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Everything posted by James12345

  1. Instead of thinking and criticizing the situation why dont you just go and sit? Thinking can never help you. As you said, these are the dreams not the truth. Islam, christianity, buddhism vsvs all religions have the same purpose, which is the realizing of what the truth is. I don’t recommend you being stuck in religion, just used the method that dropes the “I”, the key is letting go and surrendering. And i can give you many good quotes from Imam Ali, but do not be stuck in the words, you cant read the path, you have to walk. Start with long sitting meditation. Whatever you think that is your reality, and if you dont think thats what The Real you or Truth is. There is no one here to look down. Why dont you just be witness of the thoughts, instead of thinking as the thoughts comes from “I”? Give it some space.
  2. He is. @lmfao you should listen @Nahm he wıll be very helpfull.
  3. How many babies get raped in front of you, Or the thoughts of that make you suffer? This is could be a depression. This needs hard work long sittings and being witness of so called mind. Talks is not even close to be enough. Whatever the mind says do the opposite. The biggest enemy is yourself. Imam Ali
  4. @lmfao this is actually very important topic for people, who suffer from mental disorders and possession vsvs. Enlightenment is literally end of all those suffering. Because the voice in your mind is not real as your voice. Of course enlightenment is end of identification including “yourself” however it is end of suffering at the same time. Having a self and being suffering is 10000000 times worst than being empty or no self, which is not identification with thoughts. If you dont get idenfy with thoughts, they will slowly decrease day by day, than you realize even if that voice in your head talks you cant here it, because “you” who suffers and be identify with those thoughts believing as you, wont be there anymore. Follow the path of enlightenment, it will be so much suffering in the path, but when it is done, no more suffering.
  5. Sure. Just and advice. Step back, watch it, who is attacking who, is the real problem is getting attack or being attached and identified yourself to the thoughts, feelings, emotions?
  6. if you surrender the thing who is trying to save his/her ass, the devil will be surrendered too. Ego is too smart, it tries to defend itself from itself, making in believe it is attacking my evil, meanwhile it is evil itself.
  7. Calling nothing a something ??‍♂️Because of the thoughts, thats why psychedelics dont work for enlightenment.
  8. Lol. You will see soon. Don’t worry. Just surrender. Peace
  9. Because, there is no such a thing as pyhsic nor you have a body. All thoughts not even, there is nothing there. I have never born, not even moved always same as You are. Just told you in easy way, if i told you that now you are actually being now, not even dreaming, there is no such a thing as human, world birth, death vsvs, will you get it?
  10. Lets say this in a easy way. Before your birth or during your sleep thats what real you is. Just being. When you die, it will be the same way, you wont even remember who you are and what you are. Just surrender. Real you is always there. Nothing can happen to You, because You are it. You will just give what you borrow, which will be death for you. Thats it. You wont even remember yourself, as sleep and as how your birth was. Lol.
  11. The real question is what is death? If you assume that you are the body, so when it so called dies, body is still here, so where are you? ?what are you? these are just attachments with thoughts, i have body, i am in the universe, i have born, going to die vsvs. If you say oh my heart will stop working, or my mind will stop, how many times did you help your heart or mind to work? ?
  12. Just don’t think whatever left is what You are thats it. Not the experiencing, but Realization of absolute is enlightenment. Even if self stays for little while it can not stay for too long against Absolute. Because when You realize there is no such a thing as thought, it doesn’t appear as regular human. But just warning you, in enlightenment there is no love there, dont have expectation. It is just you, nothing much or less? enlightenment has nothing to do with good human or bad human. It is all perspective. For instance i can push you to fell but when you fell maybe i save 1 ant that you were about to step over. It is not death, because birth has never happened. That’s enlightenment.
  13. No. Infinite comes with learning and experiencing. Enlightenment has nothing to do with learning or experiencing. When you be you cant even say I, forget about i am infinite, anything you named and labeled comes from the mind.
  14. If there is no mind, how do you know what is infinite? Definitely. Because what you described here is a personal opinion, as the pictures. And whatever feels best for you just follow that, it really doesn’t really matter, you are already what you are. Whatever i am saying just the truth thats it. It seems like trying to say i am more enlightened than you, no definitely not. But the expectations of ego comes with the perspective of the expecter. If ego doesn’t hear that whatever it doesn’t believe in it, it can not accept it. Meanwhile, enlightenment has nothing to do with thinking or expecting or personal opinion. Just absolute truth thats it and it is you.
  15. Of course , in these pictures so called enlightened people seems like , i am enlightened and returned to society and talking to people now. But for me , there is no me nor universe nor these are sentences. These pictures represents the “acting”, “behaviors”, “external looks” from the side of naming and labeling, which is the interpretation of so called enlightened people. But not the enlightened mind, which is no such a thing as mind nor me nor universe.
  16. Mind can not comprehend that this is not life. This is before birth. You have never moved nor began.
  17. Enlightenment will never happen with psychedelics, because it has nothing to do with experiencing, perception, feeling vsvs.
  18. ??‍♂️There is no such a thing as thought. Definitely. And realize that thinker was never existed or not existed. Because being exist and not exist has never happened. No. Because, when realization happens that there is no such a thing as thought, so called life and before birth gets mixed. I (what is an I?) Really have no idea what is this, I, conversation, even having no ideas, language, world, birth as before so called life. You can call it living in before so called birth, but it is not even living. It is not knowing, including the word of not knowing. No words for it, because there is no such a thing as word. There is no differences between sleep and being awake, life and death. Before birth or birth. All same. Now is mixed with before so called birth and after death. All same. Nothing will be changed, because it is all there is. Which is just being.
  19. ☺️The thing is how do you know these are words or we are understanding each other? If we called these as words that means is the thinker created words with naming and labeling as itself, which is thinker, which is duality. So if we say these are words, that comes from thinking which is duality. Including naming and labeling the “thinking”. Yes. You are right. Anything comes with learning. Birth, death, universe, enlightenment, experience, perception, thinking, talking whatever you call it.
  20. But unfortunately there is no such a thing as thinking ☺️☺️ Thats what the illusion is?
  21. @WelcometoReality stop thinking, after that what is left is what I am and What You are.
  22. You are already what you are. How can you hold it, You are already being You.