for example, if one partner is abusive in tendencies. so its really really difficult to give a straight forward yes (to a childhood utopia, whilst talking about shadow dynamics).
  2. @Arcangelo congratulations! dr ramani durvasula is also a really reall really good coach on narcissism and narcissistic family dynamics. if you need some follow up work. and thanks for the recommendations!
  3. would be much better to send parents to school. or do sth like obligatory parental therapy but it‘s not always the parent who traumatizes children (so many examples war, peer group, church, other family and family friends, death or illnesses of loved ones, neglect) and there are traumatized children of „well“ educated parents as well. so difficult to generalize that. although how nice would it be to send parents to school or therapy instead of children?
  4. what if the colours are a bit of a legend for spiral synesthesia for people who can read their code? it does not have to stick to the theory if its very plausible that there are almost no prime colours in nature. there is also no guarantee for personal development to always just go up the spiral - that‘s why it is a dynamics, in an orange society you will probably have all other colours backdropping into orange from time to time.
  5. yes, ok if you want to stick very bluish to the graves model while ignoring that people have either tendencies to be more self centered vs being a bit more group oriented in their inborn personality, or more choleric vs sanguinic you could say there is no such thing as a personality type at all, so why giving them colours in the first place? so partially it is true, there is no such thing as a fixed colour setting, but when people arrive on earth through birth, they have already a preset condition which allows them to settle better in one or another colour and without the attempt to learn they would probably settle in one colour without ever developing towards another stage. healthy stage development during childhood is supported by ontogenetic/phylogenetic programs and educative stage development. a grown up personality has a predeveloped set of colours. why would anyone recommend to selfactualize in stages if it was not like that? even your family members leave an imprint of their colour setting in your memory and partially in your behavior.
  6. no, yellow has characteristics. there are def differences in personal development and personality typical tendency either towards the yellowish red colour spectrum or the turquoisish green colour spectrum and also leadership types in these aspects. if you were understanding what i‘m talking about you would be probably in yellow, at least mindset wise. the colors are not only mindsets they are systems thinking/interactive abilities, too. or do you think there are no red personality types? i was not saying that it‘s impossible to evolve from a blue/orange type towards more green and maybe step into visionary success oriented yellow (with the ability to integrate green thinking). but you know even understanding the spiral is relative at least to phenomenological observations. it also does not mean that yellowish people feel really good in orange jobs, they either change the job or they move towards other opportunities.
  7. a job with a network of people who have a mindset towards success, although success is more complex than monetary success in a yellow job it’s a solution/success. values in a job like that are often about integrity, yellow jobs are leaning towards making more conscious visions for the future happen changing ways of businesses which are stuck in old mindsets. that at least for the moment in development we are in. truly yellow are probably people who build businesses with different hierarchical structures who care more about their employees or tending towards building no profit organizations experimenting on the democratic aspects of business development with a perspective also towards the position of decisionmaker and individual capacities. i think some of these jobs seem more orange because we are still living in a more orange world. a job (at least in a leading position) like that also can‘t be filled by an orange personality. it lives through a yellow personality. i also think some of these jobs might seem green depending on what the business content/value is. yellow jobs are virtuous cycle jobs.
  8. @Nahm even though it`s just about autumn nahm, no leaves nahm no leaves. it`s almost autumn though, no leaves even though they might be yellow and read and crisp. edit: ok sorry the crisp thing sounds weird in this context. but what exactly is it really about - how is it that this guy is not able to relax and enjoy - what is really going on in his head, why is his head going on in the first place? supposing it`s maybe really an responsibility issue, maybe basic fear management? it`s def calling for therapy @Vzdoh or some deep relaxation practice, reconnection with the universe stuff - the direction is a matter of taste but he´s def lacking in universal trust. maybe floating tank experience could help. basic trust building like massage and foreplay stuff might also help.
  9. try to get out of self observation mode. the problem with social anxiety is focus on self. instead focus on other, be other. try to find out how that feels at least. might help.
  10. yellow and orange are in some sense a bit similar, in sense of economics they are both very pragmatically oriented towards success. that`s why i tend to compare both a lot because also yellow and orange differ so much of each other in sense of understanding how a business should work. if you understand that you might at least be in green i always think fully stepping into yellow means a yellow job. still difficult if you have a tendency leaning to the more bluish/green/purplish side (experience mode).
  11. @asifarahim thank you - it`s a really good explanation. for me it helps me to realize once again how ego is such a huge model, even in development, a theory which can not really be separated from somatic conditionings. it´s funny how he explains scientific behavior with the same underlying mechanism he explains addiction with. it leads towards systems thinking. the problem though with researching addiction in an introspective manner, what he asks of psychologists/medical practitioners would mean to get an addiction first, which would be counterintuitive, if we wouldn`t already have many. although one addiction/ego is not comparable to the next. i guess that`s why self actualization often leads towards awareness of some sort of suffering. it´s often a misconception about what part of selfdevelopment to really focus on.
  12. i still think in sense of seriousness written language is more tangible and informative, especially if information gets processed and broken down into other media formats and set into new contexts afterwards. you could not put so much information into spoken language as it would probably sound very complicated, also in sense of practicality, for many topics i usually prefer books before movies and guess a lot of people do. if you talk about documentary formats it would def be much more time intense than gathering information - so yes, documentaries are probably nice. mixed media can be sensemaking
  13. no just perfect, if it reaches the people who would actually appreciate not less - its better this way, informing those who are interested. it is neither disturbing nor clickbaiting too much. maybe its arrogant but for those it is not made it is not made.
  14. you are welcome, you bought the book, so its yours. you can do what you want with the title. don‘t get pissed about it - it‘s you who made the thread wasn‘t it. you could be more reflective, maybe need a thread about anger? i get it some artists can be really angry, there are ways to do angry art, maybe not get offended by critiques about the art factor of art is a good start into doing art. i‘m out if you don‘t need feedback anymore.
  15. yeah but it was not a journal - it`s book passages. that`s the only critique. a journal here is still not private and this one is a clickbait. there were much more situations on here in the forum where people violated really intimate entries. this is a joke - i`ll not further comment in here and respect the privacy.
  16. yes that`s why i`m saying - i read the book, too. the title is a clickbait. i think it`s dickish to copy paste parts of a book here and not say it`s out of a book. sorry but that`s how i felt. if she really works with that book she`d understand. i also said she can do what she wants. if she copy pastes stuff here i think the title is misleading though. if she uses a book title and copy pastes passages from the book i think it`s ok to be critical about it, it`s to expect, it shouldn`t be taken personally if there is critique about it. in the beginning i thought she`d do assignments of the book here, which would mean doing artistic intimate journaling here - which i tried to tell her is a mistake for an artist to do - some stuff we can`t reverse - but it`s not even that.
  17. HSP doesn`t scale there i guess.
  18. it is misleading that‘s all, how is this about an artists way? it’s not, it‘s a trap. especially if people have read the book - the title is a clickbait. you could just recommend the book in the conscious resources section and not get specific about the content of the book by copy pasting. or you could post some of leo’s book list into the conscious resources section and do the same you are doing in the journal. so yeah maybe good intention for yourself? so people see how much of a trap this is?
  19. so you probably had an experience where you liked someone very much and got into a situation maybe once maybe more than once where the focus of winning in a hierarchical sense of competing was so much in the focus, that the person you loved started to deny the way you loved. now you are conditioned towards rather loosing than loosing. it‘s a loose/win situation. ignoring the sensitivity towards emotions of others would make it a loose/loose. it‘s perfectly fine to develope that sensitivity into a high skill of balancing relationships towards positive interactions. competing in social context is most of the time a loose/loose because of shadow sides. try not focusing on competition but team building in a team you can work towards, winning together not against anything but for your causes in that way if you win every time you really win for yourself. also try to figure out what competition in general means to you, why you do it in the first place and for whom. maybe you need to find some areas in your life, where it is ok to compete and win and others where it‘s better to loose. (a competition about who looses best is not really a vavorable outcome in all cases)
  20. @Alysssa so you mean more in sense of contemplative-systematic as in systematic techniques or systems-thinking as a dynamic technique?
  21. yes - that’s why i was saying that about having respect and so on. do what you want. you could change the title, it‘s a bit misleading.
  22. just imagine how 15 years of yoga will enhance your trip. (by the way just quoting, not talking to the author).
  23. this is sooooooo much more dutch than german
  24. haha - but „das“ is neutral and „die“ is feminine
  25. hahahahahahahaha - so if you are vegan you need to be anti abortion because it is not about the living but the theory of life.