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Everything posted by mememe

  1. in some sense it is trying to schedule priorities in variables of importance and urgency. but sometimes it’s lacking in flexibility, too. the time frame aspect in urgence, can get lost over individual importance aspects. what is important for one person might be irrelevant for urgency of individually-not-important but generally-important issues. a lot of creatives are already good in blisscipline. intellectual importance and emotional importance are def different types of importance on a subconscious dimension of personslity, in a non rational sense.
  2. @r0ckyreed procrastination in a sense is also creative potential. it’s also one of my long loved concepts. although there is ofc still a dissonance between dissipline, blisscipline (you name it) and procrastination. the closest modell which explains the problematic at hand is the eisenhower model/mattix - although i‘m not completely content with the model yet. what about the reasons for procrastination - why exactly are we able to blisscipline ourselves while not dissipline ourselves more regarding models like the eisenhower model. procrastination is after all an avoidance strategy - blissiplination for me would entail a strategy to love what you where running from in the first place, as avoidance behavior blissipline already has a name: procrastination (the negative connotation has an emphasis on an unsolved problem which will come back at you eventually)
  3. @iboughtleosbooklist if dependent origination is empty for you - it is because you originate that in perceived independence of other factors. it is ok to seek external help! it is ok to let some preconceptions go. do you have a therapist you can trust?
  4. @wellbranding if you got it from the vaccine you might also would have gotten it from an infection - maybe even worse. it also appears as side effect. but ofc it’s a harsh draw back you are facing - it would be nice if pharmaceutical medicine would have more speciffics on dose overdose or contraindications regarding age/gender risk factors. if stuff like that happens to oneself it’s totally normal to get mad. but it does not help you a bit with getting rid of your problem. first of all its important to talk about risks regarding the vaccination, too. in advance if possible. so you say you knew about the risks but didn’t take them seriously enough? different vaccines, different risks. one dose fits all, might also not be it entirely. some choice is preferable. after all in current medicine it’s still very important to do your research and know yourself. although unfortunately this sometimes leads to mistrusting medicine while not mistrusting yourself. or like in your case mistrusting yourself while trusting (a bit blindly) in pharma medicine despite your own predisposition. now that you are already at that point, would be probably serve you more to look into alternative medicine to get you out of this, maybe a combination of classic meds and herbal and somatic/psychosomatic cure/treatments. in my opinion to put in your energy into a self feeding circle of mistrust accusations and bitterness will not serve you much. you are probably not the only one, so it might be better to put your energy into case specifficity and prevention for others but at the same time into finding out what can heal yourself, taking all medicine into account also alternative med. i‘d research accupuncture and chinese meds in general and several kind of heart tonics, too. also inflammation reduced foods (try vegan) and might be meditation could help you, stuff where you can learn to influence your heartrate, probably positive emotions are important (no application of more stress, you need to calm down for your hearts sake) i‘d also look into yoga if there is practices to calm the nervous system or heart. in the end no one takes responsibility for your body but your body alone - in both scenarios either covid or vaccination are hidden risks. at this point we know that everyone who did not have it yet without vax will probably get it sooner or later. usually if a vaccination is needed in the first place the medical situation is already desperate, same goes for alternative meds.
  5. by this conversation, just tell her to eat her dammn sushi alone at home. i mean if she can enjoy to eat it alone. i‘m going to make myself some coffee now, because that’s the most random date with my self i usually have. insert picart face palm.
  6. @Harikrishnan again you point towards a really small branch of buddhism. to say buddhists are not god realized is the same as saying christians, hindus, muslims, jews and ofc all other religions and all pseudo religions in sense of isms are not god realized - in short: no one is. ofc. let’s not make an excuse, a lot of religions are used to justify racism/naziism/chauvinism/mysogenism and all kinds of other discrimination, force and war - to talk about god realization. does it make a difference if the religion in itself is not promoting force to make someone using force against another being god realized or not? i‘d go even further and ask: what is god realization? no religion really seems to find an answer for it which is exactly the same as another religion, hence the question about „what is god realization?“ seems to be still and quiet overlooked by the most religions.
  7. what about hindus? i noticed hindus and buddhists have a strange kind of competition, in some sense a lot of similar values but too much shared karma to accept each other as religions of the same branch/twig. its a bit like with testamentaric religions the closer they are the more they seem to differ. you mean it’s difficult to be god realized in stage blue? in india is mainly theravadic buddhism?even buddhism has different branches - how can god realization be generalized?
  8. @Leo Gura will you tell us about your time in asia? and how many buddhists you have met? it sounds like you have spent a lot of time in buddhist monasteries and probably with different kind of buddhist teachers of several countries. i mean you must have met a certain population to get a significant proove for your claim.
  9. how do you know? you need to be god realized to even know what god realization truely is. it’s pretty arrogant to claim that. just because people are proclaimed as teachers does not make them teachers - if someone isn’t „god“ realized how can you call them teachers in the first place? it does not make much sense to say someone is teaching you nothing. or does it?
  10. did not read the book - although the title is one of these word recreations which seem to infuse creativity. rather than reading that book you might need to learn/go surfing. i‘d much more start feeling the vibe and then dive into the book instead of just reading it. only then (in my immagination) would you already start reality transsurfing experiential before concept.
  11. can you please also rewatch the matrix until the point where you hit yourself?
  12. did anybody even watch that movie? how can you even discuss about it if the storyline seems to be missing some of the essentials. who exactly beats up whom? it’s a bit annoying, if even the basics are twisted.
  13. it is because disidentification is a tool to trick oneself the same as identification is. you could also say if your buddhism is weaker than buddhism ofc you would disidentify. people usually disidentify because of shaddow aspects of their integrity. identification is an inclusive consciousness state, open for learning while disidentification is a ex-clusive contracted self pervasive consciousness state.
  14. could you just ask yourself for whom it is more important to live with a better version of yourself? for yourself or for your friend/partner/family? the answer you get out of this shows you your neglected shadow aspects. if not able to see the use in being more sociable, the pointers are def inverted.
  15. unfortunately the darwin award is kind of a brand and never goes to survivors - but maybe they are open for other subcategories. sth like the darwin award in the category mating goes to… or the darwin award in the category species goes to… or the darwin award in the category selfishness goes to… there are other options like some of the main concepts of (your) leos content like self bias, ignorance and so on, which would also make good award titles, like the self-bias award or the ignorance award and so on. ofc there is a colour concept for selfactualization in sense of selfactualizing into a person others would like vs a person oneself would like. the synthesis is probably if self actualizing into a person oneself can’t stand anymore, its def also not for others.
  16. a lot of body blockages are selfinduced most of them stressinduced and mindinduced.
  17. you mean, not to hide wisdom but to rewrite wisdom or sometimes hide it irretrievable? to claim this is almost as controversial as your avatar.
  18. without much -version involved, despite the intro i hope the extro will get less stupid than the inbetween. how is this bound to introversion or extroversion? in a pretty dualistic world intro and exroverted is probably represented in a multidimensional spectrum of lesser and higher version. wherever you put your mark, if it does not still feel like a challenge it probably is more on the less intelligent side of life.
  19. mh, yes, might be she can’t be different. if you understand that, it might be that you can relax a bit more around her and also then really not put too much effort into fixing the relationship, rather try to keep it and find also more friends, so you don’t get into a feeling of disappointment with her again. the only part which is not nice is that she was so direct, at least it sounds a bit cruel out of the context. (i‘m maybe too fast to see a bit of narcissism in that, its out of context and was probably not deliberately to hurt you but as an explanation) wish you good luck with finding more friends and deciding on how you want to proceed.
  20. @Ramzi08 maybe it could work if you would invite her to sth extraordinary, so you both can have an interesting experience. it doesn’t have to be expensive, on the contrary an exceptional experience can be simple and nice, an experience she just never had access to, sth you both would have fun to do. i don’t know if asking her to put effort would be the right direction, sounds too much of a contract. and also if you want to regain excitement for spending time with you, a bit of the magic of everything smooth and easy going, more flow less scarcity mindset might be fun. just show her you are still an interesting person, then she might overthink. but also try to accept that you also need other sources of mutual understanding to not be dependent on her resources (because it seems to be part of her personality she can’t change, maybe at the moment). so maybe invite her to do sth fun and then tell her that for you the friendship is important. you could also tell her, that you maybe need to leave the other person more space but you can also reinvent and therefore it doesn’t have to get boring. def you need also to let her go a bit so she does not feel pressured. so accepting the wish for more freedom, but drawing her attention with still interesting and fun time together. and then after a while you can also talk about emotional contract stuff, she seems to not assign to. if you do this there might be still a chance she only is able to have superficial short time friendships or you both did not connect that intensely and she might go for other adventures.
  21. its pretty much the same with most relationships - you have all these phases which either make you connect or disconnect - ofc there is the biggest paradox, if you really want to keep a relationship without effort, won’t work. it’s this part where emotional anorexia does not work, either you split, or go casual maintainence, or put in extra effort to keep the spark alive. in general „no effort“ strategies are superficial - even the guys who say they don’t put in effort, put their effort into either their looks or other areas of attractive general interest within their own personality. so if you want to maintain friendship or (sexual) attraction within any relationship you could also put in effort to keep it alive. but what is much more important is how do you both connect? if its superficial connection, no effort can hold it together while if it is deep connection a lot of shit can happen while you still are friends/in love. i‘m not denying that in the beginning phase (even for friendships) some pua techniques might be helpful and these emotional withdrawal games trigger especially people who‘s closest relationships are somewhat difficult family members. but if people want to overcome toxic relationship conditioning, emotional scarcity is just not the complete show.
  22. sounds like she might be interested in new experiences and a bit addicted towards meeting new people intensely. seems a bit like a one on one communication personality to me. it might be difficult for her to divert her attention. aaand i‘m not sure if these types of communications are not also are having some seductive elements. in a tantric sense i‘d say it can sparcle and crackle in different ways between people - it seems like classic tantric philosophy includes all kinds of gender and age regardless and is much less sexualized than gender paradigms want us make believe. so it sounds to me, even though you say its just friendship it might at least hurt in the same gender hirarchy department, or not? maybe you need to meet in groups more often, could resolve the issue.
  23. @Ramzi08 people have different binding strategies/behaviors. i noticed that a lot. not everyone build intense longterm friendships. did she not explain what was the reason for disinterest in talking with you? maybe she is occupied with new friends she will eventually skip for other friends. usually longterm friendships never stay really intense, if there is no basic trust you can always build upon without hesitation, its difficult - the only thing that sounds weird is that she told you she doesn’t want the friendship anymore. sounds like only a part of a story, not all of it. did she give any explanations? maybe it was just a bit too intense and you need to get more casual. you need to know for yourself if its toxic or not.
  24. wha, some decent style advise in there.